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Everything posted by lurkoholic

  1. Galactic Neighborhood adds RSS (Sol system) as separate solar system, but I think it changes it to 1/10 scale. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128856
  2. You can set "useRealisticMass = false" to make the engine and tank masses closer to stock (see below from RealFuels post#3). Even most kerolox and hypergolic engines will have higher Isp than stock since most configs are based on pre-1.0 stats (and are more realistic ). If you use the LV-N or other NTR engines, you will probably want to modify their mass since they will also get multiplied 3.2x, and will be much heavier than stock.
  3. For now, you can look in your CKAN\downloads folder and sort by "Date Modified" (at least on Windows).
  4. This mod does add parts. New tanks, several engines: LvT-15, 105-7P, LV-900, KS25, O-25, NT-5R, RockoMAX Solid Fuel Booster, RT-2, RT-20, SnubOtron, large RCS parts, structural parts, and maybe some new aero parts.
  5. I assumed it was covered in the "Known Issues" part of your OP. When time warping the radiator temp gauge will pop up and cycle between hot and really hot, sometimes exploding. It also is usually hot when returning to a craft after time warping without it focused. This was on a heavily modded install, where I've also had the occasional (stock?) heat bug where a small part like a cubic octagonal strut will heat up until it explodes. I thought I would be clever one time and turn on "Ignore Max Temperature"...then all my Methane boiled off! I'll see if it works any differently on an install without as many mods, if that isn't normal. In the future will tanks stay near the boiling point temperature for the cryogenic fuels they contain? Or is the fuel temperature separate from the tank temperature?
  6. The heat pump radiators are no longer included in RealFuels. Starwaster released an updated version: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128502 Just be careful when time warping a craft with the radiators Edit: Ninja'd. I type really slowly
  7. I think that's because the BNTR is looking for the old Real Fuels resource "LiquidH2" instead of the current CRP resource "LqdHydrogen".
  8. Nice work! I think SpaceHungryMan worked on setting up the Chaka Monkey parts a few versions ago.
  9. Use these: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128502-Heat-Pumps-for-Real-Fuels-v1-0-BETA-RC1-7-12-2015
  10. Porkjet, Can you change the stack attach nodes to size 2 on the Lightbulb engine? Current configuration, defaults to size one without a seventh value: node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.375, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.625, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0 What I change it to: node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 Thanks for the awesome mod, and update!
  11. I've also seen the nullrefs for the Ant engine in the VAB. It's on a heavily modified install so I hadn't looked for the cause yet. I'm using the latest files from github.
  12. Once you configure your engines or RCS for the fuel you want, there should be an auto fill button to fill the tank with the correct ratio.
  13. It's a lot easier for stock size Kerbin when you only need another 1000 m/s to reach orbital velocity Near the bottom of realsettings.cfg you can change the "simulateUllage = true limitedIgnitions = true" lines to false to remove ullage requirements or limited ignitions. Module manager adds four additional files to your gamedata folder. I THINK it's OK to delete all of those (not including the module manager.dll) and they will be regenerated the next time you run KSP, but the MM physics and tech tree files probably wouldn't affect your updated engine configs loading.
  14. Yes, Real Fuels defaults to realistic mass for the engines and tanks, so they are quite a bit lighter than stock (~1/4 dry mass for tanks). You will still need fairly large rockets to get a significant mass to orbit. I usually use hydrolox upper stages with kerolox or solid (or both) 1st stages in 6.4 scale. My biggest mistake was having too low TWR for my upper stage, or having it burn too long before it reached a significant TWR. This led me to burning at a 45° angle, or higher, sometimes.
  15. That's an engine pack. Yes, I'm pretty sure Real Fuels changes how the fuel flow works for RCS. - - - Updated - - - Did you install ModuleRCSFX when you downloaded the Stockalike engine pack? Did you check you fuel level? Maybe the effects just aren't visible, but they are working.
