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Everything posted by mecki

  1. Thank you so much for this great piece of work! Does anyone know if integration (or plugins) for FAR and DeadlyReentry are planned or in the works? I'm thinking of ascent guidance, better landing predictions and shallower reentries. I know that I'm not the only one asking for it and I don't want to be a pain in the ass!
  2. Thank you! That seems like a wise advice – I think I won't use them. But I'm having a problem with this mod: When I add it to my GameData folder my game won't load! No usable entries in the logs. Are there any known conflicts with other mods? I only have the Firespitter.dll installed (which seems to be sufficient for other mods). But I just realized that I don't have Modular Fuel Tanks installed since the most recent version seems to causing lots of problems. Could this be the cause?
  3. Do the parts change their drag applied to the vehicle? I'm thinking of FAR and DeadlyReentry
  4. What are those structural parts on top? Is it the same mod like in the first picture in the presentation in the first post? What mod is it? Thank you!
  5. This creates a "Run Units Test" Message in the main menu for me. Also support of Bahamuto Dynamics would be great! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82341-23-5-Bahamuto-Dynamics-CritterCrawler-AnimatedEngines-etc-v1-0-%28Jun7%29 Thank you!
  6. Found this, works for me on .24.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82341-23-5-Bahamuto-Dynamics-CritterCrawler-AnimatedEngines-etc-v1-0-%28Jun7%29
  7. Thank you! Where would I find the "Bahamoto Retractable Engine" though? Can't find it…
  8. Had to laugh loud when I read this! ;-) IÄ'm sorry, of course I meant the stack parachutes. I now there are Mods with nice Docking ports with chutes and lights integrated that work with ConnectedLivingSpace but I think it would be nice if RealChutes worked as well!
  9. Looks really nice! would you Share which Parts / Mods were Used for this? Especially the Tanks (with life support and fuels?) , the Engine and the landing legs! thank you!
  10. Are there any plans on integrating ConnectedLivingSpace? Would be nice to be able to move crew members through the radial chutes!
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