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Everything posted by AFF

  1. Landing mine rover on the Eve) Landing here ↓ Wheels are permanently damaged while driving on the surface. The crew definitely need an 3 level engineer to ride. Spring strenght must be at minimun or the rover will start jumping as stunge horse..
  2. KAX modded tricicle) Here is the link AFF_Trirotus if somebody wana try. Looking good, but flying like brick) Required KAX
  3. How simply test TS-50 separator splashed down on Kerbin:
  4. You can try this, if you want) https://kerbalx.com/AFF/AFF_SP35
  5. I have little problem on 2.8.3: mj cant create advanced transfer between Jool's moon
  6. Thnx, that would be great. I have old desined airdrone for Eve and now my mission is stoped) P.S. We need more powerful electric prop, like this) https://www.siemens.com/press/en/feature/2015/corporate/2015-03-electromotor.php
  7. Oblivion) Bonus (dont do like that)
  8. Beep-beep!) Space cowboy Jeb on VTOL Horse (require flammable straw)
  9. My terrible Space Shuttle launch) Shuttle carrier have 350 m/c dV after decoupling in 80x80 orbit. Other screens here)
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