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Everything posted by Kowgan

  1. I finally started fiddling with the new parts, and I'm loving it! Once again, thank you for the update and the effort put into this! I'd like to report something small and mostly irrelevant, but still: The water resource you're adding for the central hub should only apply for those who use MKS and/or CRP. Those who use USI-LS only don't mess with water/oxygen/etc.
  2. I don't think the Break Near Target function will become obsolete, as it covers only one stage of the maneuver, while I believe the rendezvous autopilot function comes from much further away. I guess it's a cool function to keep in, if it's not gonna give you much trouble. As per bug reports, uh... Not really a bug, but I'd like to request the "Assist with vertical takeoff and landing" option to be persistent as per user choice. Currently, if I decide to have it off, I have to turn it off manually everytime I switch scenes. Thank you!
  3. @KocLobster You can save around 800m/s + 3200m/s, since you don't have to spend that for Kerbin's atmospheric descent either.
  4. During your Mun escape burn, simply make sure your Kerbin Periapsis will be less than 70km. That means your route will touch Kerbin's atmosphere. If your periapsis is low enough, you'll slow down fast enough to land on Kerbin before your trajectory continues.
  5. It would be that value if Kerbin didn't have an atmosphere during the return trip. That white arrow/triangle next to "860" means that part of the route can be replaced by Aerobraking, reducing the dV needed to almost zero.
  6. It does work backwards. The DV needed to go from this to this is the same to go from this to this.
  7. For some reason, I get a black screen here. Only the buttons show up. :/ But that's an amazing effort! Great job! \/ Absolutely! Check the licensing terms at the OP. Also, would be nice if you shared your work when it's done, as well!
  8. Indeed, that's looking really great! I've been wanting new habitat parts, and this fits just on my needs! Great job!
  9. Ooo, that's super neat! But man, you're gonna make me lazy! Great addition!
  10. Have a safe flight, enjoy your trip.
  11. @merlinux Turns out it's a desync glitch between versions. Removing the LifeSupportScenario section from my save file solved it. Remember to backup, always.
  12. Overconsumption is still happening here on old vessels, even while not warping. I'm trying to find the correct numbers, but I noticed that kerbals were eating twice as much in one of the vessels. At another vessel with 4 kerbals, 10 days of supplies were consumed in 1h40m. In that same vessel, the MPL's Life Support module stopped working. It works normally on new vessels. Resetting LifeSupportScenario didn't solve the issues. Also, HomeWorldAltitude doesn't prevent kerbals from eating supplies in a vessel at the launchpad.
  13. Did you increase the hab value for pods, from 30 days per seat to 150d? Also, all those kerbals' home being 105 years looks weird, almost like not right.
  14. That's awesome, MrMeeb! Thank you so much for the effort. It's much appreciated that you decided to share it. Could I ask you to release the new/modified files in a separated .zip file, though? It would be great to avoid re-downloading the whole EVE and Scatterer mods, since the total file size is fairly large. Thank you!
  15. Looking great! As always, thank you so much for your effort, Allista. I really appreciate it.
  16. Got it, the SRBs' result was still bigger than the rest of the vessel. But even though, when the SRB's fuel is about to end, and their thrust is much smaller than the ship's, I still got a SRB number higher than the ship: http://puu.sh/nnIdD/71dbcf48df.png http://puu.sh/nnIhZ/7a698767cb.png Thrust (Boosters) = 42.7*2 = 85,4 Thrust (Stack) * Mass (boosters) / Mass (stack) = 696 * (2,073975 * 2) / 47.782 = 60.419, which is still smaller than the boosters' thrust. Even though, as you can see on the second image, I decouple them right away and they're slower than the vessel. I'm guessing this method will tell me to drop the boosters once their thrust reaches (or gets very close to) zero. Thanks for the advice, though. Good catch on the gravity cancellation.
  17. It doesn't quite make sense for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? http://puu.sh/nn9xj/82459c60c5.png - Taken just after launch. Thrust (boosters) = 247.2 (x2 = 494.4) thrust(stack)*mass(boosters)/mass(stack) = 1875 * (7.5 * 2) / 73.627 = 381.99, which is smaller than Thrust(boosters). Even though, the SRBs by themselves are clearly faster than the rest of the vessel. --- I'm now just calculating the SRB's TWR and the main engine's TWR without the SRB's mass, and that solves the question. Now I have to figure out a way to do it automatedly.
  18. Could you elaborate this a bit more? Is the mass measured in tons or kgs? Do I have to countermeasure anything in the formula for having two or more boosters, or the amount of boosters doesn't matter? Thank you.
  19. I'd like to thank you for your service, @Stavell. I'm really enjoying having someone to talk to while playing my save.
  20. It happened to me once, with some crew that was already in space by the time I updated to 0.3.*. I'm assuming it's something related to updating the old crew to the new system, until this is proven wrong (like if it happens again, to a new crew).
  21. @Vladthemad 1. Make sure you don't have your save open at KSP, and backup your save file; 2. Open your save file, look for the tourist kerbals in two sections: a. LifeSupportScenario. Set IsGrouchy to false. Set OldTrait to the correct kerbal trait (Pilot, Scientist, Engineer). b. ROSTER { KERBAL. Set Type to Crew. Set Trait to the correct kerbal trait. Save the file and open your save. I hope this helps.
  22. Thanks, @kaptain_kavern! The compliment is much appreciated.
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