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Everything posted by cipherpunks

  1. There was no sunlight under interstage fairing. W/o DR everything's fine. Will re-generate & post ModuleManacer.cache and logs with DR if needed.
  2. Streetwind, will try w/o DR. Meanwhile, Nertea, thanks, for fixing sideways torque of VASIMRs; still LV-T18 cluster has 0.001kNm but small LV-T95 has whopping 0.058kNm of sideways torque, while 8-way cluster of them has zero. Fix them too when You'll have the chance, please. LV-T95 is moderately useful.
  3. Just saw that, according to RCSBuildAid, Yucatan has 0.002kNm sideways torque. Odin has 0.001kNm. Mars has 0.003. Yeah, did only VAB test, not actual flight-test, but was suspicious because this kind of sideways torque had bitten me earlier in flights.
  4. There's an empty space in PP tank menu now, where my IFS content options were; that after 1.9-1.11.1 update of TE. In log I see: [ERR] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found. Will try to downgrade TE now. Edit: downgrading to 1.10 helped.
  5. Clicking on interstage makes the VAB soooo slow. Updating TE to see if their new version will fix this. Also I had (non-deployed) radiator from NF RC, as well as various light decouplers, explode by themselves "upon reentry", some time after launch, while in vacuum, inactive, covered under the P-fairings. Other radiator on that same part stayed. Other decouplers, mostly front-facing, stayed too, but not all of them, while bigger half of back-facing exploded. Again, AFTER launch, on orbit, outside of atmosphere. That with DR+FAR enabled. Any thoughts?
  6. My KSP is being terribly slow; when I loaded craft with some ADN-enabled parts in VAB, in log I see this repeating fast: [LOG 00:36:54.331] Updating SSC3 [LOG 00:36:54.397] Updating SSC3 [LOG 00:36:54.741] Voxelization Time (ms): 343 [LOG 00:36:54.789] ---Docking : 3 [LOG 00:36:54.789] ---Docking : 3 [LOG 00:36:54.790] ---Docking : 3 What can be the culprit?
  7. Today I attached 2 heat pipes from nuclear lightbulb to procedural tank it was stacked beneath, and attached 2 deployable radiators to that. That was all sitting above PF interstage, covered by fairings. There were some more stuff above that, covered by PF. After leaving kerbin atmosphere, I noticed that radiators (undeployed) gloved red. After some time they exploded. Log said they were burned up upon reentry. Note that lightbulb was never activated. Also note that according to log, only 1 radiator exploded. I have FAR and DR installed. NF versions are prior to last (updating now). What is the logic in this, and what exactly might be the culprit of such strange behavior?
  8. I need to have this toggleable from action groups. Badly. Using Hybrid Rocket Boosters kinda demands it, or else the craft ends up pumping Oxidzer too soon or too early (rest of the craft sans HRBs really needs the pumping). Please.
  9. It does that for me also; will try to counter that with GreaseMonkey or similar addon, cause it nags me.Moreover, Curse shows me 3 different captchas every time I visit - drives me nuts; sometimes I refrain from downloading mods from there because of that. Edit: Kerbalstuff just nags me with single captcha of same kind. Barely bearable. Need to crack that one too.
  10. Thanks; coincidentally just moments ago I found that here and it seems to have fixed that problem (game launched; now enabling my other 909mb of mods and restarting...)
  11. I'm sorry that I haven't read all 246 pages, but will ask anyway: Someone uses Deadly Reentry with KW Rocketry? My "fresh" 1.0.2 install freezes on MM phase when I try to load both latest KW Rocketry and latest DR. Nothing interesting in log (will post it if someone is interested). What can be the problem?
  12. I'm sorry that I haven't read all 416 pages, but will ask anyway: Someone uses DR with KW Rocketry? My "fresh" 1.0.2 install freezes on MM phase when I try to load both latest KW Rocketry and latest DR. Nothing interesting in log (will post it if someone is interested). What can be the problem? Edit: nevermind, found it here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/master/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry-KWRocketryFairings.cfg
  13. I'm afraid I have that one installed but still no luck.
  14. Nertea, please make it so we're able to "deploy" radiators in VAB/SPH. Much needed to judge clearances etc. Also, RCS Build Aid says that VX-100, as well as LF-9, and - most of all - VW-10k, has sideways torque in latest dev build. Clustered Hi-SNAP seems to have that fixed. Hadn't checked them all in flight, though.
