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Everything posted by Kebra

  1. I have hardly made it beyond Mun before the first crazy "outpost" missions start popping up. "Make a station that can support atleast 17 kerbals around Ike!!!" Why? Science ofcourse! Is there a mod or something i can do to stop getting these ridiculous missions? There's so many good missions now, but they drown in orbital and outpost stations and i'm a bit sick of punching decline.
  2. Hi, I just recently started playing again. I have noticed that for some reason my targets aren't showing up in the "HUD". I can see them just fine on the navigation map and the purple marker on the nav ball is there aswell. Any idea why they don't show up in "staging" mode? It makes docking and intercepting a bit more challenging than i would like When i manage to find them i can select a docking port as target but it still doesn't get "highlighted".
  3. I hope it's filled with valuable minerals, and it will spike an interrest from the private sector to start collecting aswell.
  4. FYI Youtube has started requiring written consent from source material owners (such as Squad) for videos that use their images or sound. Paradox has already had their legal team write a general letter of acknowledgement that their youtubers can use. http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?671169-Monetizing-from-Youtube-videos-containing-Paradox-Interactive-material! Perhaps squad could do the same?
  5. I love the new experience and level system for Kerbals. But it still seems to favour sending the same Kerbonauts away on missions repeatedly. Wouldn't it be more fun and challenging if you had to keep a B team ready and leveled up aswell? Unless anything goes wrong and you can't/won't revert the orange suits are probably gonna be the only crew you ever need in the game. I think even Jebediah would need to sped a little time with his wife, go for a movie or train for the next mission. "Welcome back from Duna, now get in this rocket and go for a trip around Jool!" The time spent on missions should be related to forced downtime with a minimum of XX days. Valeri Polyakov probably wasn't sent back up after his 400 days on Mir
  6. Hi everyone, Does the ISS still have the shuttle dock or was it retired along with the shuttles? I picture it as a storage unit now
  7. How are you guys constructing the station? Space tugs? Big launches vs many small?
  8. I will give it a shot when i get back home. Most of these seem like workarounds for a mission that might not be properly thought up. But i'm determined to get it done preferably without being stuck at only having 1 free mission slot for too long.
  9. Test Rockomax Mark 55 Radial Mount Liquid Engine in flight over Kerbin Note: Kerbin Flying Alt: 2100m to 5800m Spd: 490m/s to 890m/s Sounds easy enough right? I call myself a pretty experienced player but i simply cant figure out what to do here. Achieving those speeds before 5800 meters seems impossible. I BACCs and RT10's currently give me the best thrust to weight ratio. But even strapping 4 RT10's on the back and flying in a 45' angle to maximise time before height doesn't work. I'm near it, i achieve the speed at about 6500 meters. Flying in a lower angle is very difficult due to the bad maneouvability of boosters. Any thoughts or ideas? Remember, this is an entry level mission. I'm doing it at the same time as my 56.000m mission.
  10. Can this also be used for aerobreaking calculations or is it only meant to predict landings?
  11. #364 Station is upgraded and i can create nodes manually. MechJeb does not have a Maneuver Planner despite Advanced Flight Control being researched successfully. The feature does not require additional purchase either.
  12. The Heavy Structural Intakes are very powerfull arent' they? It feels a lot easier to get a big Mk4 SSTO into orbit than a Mk2. I can easily cruise to about 40km with Mark IV parts, leaving just a few hundred m/s of actual rocket burn to complete a 100km orbit. With Mk2 i usually struggle and have to be carefull in order to reach 30kilometers before toggling engine modes on the Rapiers. Is this by design or are there some tweaks still in the pipeline waiting to be done?
  13. How are the pods meant to be used? They have attachment points above and below on the flatsurface. Not on the sides. Attaching them "upright" on the side of the hull suffers from clipping issues. Attachking on the buttum of the hull will result in a COT off from COM. I have reverted back to using MK2 parts for "in wing" pods. That seems to work faily well
  14. Ofcourse. Pods under the orignal snappoint of the wings: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/30727700121539880/360A6C2269F5415327B19E6AA5B8B63BE213F6F3/ I can successfully fix it by doubling up on pods: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/30727700121544266/1020EA5E9B6122A299C37A9FB4CBF64667050F8B/ But it looks very unrealistic. Are the pods primarly meant for atmo flight only planes? My problem might be that i'm fooling around with a space cargoplane. (nb, i have simplified by craft a lot for these pictures, they represent the problem, not the craft im trying to fix it on)
  15. Any good suggestions on how i can align COT and COM using the engine pods? I have had some luck by raising the wings, but not enough. Once i get to space my rapiers are tilting the craft with all SAS modules going wild.
  16. This is the coolest thing since Spaceplane Plus I love it!
  17. If the Client acted as a "launcher" you could sequense what happens when. initialize -> connect to server -> CKAN -> launch KSP or something like that.
  18. It's also mentioned in the OP yes thats getting the client. Im talking about the server sending a list of CKAN packages to each client on connect. Asking it to download these packages. Like a server dependency list that CKAN can download automaticly through it's commands.
  19. Hi, Does DMP currently (or plan on) supporting CKAN? (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager) i see some potential in pushing a packages.config (or similiar) to each client in order to tell them which mods they should download. Similiar to Nuget
  20. I tend to use the Sr. Docking ports a lot to make extendable ships in orbit. Would you concider doing a Mk2 docking port? I think i could do some new designs for interplanetary transfer vehicles with something like that
  21. Just out of curiosity, does it take the round trip into concideration or will a ship that barely meets the dV requirements be stuck at the destination?
  22. Hi all, I'm revisiting my quest for a shuttle like space plane. SP+ to build a shuttle, which includes all non booster engines A strap on fueltank (belly mounted) Boosters for additional take off speed. I have tried fiddling with how much the current engines can gimbal (even to extreme degrees) but they don't seem to be able to keep the pitch steady. If the engines are mounted at an angle it will work until enough fuel has been spent to move the COM enough to make the SAS give up. Ditching the belly tank will immediately flip the shuttle. So is there an engine or a mod i can use that helps the "gimbaling" of the engines to properly thrust into the COM? The actual shuttle design, glideness and what have you i'm sure i can work out (i have built several successfull SSTO space planes). I'm just looking for a new challenge and a faster way to send up cargo to LKO
  23. I'm sorry if this has already been asked and answered. Search didn't help me. How do i bring repair parts along on repair missions? I have several sattelites and even Skylab in need of repairs, but i cant figure out how to add parts. If i just add anoter RepairPanel to my repair ship, it's empty. -edit- doh, feel like an idiot, it's the "Repair Can Small", first part in Propulsion.
  24. But if the tooltip is correct and it's 1 science pr 33000 funds i earn, then it should only be awaring me 2-3 science more for the mission to Ike. Not 2-3000.
  25. I have setup a 30% Outsourced RnD. From the tooltip it says it will issue me 1 science pr 33496 funds/credits spent. If i then take a mission to explore Ike (or any other for that matter) i can now see that completing this mission would have yielded me 233.000 funds, but that this is reduced by 100.103. It does however award a mindstaggering 2986 science. This not related solely to the Ike mission, i got almost 5000 science out of doing the Mun and Minmus explore missions. Admin building setup: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29598046967222975/6ECB47A7151FC398FF520A3191C3C3A2F65265E8/ Mission control: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29598046967227146/AB731E4B700BE18954480B4C6F4A1C0A547602D9/ I have MCE, and FinalFrontier installed as mods. But from what i can read these mods don't do anything with Admin. Is it bugged, not scaled or working as intended?
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