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Everything posted by RedDestiny

  1. Looks like the ckan home page links to "http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/87605-122fuelwings-v32-fuel-customization-in-stock-b9-proceduralwings-03092017/&" which just error out. The page normally comes up at "https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/87605-110xfuelwings-v4-fuel-customization-in-stock-b9-b9-proceduralwings-11082020/" for me at least *shrug* Thanks for all your hard work @linuxgurugamer
  2. Hey I just popped in to say how much i love O.R.A.N.G.E. but.... is gone??
  3. Hey, love this tech tree! just wondering, what happens to the parts from a unsupported mod? I've looked around and can't find a good answer. Are there the stock nodes (that i haven't noticed lol) that they get dropped into? thanks
  4. So it seems the hide unpurchased option has been turned back on (probably from the last update) and I would like to turn it off. Unfortunately I cant find the icon at the space center to get to the options. I presume its getting stepped on by some other mod I have installed. Its not that big of a deal other then that I cant turn off said option. I was wondering if there was some other way to turn the option off or fix the app launcher? I browsed through the configs but I couldn't find anything. Am I completely blanking on some obvious answer?
  5. Hey this sounds really cool. unfortunately I do not have a chroma keyboard but I was wondering if you (or someone) could post pictures of it in action. I think it would be awesome and you know it be like advertising or something lol (no pics no clicks??)
  6. Gah ya totally should have know that. didn't even realize that i did that. also looking back the autosaves that were "working" were actually older, but similar, ones. that's what i get for messing with configs late at night lol sorry to trouble you and thanks
  7. So after messing around (regen the settings file) it seems to work without changing the name but as soon as i do it stops working. the relevant line is "FileNameTemplate = Y[year0]_D[day0]_H[hour0]:M[min0]_Quick" any idea why this doesn't work? heres the log file and full settings if it helps:
  8. Hey great modlets. Ive been using Dated quick saves for a while and its awesome. Unfortunately Ive recently reworked my install (starting from a clean install) because of some unrelated problems, and I cant seem to get dated quick saves to work properly again. The auto save function is working but not the quicksave function. it just uses the normal quicksave and not the dated one. Ive changed the name template for both the auto and quick. they are nearly the same except for a "A" and "Q" How did i mess up your mod? lol any idea what could be wrong? I have a ton of mods but nothing that should interact with the saves....
  9. so I was just quickly messing with things and it seems like the pre-release 1.4.5 works with FAR "Hoerner". Ive only shot a rocket into space and back but it seems to land in the right spot with no kraken attacks... is there something specific that makes it happen or is everything working well now?
  10. I was just wondering if someone could explain the second patch. I feel like its something easy that im just not grasping lol
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