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    Curious George

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  1. I Dont know the name of the mod or is it is compatible with the current build. Im pretty sure it required Realism overhaul, and it added a gameplay function of event reports like dropping parts on a house, Inviting reporters to Rocket launch. If anyone has any ideas what this mods name might be I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Nice Need this cause with the old Sigma rescale Remotetech would break with Kerbalism (not able to transmit) but with this I can transmit Except the ground seem to not scale correctly imgur.com/a/89C5Zee
  3. Ok setting the Texture to Full did the trick. I don't think I would have ever figured that out. Thank you
  4. Log : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COk5IJQveQaTs0UNQ728nbsxe5Se5OTR/view?usp=sharing https://imgur.com/a/X2g6Qmr same odd bug when cached and uncached with and with out texturecache folder
  5. Mod list only non Ckan mod is Principia : https://imgur.com/a/abOMFQ8 log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COk5IJQveQaTs0UNQ728nbsxe5Se5OTR/view?usp=sharing
  6. I seem to be experiencing a minor but annoy glitch and I think I narrowed down the conflicts. KSPCommunityFixes seems to have a conflict with LRTR. When run together KCF causes LRTR tech tree icons to disappear. I tried with and without PNG optimization. https://imgur.com/frBjk9o https://imgur.com/P8lKkyO
  7. Is there a way to preset a default Predeploment Pressure with out having to go in and set it at each launch
  8. yes there all there the panel will be there for a while i can play for days that when I reload its gone. and if i start a new save its back on that save but in the orginal the panel is still missing. yet the rest of the save is fine just the KCT panel
  9. Any ideas why why my KCT panel glitches out like this (upper right corner)? https://imgur.com/a/QfcMpXG
  10. Are you kidding me the only mod I seen where you have to open a door before EVA I went all the way to the Mun and back before reading this. landed on the moon cant get out and returning Valentina had a bigger tease then Edward Baldwin (Thomas Stafford)
  11. If you find it could I get a copy to use as a template for the other mods I use please?
  12. Is there anyway to get parachutes from other mods like fasa, bluedog, taero, sounding rockets ect to work with Realchutes when i use those chutes the chute will appear to deploy but never expand and I crash. Ideally i wondering if there is a universal parachute patch instead of editing each part separately
  13. Is there a way to reenable the Orbit lines for the stars or how can I disable the orbit lines of other Stars. Cause I'm using a couple of other extrasolar packs and its a bit odd seeing some with orbit rings and some without.
  14. hope this is the correct place to ask this but does remotetech detect sigma rescales like 2.5 scale, and adjust the ranges accordingly. or do i need to ajust the ranges in remotetech to equal the rescale
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