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Everything posted by LordCorwin

  1. I'm quite proud of this. Today I've managed to grapple a vessel from Mun's surface and get back to orbit! This involved to rendezvous with the vessel on surface, then turn upside down my ship and grapple the vessel while floating half meter above a sloped surface. I also manage to save Callan Kerman, who was close to the vessel.
  2. Yeah, check that you are using the same port part in both ships. I remember once that I tried to connect one ship with normal docking port, to a space port with the docking port junior -> no attraction.
  3. Hello! I will control de under-over-shoot stuff as indicated (navball, atmospheric drag, etc), and also I will check the video. Thanks for all the replies, very much appreciated! Lord
  4. Yeah sorry, Mun was spinning, but not my probe :-)
  5. Haha, thanks, I'll try. I was also trying to stick to the Nav Ball, but I don't get it. I found it easy to use it in orbit, but not when apporaching to a target on surface. No spin, no wings. Just a landing on the Mun.
  6. Hello, I've performed dozens of orbital rendezvous with no problem, but trying to land close to a target in surface... that's a different story. Appart from selecting the target and matching the descending path close to the target visually, I'm not following any method, just try and error. Sometimes I get 20 meters away from the target, next time it's 5 km!. So I'd like to know if there is a good procedure for surface rendezvous. I'm not asking for actual dock, but at least be always close to the target. I've checked the Tutorial folder, but I haven't found anything. Thanks in advance. Lord
  7. Land on Minmus with all my rocket and maintain stability.
  8. Pass through a canyon at top speed. Moments before I just slipped surface by 74 meters. Honestly, I should be more responsible with tourists on board :-P
  9. Hello, please check the attached image :-D The only add-on I have is the Kerbal Engineer. I just placed my rocket in the launch platform, went back to the space center, entered into the radar to check the situation of Duna, accelerated to x100000 until Duna was in the right position, and finally I went back to the platform. Luckily I don't have Jebediah in the rocket :-D Just for your knowledge! Regards LordCorwin
  10. Yeah, I didn't know it. I guess I had luck when I built my first Space Station. :-)
  11. Argghh, I will learn to test everything in Kerbin's orbit :-( Thanks for the quick reply.
  12. Hello, I don't understand why, but I'm trying to dock two items that previously were docked, and now it seems that the magnetic attraction doesn't happen. I made a travel to Ike. I place one part in orbit, with a probe, electricity and a Jr Clamp. Then I went to Ike's surface with Jebediah and the other part, that was a capsule with a normal Clamp. After doing all my research on the surface I climbed again to orbit to rendezvous, but when doing the maneuver to dock nothing happens (I also declared the probe port as target). Both probe and capsule touches perfectly, but that's all. I'm I missing anything? Thanks for your replies.
  13. I've just finished my space station using the contracts provided in version 0.90. May be it's small, but still it's the largest station I've ever built. The difference was to have an objective!
  14. Funny things about Gilly, it is possible to land in just two legs.
  15. I also feel the same. Sometimes I sense the lack of a deep purpose to get on those beautiful places. I enjoy walking on the surface for a while, but may be some requirements for long survey missions would be a good addition, or some missions requiring to build something on ground, etc.
  16. Mi first landing with 3 Kerbals is in Duna :-)
  17. Thanks, I will check your tool. Sorry, I missed the thread! Cześć! Lord
  18. Ok, makes sense. With eliptical orbit you still maintain a high speed in periapsis, not needed to spend energy circularizing. Also put the periapsis at the ejection point to achieve the highest speed. Thanks a lot!
  19. Ok, so small ammount, then circularize the orbit, then another ammount, etc... I understand that the game doesn't allow to use rockets when time-accelerating even when using ionic thrusters, right? So we cannot plan trajectories with continuous acceleration - deacceleration for extended periods. Thanks!
  20. Hello, I have some generic questions regarding Low thrust maneuvers. 1) I want to do a "small" ammount of delta-v using some ionic thrusters (say 20m/s). Assuming I have to do the maneuver at instant t0, when it is the best moment to start it? 2) I suppose I cannot apply the same answer in case of big delta-vs, can I? The time required to achieve the required delta-v is so big that in the meantime the rocket angle changes alot compared to the required ejection angle. So how do you plan your transfer maneuvers when using ionic thrusters? Thanks
  21. Thanks for the link, I've tested it twice today and has been very helpful!
  22. Mi first Duna landing, although I've spent much more fuel than expected. Anyway, lot of science back home. :-) [Edit] And finally I've been able to come back to Kerbin, although it costed me 9 years. Throwing 2 legs gave me an additional 1200 m/s :-)
  23. I think I see what you say. I thought I had to reduce speed to match Duna's velocity and so I always escaped Kerbin retrograde. When it is the opposite, I have to increase energy to be able to reach Duna's orbit, so I must escape Kerbin's orbit prograde. What a waste of fuel!!
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