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Everything posted by patrioticparadox

  1. @linuxgurugamer I also came here to inquire about the full Firespitter mod being a dependency rather than just Firespitter Core. As the plugin is included in Core, texture switching should work without the Firespitter part pack, no?
  2. Soon™ He said he would be on for 8 hours. He said the release was coming while he was streaming. Ergo, the release would (probably) occur within the next 8 hours. Soooo.... take a chilly pill.
  3. I'm thinking about a month couple months from now when I back up to 100+ mods. Garbage reduction is going to have a HUGE impact!
  4. I think my favorite change in this release: Heavily reduced garbage generation caused by foreach loops, Linq usage, and various other things. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.2
  5. The first day I bought KSP I played for 14 hours straight. No mods and ,luckily, no crashes. I was hooked. A rocketry game that uses real-world principles but doesn't take itself TOO seriously? Count me in!. That was Almost two years ago. In the days of .22 (Oct 16th 2013) Since then, I have played KSP almost every day and have yet to (intentionally) enter the SOI of a planet other than Kerbin. I may be one of the black sheep having owned the game this long and never wandered but why has many reasons. Primarily they are: Mods. I find myself starting new careers when I add mods that significantly change gameplay or my part library. I build up mod after mod, part after part until : New update. Whenever a new update comes out I always start a new game. And the cycle often repeats as mods update individually to the new update. Planning is a biotch. Planning a mission with nothing but the empty space in your head is difficult. "Ok I need this dV here and that there and the mass is here and the dark side and ..." Kerbal Construction Time is very helpful for this in that it lets you simulate before you try for real but that can take significant time. Something that allowed for (very) rough planning of a mission would be a great mod. With 1.2 right around the corner, it looks like the cycle will begin anew. Although, I may make it off that dusty little rock this time as the dev cycle has become significantly longer over the last few updates.
  6. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Devnote Tuesday!!! I'm gonna go for a walk or something to distract myself. Hit 11 miles the other day! Try for a half marathon. AAAAAAAAAAAA! Devnotes!
  7. Yeah, I'd love to see 1.1(.2 now) support for this. It's extremely useful when using a keyboard in the early stages of career mode (i.e little to no automated control or assist).
  8. I haven't had to do this in quite some time but I thought I remembered reading that this had been fixed and now your EVA mono would be recharged from your ship's reserves. Am I remembering something wrong?
  9. I also use KASA a lot. I'd love to see someone make a KASA logo based as closely as (legally) possible to the NASA logo. Though I doubt NASA would mind a straight rip-off anyways.... Playing on RSS I use "NASA" and their logo. Anyone else notice that with 1.0+ you can't spell out "National Aeronautic and Space Administration" as you program name anymore? I'm not sure why the character limit changed but I'm guessing it happened in the UI overhaul.
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