  16. For some reason editing on my phone deletes my message.. Try hydrazine. With the Stockalike engine pack, the RCS should default to hydrazine. You also should be able to change them to other propellant/bi-propellants. - - - Updated - - - If your RCS thrusters aren't attached to your tank, you might need Crossfeed enabler. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76499-1-0-CrossFeedEnabler-v3-3-May-11
  17. Change the tank type to service module.
  18. You could try removing Real Fuels and the RF Stockalike engine pack, and then deleting the RealFuels folder before reinstalling. Or maybe you have some extra engine configs in some other folder? You could also try deleting the module manager cache files? Maybe someone with more knowledge about that could chime in?
  19. I don't think RealPlume could affect ullage or ignitions. I'm guessing your RealSettings.cfg have simulateUllage=true and limited ignitions=true. It's probably not this, but an older config could have the same numbers, but it won't have limited ignitions or require ullage ff it looks like this ('MODULE' instead of 'ModuleEngineIgnitor' before the curly bracket) MODULE { name = ModuleEngineIgnitor ignitionsAvailable = 2 autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric useUllageSimulation = true IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 2 } Does the "Swivel" show "Ignitions=1" or "Not subject to ullage" when you hover over it it the VAB?
  20. It should replace an existing file in the RealFuels folder:wink:, but it will only affect the engines that are added by Ven's Stock Revamp. Having two configs for an engine is bad, like crossing the streams bad (ok, not quite that bad), and can cause weird stuff like multiple activate engine buttons (so... dogs and cats living together bad?). The Reliant and Swivel engines would be in the Stockalike_Squad.cfg, and both of those show up in my game with only 1 ignition. Maybe you don't have the latest Stockalike RF Configs (v2.1.8)? If you look in the Stockalike_Squad.cfg file it should have this under the LV-T45 config: ModuleEngineIgnitor { ignitionsAvailable = 1 useUllageSimulation = true autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 2
  21. I lost most of my craft because they had RLA engines or KSPIE small radiators that were renamed or didn't exist in their new versions. So I don't know if they would have also been glitchy, or if that was a temporary mod conflict. My progress was intact (contracts carried over, kept science collected, etc), and that was the main thing I wanted to work. I didn't want to start from scratch, or give a new save an equivalent amount of science with the potential to accidentally "double up" on science if I returned to the same biomes on Mun/Minmus. I did have to unlock some parts a second time since they moved around on the CTT. I may have to "reimburse" myself some funds . I did have fun sending an engineer to my station with KIS tools/explosives + whack-a-kerbal to remove obsolete parts before upgrading. Has anyone had any success using KSCSwitcher to add the other launch sites back? I got them to show up, but KSC was on the shores and slightly off the equator. Also, I was only getting 5 fps in the tracking station. I'll have to try it in a cleaner install to see if it's a mod conflict or PEBCAK
  22. The RealPlume configs aren't included yet, you can download them from this post: LINK (Svm420 created them!) Sometime you can rotate you ship end over end to get the fuel to settle...I'd be more worried about vessels with engines that only have 1 ignition ! Of course you can also disable ullage and limited ignitions in the RealSettings.cfg.
  23. Would it be possible to change the max EVA propellant to 0.5?
  24. I updated the Stock Revamp .cfg to include ignitions and require ullage since the last RFStockalike release. It's based on the development version of Stock Revamp. Let me know if any of the engines don't have effects with Real Plume. I think the small 1.25 meter engine (LV-900?) might be missing Hydrolox effects, but that might have been the stock LV-909 (or both). https://github.com/lurkoholic/RFStockalike/blob/master/GameData/RealFuels/StockAlike_StockRevamp.cfg
  25. My career wasn't very far along (no interplanetary missions) and a lot of my mod parts were obsolete in the newer versions, so I brought most of my kerbals home and lost a bunch of comm sats when I upgraded. I was able to keep two of my stations and some satellites around Mun. I think I had a similar issue with the satellites, where I couldn't switch to them from the tracking station. When I switched to them from another vessel, they locked up the game and/or had a lot of NullRefs in the debug menu (Alt-F2), so I ended up deleting them. I had to remove AJE from my install (must be a conflict with another mod), and Val didn't show up in the roster
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