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Everything posted by LordCorwin

  1. I had the same problem once, and as said, OKTO2 has no reaction wheel. Either you use a different one or add a reaction wheel.
  2. To me, low altitude circular orbits are a good idea if you are going to land using aerodrag and you're not sure that any part will explode. The low altitude circular orbit is the one with least energy, so less chances of getting burnt.
  3. Imagine you have a car that weights 1000Kg and a engine of 100HorsePower. You put 50l of gasoline and you can travel 500 kilometers, ok? Now you change this car for a different one that weights 2000Kg has an engine of 200HP and brings 100 litres. In this conditions, you also will travel 500 kilometers. You are maintaining the same ratio of mass / engine power / engine efficiency / fuel. The situation won't change. That's because you're merging the 2 ships in paralel. Try to put 1 after the other, as a wagon. The idea is to ignite first one, then the other. You won't travel 500 + 500 km, but may be 200 km + 500 km. I know that the simile is crude, but may be it will help you to understand the situation.
  4. Wow! That's new to me. I suppose it doesn't appear in the KSP tracking radar, right?
  5. So my Laythe mission has started. The idea is to accomplish 4 objectives at the same time (orbit, science, explore and flag). Probably the heaviest rocket I've ever built. Even using lots of struts I had many problems to put it on orbit.
  6. And I suppose you're not talking about Kerbol, right? Just kidding. I would be fantastic to see a snapshot next time it happens!
  7. This is the module Jebediah will use to land on Laythe, take scientific samples and return to Laythe low orbit. It has aerobraking capability plus 8 XL parachutes that I think will reduce speed up to 9.5 m/s. I also will serve to land on Kerbin. I thought to perform 2 different modules, one to land on Laythe, the other to land on Kerbin, but the deltav saving was too low. May be I'll add some extra batteries, I think I'm short of electrical capability.
  8. Wow, never thought to compare model rocketry and KSP, but here it goes from my point of view. In both cases the feeling when achieving a goal is simply superb. I remember the first model rocket I did. it was a C class (10 N·s), quite small, but the feeling was... just incredible. I was 12 years old and I felt like Superman! In KSP I've been playing close to a thousand hours. I remember first time I landed on the Mun and came back safe to Kerbin. I danced all around the table while thinking the "Space will never be the same" motto. So I guess yeah, feelings when playing KSP vs making model rockets are similar. To me the big difference between Model rocketry and KSP is how I pursuit a project. In model rocketry once I have built my rocket, the only I can do once built is fly it as much as possible. I don't do many changes, only repairments if necessary. With KSP I enjoy planning and testing my rockets, trying to squeeze and minimize the resources. Sometimes I spend more time refining my model than actually flying. But each time I accomplish a mission you could see a happy face. For sure I enjoy both! Lord
  9. arrghhh.... I could have thought about that when I moved one D asteroid from Kerbin to Ike. It was a total pain!
  10. Duna drawbacks: In orbit you'll need bigger solar panels as the Sun radiation is minor. When landing, you'll need more thrust and more parachutes, as the atmosphere is sparse. Duna advantages: Lift off is a hell more easier Reaching and orbiting the satellite is also more easier. So I guess it all depends of what you want to do: just orbiting, landing, or making a manned mission and come back to Kerbin. Edit: it seems that more or less people think in the same way! Lord
  11. This night I dreamt that I should adjust better my grappling hook to the asteroid center of gravity. Otherwise I would start spinning. Does it qualify for madness??
  12. Wow, finally at last. I achieved to grapple a D asterorid passing close to Kerbin a move it to Ike orbit. I called it Belenos. 630 Metric Tons and two weeks trying this! Lord
  13. I'm not sure if this has been proposed, but I haven't found it. Probes can control not manned ships, but they must be programmed beforehand or... Send instructions in real-time. But the signal takes time to reach the probe. So be careful how you approach outer planets and the timing of your instructions. To start with, these instructions could be quite generic. I think this opens a different way of playing this game. LordCorwin
  14. I'm pushing today a D class Asteroid from Kerbit orbit to Ike orbit, and I never imagined it would be so difficult, expensive and time consuming!
  15. I've tried other stuff, but right now I don't see how to beat the NikkyD record!
  16. Hello, Here you have my new Rid_15 rocket. Mass = 4329, Cost = 5330, Parts = 7. The first picture shows that I reduce the ammount of Oxidizer in one of the tanks. It was so tight that the Moon perigee was at 6400m and I finished with empty tanks. My next model will have to be different, as I believe this model is exhausted. May be a chair...
  17. @NikkyD, I tried but I didn't found my winner ticket to escape Kerbin. @rocx, For the moment I'll rest a while, it has been a tough day :-D
  18. New ship, Rid_13, Mass = 4286, Cost = 5920, Parts = 8. Please don't consider my former Rid_12, I don't want to overflow the statistics with all my ships. LordCorwin
  19. Thx NikkyD for the hint, I didn't think about it. I tried to use the standard cockpit, but it's 180kg heavier and I need another tank (I need extra 30m/s of delta-v). Even counting drag I got better results with the lander. May be removing the monoprob will be enough though! :-) thx again Lord Edit: hell, yes, it was enough. I'll create a new Rid version an post some photos. :-)
  20. Hi again! I present you Rid_12. Mass = 4226, Cost = 6845, Parts = 8. LordCorwin
  21. Sorry, I didn't see that part. I fully understand not being qualified, but as said, it was fun make this mission :-)
  22. Not sure if my new solution will be valid, but is fun! Ok, people in KSC don't know how, but Jebediah returned to Kerbin So this time they are planning to leave him alone without any craft. Kerbin Space Center will detect a problem and request to Jebediah to make an EVA. Then they will control his suitpack and will activate its thrusters, providing it contains about 500m/s of delta-v. He will make the Kerbin escape just with his suitpack. The will leave him without fuel and no craft, to ensure he never return to Kerbin! I say I'm not sure if this is valid, because the last impulse is done with suitpack and no craft. Nevertheless, I'm just using standard equipment. So statistics for my new Rid_07 rocket: Cost = 3920, Mass = 11400, Parts = 8. But they don't know that Jebediah has unlimited resources and will arrange his return to Kerbin! :-)
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