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Everything posted by Kowgan

  1. \GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\Settings.cfg NoSupplyEffectVets = 0
  2. Rover, while I undertand the updates are not complete and many of the features are still to come, I've noticed something weird while testing the ones that I -think- are supposed to be working correctly already. My apologies if I'm wrong on that. I noticed that, if there are no supplies on a vessel, the EVA time keeps going up, even while a kerbal is inside that vessel. Sending the kerbal back in the vessel and back out doesn't reset the number. This can be seen on a previous post of yours. So, right now the EVA duration number is acting the same as the "supplies". The EVAEffect isn't taking place either. Kerbals won't die (5) or become tourists (1) after the time limit has passed. I'm assuming this bit hasn't been fully implemented yet? Whether there's something wrong or not, I couldn't understand exactly the difference between the Home and the Rest systems. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Thank you so much for the continuous support and development on this, nightingale! You rock!
  4. I'm so hyped for the homesickness feature! Thanks for the nonstop development, RD!
  5. Thanks for the update, Rover.
  6. I've expanded my Minmus Science Base. With the greenhouse set up, now I just need to bring more kerbals in!
  7. You're right! I correct myself. No challenge is greater than the other.
  8. @goldenpsp It's a good way to go as well. I personally think it's more challenging to try not to let those kerbals die, and if necessary, I have to plan a rescue/emergency supplies delivery mission to be launched asap. Not using Revert, and having to reach the targets in time adds to the challenge. Anyway, either way is valid, as long as we're having fun with our games. Thanks RDude for making both ways possible.
  9. Or make it so any exceeding parts will simply be thrown away, once there's not enough storage available? Not sure if you'd like to follow the idea, or how hard it would be to implement this, though.
  10. Thank you for the kind words. Keep in mind, when using the dV Expended function from MJ, that it mixes the Atmospheric and Vacuum dV values. You shouldn't rely on that if you're looking for precise values, when you're passing through both atmospheric and vacuum environments. As for typical ascents, there are great tutorials out there, like this one, provided by A_name. There's a lot of videos showing the most common ascent profile out there as well. You might like Scott Manley's tutorials on Youtube.
  11. I don't know either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You're right about the dV usage. It applies for all stages of the go-to-space proccess, since launch. But either you're looking into Atmospheric dV instead of Vacuum, or you got a pretty good ascent profile using 2,3k dV only, or... Something else! I really can't tell. Maybe craft pics or more info would help understand. In any case, the map also disclaims that atmospheric ascents are typical, and different efficiency results are likely to happen between launches/crafts/etc. But still, 2,3k is an achievement.
  12. This is glorious! I love everything about it. And you have SO MUCH FUN while playing it! Well done!
  13. Very nice recreation. I enjoyed reading it all! Who was the lucky kerbal to put his feet on the Mun? The pilot? A scientist?
  14. No big! It was an easy fix, anyway. Yay, thanks for the fast update! And thanks for putting me on the changelog. Yes. I recommend creating a ModuleManager patch and put it into your GameData folder. Here's my OSEwrkshp.cfg: @PART[OSE_Workshop]:Final { @MODULE[OseModuleWorkshop] { @MaxPartVolume = XXXXX } } Replace XXXXX by the desired volume capacity. The default value is 2000. Remember that you gotta have a container with available space to any item you wish to print, otherwise the printing proccess will be stuck at 100% until that condition is met. KIS have containers with 1000, 6000 and 18000 of total capacity.
  15. Hey Obi, I've downloaded the updated .dll file on github, and the recycler fix seems to be working flawlessly now. Thank you for that. Now, while I'm aware this isn't an official release - thus, I'm using a beta -, I've noticed that the workbench won't display more than 2 pages of content. I'm using a modified workbench that has 6000L of available volume, and this has increased the number of parts that I can print in flight. Nonetheless, any tab that should have more than 2 pages of content ("Utilities", or "All", for example) will show only the first two pages. After I've got to the second page, the "Next" button disappears. Also, a PSA that I'm guessing you forgot to mention on the last changelog: Since 0.12.0, all in-flight, custom containers (Dirt, RareMetals, ExoticMinerals) have been reset to MaterialKits containers. But, since at least that update, we're able to EVA a kerbal next to a container and repaint it, changing its Resource. Sorry if that has been pointed out previously. -Edit- On further testing, I've noticed that the bug happens once I switch tabs. As I open the workbench, the current tab works just fine, and I can see all the pages on it. Once I switch tabs, I get a limited view to the first two pages. Reopening the workbench fixes it, until I switch tabs again.
  16. Hey Obi, I'd like to report that the recycler GUI isn't working properly. Items are stacked like a Solitaire game, and clicking desired items won't work as planned. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0waARpQCbj8 Log: http://puu.sh/lQWtf/51cbc8ac75.txt Thanks for the support.
  17. Thank you for the fix, Sean! Even though the navball orientation couldn't be changed, it's really appreciated that you've fixed the other features. Cheers!
  18. Thank you for the update, Obi! It's much appreciated! And it's really nice to have the recycler back. Also, the new texture replacing feature on the containers is great! Thanks!
  19. Não sabia do Shift+Enter, EuSou. Obrigado pela dica.
  20. Obrigado pelo aviso e pelo esforço, Tetryds. Também estou sentindo falta de uma ou outra funcionalidade, mas isso é normal, e creio que serão recolocadas com o tempo. A essência do fórum continua a mesma. Olha que privilégio; somos uma das únicas seções internacionais que permaneceram no novo fórum.
  21. Have you started the greenhouses on the action menu? Don't quote me on this, but I think the mulch production will usually be bigger than its consumption by the greenhouses. So it's normal that they will increase with time. The opposite works for Supplies: With working greenhouses, the Supplies' consumption rate will be smaller, but still, they won't last forever.
  22. Hey, Nils. I did a poor thread search and didn't find anything about it, so I'd like to report a tiny visual glitch, lowest priority: The Attachable Landing Gear animation is reversed. When you roll forwards, it spins backwards, and vise versa.
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