  15. Maybe this was asked before, but anyhow, I'd pretty much like: - Mk2 profile procedural things, and maybe other shapes/profiles, like square, octagon, eight sides - another, more distinguishable default procedural decoupler texture (using Soyuz Green mostly, but made from actual real interstages would be better I guess) - procedural variation of proc.SRB nozzless (not just 2 variants - surface and vacuum) - ability to vary proc.SRB thrust over burning time by either adding nozzle-less segments of different burning properties, or - better - varying that programmaticaly, with some UI to set burning curves.
  16. Wasn't working for me when using Interstellar Fuel Switch from CryoEngines or NF, but this lame MM .cfg fixed it: @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL // Since this catches LFO tanks... { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL // ...this is probably unnecessary, but you never know. { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[XenonGas],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[ArgonGas],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidHydrogen],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]NEEDS[modularFuelTanks]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[FSfuelSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Food],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Water],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Oxygen],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } }
  17. Using Interstellar Fuel Switch that comes with Cryo Engines disables the pump for each and every tank that IFS sees. Any ideas? Will try to fix it via MM patch and will report here. Edit: This lame MM .cfg fixed it: @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL // Since this catches LFO tanks... { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL // ...this is probably unnecessary, but you never know. { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[XenonGas],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[ArgonGas],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidHydrogen],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]NEEDS[modularFuelTanks]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[FSfuelSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Food],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Water],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Oxygen],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[Pump]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } }
  18. yes, I had this bug too. With only one altimeter, though. Other smartparts, like fuel sensors and altimeters on lower stages, always worked fine for me. Was unable to pinpoint it further.
  19. I'd pretty much like to see this useful mod fixed for latest versions of KSP.
  20. Please, please fix this to coexist with RSS for 0.90+. Please. As long as there's no real solar system for Kopernikus, I'm bound to use RSS which edits its planets after game loads, while menu is shown... Please. Will ya? That weird VAB-of-god-in-the-sky-walls-not-included seems to load my parts in 0.90 and generally work for construction, except close-up scaling and bad lighting, but not for launch, but who cares.
  21. Whoa, thank You man, You taught me about ModuleManager.ConfigCache - thank You! I've used to Alt+F12 -> Debug -> Parts -> scroll down then scroll right dance, but looking at this file is much, much handier, moreover Far Manager which I use for editing has a search :-) (if interested, also see PlugRing). Besides, Alt-F12 doesn't show cloned parts (which I copy with +PART), but now I know... Anyway, here's what the only relevant gimbal code looks like in that cache: MODULE { name = KM_Gimbal_3 gimbalTransformName = Reactor yawGimbalRange = 24 pitchGimbalRange = 24 responseSpeed = 10 } and what Lightbulb does is it still rolls. When I press pitch, it tries to move accordingly, but has funny convulsions. When I press roll, it does nothing as it should (or does roll if I activate roll from KM_Gimbal_3) When I press yaw, it rolls.
  22. Hey Fail-Man 3D, where d'ya got those "grid rudders" from? e-dog, yesterday when playing with MassDriver mod I found that procedural nose cone is kinda must, as you hang your vessel below massdriver stack under some decoupler (that is doomed to lay on top of your vessel then burn due to DRC btw) and before start you decouple that, so it lands on its own bottom, then you charge massdriver, switch back to your ship and up you go... So, basically top node is needed on nose cone for purposes alike. I tried to work around that by placing cone-shaped empty procedural tank under decoupler, interstage ring below my ship, and use top node of that ring to connect to said empty tank. But this is meh.
  23. Indeed seems like it is misspelled there - for example km_ssme_rs25ss which is in Klockheed_Martian_SSE/Parts/Ssme-s-Straight/part-straight.cfg has it like so... I copied from their parts IIRC, in times of 0.23. That worked on "my" other engines (J-2S, J-2X, F-1B, M-1 etc). May well be that that parameter creeped there and is in fact ignored.
  24. Now I do realize that I'm pervert, but... This mod would make good fireworks with RSS/FAR/DRC/PF, if not massive lag. Someone tried it with those mods? Any known caveats? Yes I do use procedural fairing encasing my ship (using interstage ring and an empty tank from PP on top of that), but a) parts are torn from mass driver itself due to aerodynamic stresses; ship is being deconstructed due to same reason; and c) ground support ends up suspended stationary at height like 1km I don't know why, and some sections of it are sometimes missing. Launchpad itself gets destroyed at times too.
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