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  1. Some of you may know me. Due to various IRL commitments, I have taken an extremely long break from KSP but I have recently returned! First on my to-do list was to finish up a project I first concepted in 2021. Here, I build a fully stock (with DLC parts) replica of a Star Wars B-Wing craft. It is flight-capable and features deployable guns, VTOL capability, and rotating cockpit and wings. The craft file is provided here: https://kerbalx.com/Hazard-ish/Star-Wars-B-Wing-Replica Check it out in the video I edited below! (which also includes a montage): Also, check out the blooper reel I compiled of various attempts to fly this thing under the bridge of the KSC!
  2. I've just seen the notification and I wanted to take the opportunity to apologize again for what I did. Thanks for talking about it all so reasonably though- the KSP community is really wonderful and a real breath of fresh air for gaming
  3. Hey! Greetings. you have said in your video about matt lowne that you would give all the craft files. where can I get them?

    1. Tomato29


      I think he meant he'll give all the craft files of the crafts from future vids

    2. Pvt. KASA

      Pvt. KASA


      Only future crafts.

  4. In a feat of Kerbal engineering, the boys at the SPH have devised a way to make fully stock hinges and pivots! Using this breakthrough, the technology has been incorporated into the design of a new SSTO to give it VTOL capabilities, as well as enough fuel to go to Laythe and back without refueling or need for mining! In order to rotate the wings, the tilt-wing section un-docks to become a separate craft that can move independently of the main ship. It's held in place by two rings of cubic octagonal struts around some of those Oscar-B fuel tanks as a sort of axle. Torque wheels are used to rotate the wing and lock it into position using the 'radial out' marker on the navball. Finally, 4 small docking ports lock the section back in place- rejoining it with the rest of the craft fairly securely in a quadruple seal! Here's the video I made that I have had in the works for a while now. A lot of time and effort went into making this but I am really happy with it so I hope you enjoy watching it!
  5. In a feat of Kerbal engineering, the boys at the SPH have devised a way to make fully stock hinges and pivots! Using this breakthrough, the technology has been incorporated into the design of a new SSTO to give it VTOL capabilities, as well as enough fuel to go to Laythe and back without refueling or need for mining! In order to rotate the wings, the tilt-wing section un-docks to become a separate craft that can move independently of the main ship. It's held in place by two rings of cubic octagonal struts around some of those Oscar-B fuel tanks as a sort of axle. Torque wheels are used to rotate the wing and lock it into position using the 'radial out' marker on the navball. Finally, 4 small docking ports lock the section back in place- rejoining it with the rest of the craft fairly securely in a quadruple seal! As a lot of you have found out, in order to get the craft working as intended the nuclear and RAPIER engines had to be modified by altering their config files. Here's the video I made that I have had in the works for a while now. A lot of time and effort went into making this but I am really happy with it so I hope you enjoy watching it!
  6. In an exercise in precision landing and both over-engineering and micro-engineering, I went to the mun and back THREE times in a single launch without using any docking, mining, refueling or gameplay mods! A lot of testing and work went into this video so I hope you enjoy watching it!
  7. In an exercise in precision landing and both over-engineering and micro-engineering, I go to the mun and back THREE times in a single launch without using any docking, mining, refueling or gameplay mods! A lot of testing and work went into this video so I hope you enjoy it!
  8. You should consider releasing your Eeloo visual configuration as a mod/modlet/mod-config if possible.

  9. Yeah, could someone put me on the leader-board, please?
  10. In my most difficult and tedious mission yet, I sent Jeb on an 84 year mission to Eeloo and back, requiring 12 gravity assists overall, using a craft that weighs just 3.6 tons! So much effort went into this one, from building the rocket and all the cars, writing custom configs for my visual mods to make Eeloo look just right, to actually performing each of the many many stages in the video! I really hope you like and appreciate what I've done here! Enjoy!
  11. Ah, the ion engine did run out of charge properly. But since there was still some solar power and an RTG, electricity was constantly being generated so keeping the throttle up still provided some force. The engine was essentially fluctuating between 0kN and 2kN extremely quickly - if you look at the fuel gauges, when the electricity reaches 0, xenon use also decreases despite not touching the throttle control.
  12. In my most difficult and tedious mission yet, I send Jeb on an 84 year mission to Eeloo and back, requiring 12 gravity assists overall, using a craft that weighs just 3.6 tons! So much effort went into this one, from building the rocket and all the cars, writing custom configs for my visual mods to make Eeloo look just right, to actually performing each of the many many stages in the video! I really hope you like and appreciate what I've done here! Enjoy!
  13. Here it is: my long-awaited submission to this challenge! When I started it I didn't know this forum post existed but it should be eligible anyway. So much work went into this, from the cars to writing custom settings for my visual mods to planning and executing the 12 gravity assists used throughout! I hope you enjoy!
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