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Everything posted by Kowgan

  1. @antilochus I guess your kerbals should be normalized once you remove the mod; But in case it doesn't... Backup your save file; Open Kerbal Space Program\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\Settings.cfg on a notepad; Change NoSupplyEffect, NoSupplyEffectVets, EVAEffect, EVAEffectVets, NoHomeEffect and NoHomeEffectVets' values to 0; Launch the game and your save, and check if everything's normalized; Remove the mod.
  2. @PocketBrotector You could also remove all the modules but ModuleHabitation and ModulePowerCoupler, since you know for sure the others are already added by LSModule. Else, according to the MM wiki, you could use the % operator before all modules, since % seems to be used to "Edit-or-create". Nevermind, you've already mentioned that above.
  3. PocketBrotector have installation instructions on a Readme file, on his post.
  4. No problem! Your work is unvaluable, thank you so much for the effort. Yes, that's the thing. I don't know the order of patch application, other than using ":Final". Other than that, I thought the apply order would be according to files' alphabetical order. Maybe you could work around this and prevent any duplicates by simply adding the HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport] filter.
  5. There's no difference. Since I don't use MKS, my patch will only rebalance things to meet USI-LS. PocketBrotector's patch will automatically detect if you use MKS or not, and will apply the patches accordingly. Plus, his patch is prettier, and will update extra bits and pieces here and there.
  6. There are no actual errors without the new patches. But RoverDude updated the numbers on his mod, and without these patches, things are gonna be calculated wrong (your kerbals won't be given the correct habitation, not enough supplies will be generated by the greenhouse, etc.) Check the official USI-LS thread for more info.
  7. @Andem What problems are you having? And no, I bleieve PocketBrotector's patch should detect whether you use MKS or not. @PocketBrotector Nice release, thanks for the effort! I noticed that some of the modules you're adding _might_ be doubled in game: As an example, UKS-KPBS_Cupola.cfg adds the following modules, amongst others: ModuleLifeSupport, ReplacementParts, USI_ModuleFieldRepair. But those same modules are added by the USI-LS config, at LSModule.cfg, line 113: So, wouldn't it double these modules in that (and other) part(s) in the game?
  8. @ThaZeus I haven't read the last pages and I don't know if someone has already made a patch to the new 0.3.x version of USI-LS, so I made one. The new version of USI-LS brings a whole new set of features that requires patches from all mods that use from USI-LS. More info on the USI-LS topic.
  9. I made an unofficial patch for the newest version of USI-LS. I hope this helps, and hope I haven't messed up anything! http://puu.sh/n7pLw/4df02dbfbd.cfg
  10. Thanks for the update! The UI still shows vessels as landed instead of orbiting, though.
  11. Now the tricky part. How to get the SRB's TWR, instead of the whole vessel's TWR? At the same time, how to get the rest of the vessel (without SRBs) TWR?
  12. I'm using Crzyrndm's mod, SRB Variable Thrust Limiter, which allows SRBs' thrust to decrease as they burn fuel, just like in real life. The question is, what is the math used to determine the exact time when the SRB's current acceleration is the same as the vessel's acceleration, and with that, perform the separation staging? I'm trying to achieve this effect, where at the separation moment, the SRB has just enough thrust to keep itself at the same speed as the vessel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nwhrQXAAlM https://youtu.be/nzN9G2LSbuM?t=40s Thanks in advance.
  13. Yeah, I increased the update rate to every 60 seconds. Feels much better.
  14. I believe you can change that yourself at the KSC screen, on the RealChutes icon, top-right.
  15. Is anyone else noticing a small sutter every 1 second while at the KSC? I suspect this is caused by the mod updating the rovers' locations every second. Once I removed the mod, the stutter disappeared.
  16. Trying to corner the cause of the problem. Did you make sure you've installed 000_USITools at the GameData folder as well?
  17. Done! I wish I could donate more, but my current financial conditions + the dollar being 4x my currency value makes it harder for me. Sorry.
  18. Yes!!! Have a beer on me. Any donate links available?
  19. Yay, the UI should be fixed! Grabbing my copy now! Thank you so much, Rover.
  20. 0.3.8 fixed the hab issues as listed by goldenpsp, but unfortunately, the VAB UI bug still persists.
  21. Alright, so I noticed you did manage to reproduce the reset USI-LS UI issue in one of your streams! http://www.twitch.tv/roverdude/v/38845824 At the beginning (1 min), you check the USI-LS window at the KSC. It shows you currently have a Mun base with Seanrey and Hudhat Kerman. The previous stream showed you taking those two kerbals there. At 1h02m, you're building a new vessel, and you open the USI-LS window in the VAB. Bill and Frocott Kerman are in that new vessel. At 1h28m, while orbiting the Mun, you check the USI-LS window. There! Only Bill and Frocott are showing up on the list! The Seanrey and Hudhat's vessel is gone! This is what's been happening to me! Yes, I'm that desperate for a fix.
  22. @matko1990 Open Kerbal Space Program\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\Settings.cfg on a notepad. Change the desired features to your taste. Everything is explained in the notepad itself, including what each value means. It should be pretty self-explanatory. I hope that helps.
  23. Could anyone else reproduce them? Is it happening to me only?
  24. Tried with UKS installed. No luck. Possibly unrelated, though what I noticed is that, even in orbit, the list accuses the vessel to be landed. http://puu.sh/mTtxx/0ec85a9b92.png Re-confirming the exact steps to reproduce (links on the quote are referring to LS v0.3.5.0):
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