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Everything posted by BinaryBad

  1. Thanks for the info. Can see it makes sense to do it via module manager - but as you suspected, I don't know how to. Happy to give it a crack though. How do we do it?
  2. I'm using RoverDude's Life Support mod, so was intending to add the "Supplies" resource to the HAB module. Though not tried tweaks like this before so might have an imperfect grasp of how it would work. But not being able to locate the relevant cfg files in the CMES folder has stumped me.
  3. This is one of those tiny mods that's entirely brilliant. Echo the CKAN comment above. Deserves a permanent place on the roster.
  4. Cool pictures, Well! Like the visor effect. How did you get that? Was wanting to edit the config files of the HAB modules to add supplies (no point having the EMLV Snax ships, if they can't store food...) but the HAB folder doesn't seem to contain the parts. Anyone know where I should be looking? Have had a scour, but maybe missing them.
  5. Some good troubleshooting there. I've just edited the cfg files of the parts Wells mentioned above and it seems to have resolved the problem with parts that appear in Sandbox not making it to Career. Just make sure that no parts, as he says, use the obsolete LargeControl tech node. Sure it'll be fixed pretty soon, but if you can't wait (and I couldn't) it only takes a couple of mins to fix it yourself.
  6. It's not really a pack that you'd want to split up in that way, I don't think. The ships are complex, and it would be very hard to make most of them with other parts stripped away. Can confirm that the latest download now loads all the parts correctly in Sandbox mode, even with the other 70 odd mods I'm running. Not unlocked full tech tree in career yet, so not sure if it works in that mode. Can anyone else confirm?
  7. Awesome work guys. You've made an old Kerbalnaut very happy.
  8. I think it's likely that RasterProp and JSI may be wrestling with ASET. Had issues with those before, in prealpha days. In sandbox mode, it reports that the XKarmonyStorModuleAdapterS6632 is missing. Don't know if that helps. But, oh my stars, this mod is a feast for the eyes.
  9. There are parts missing in sandbox mode too. Most of the craft files cannot be loaded in the VAB. All these are just teething issues though. There's no doubt that the mod itself is an amazing piece of work. And the Instructional cards are brilliant. It would be great if you could integrate them with KIS. (The KIS mod allows you to store the mod manual as a little book on your craft, so you can read it in game. Would be a flourish in keeping with the overall sheen of this amazing mod.)
  10. Just downloaded this. It looks amazing, but I think there's a missing part. A few of the craft files won't load (EMLC II, for example) because it says the XKarmonyStorModule.AdapterS6632 is missing. Also, I can't see some parts in the tech tree. (Maybe being an idiot) Seem to be missing : FairingBase375, Upper Stage Engine Mount 375 Express, Engine Mount for R568 and the 3.75 CM Fairing. In addition, I think this download isn't playing nice with RasterPropMonitor and JSI. I haven't launched any Chaka pieces yet, but I'm getting this persistent warning with my other ships now. Maybe an issue with the folder structure? Not sure.
  11. ALL GLORY TO CHAKA MONKEY! Congratulations to all on the release. This is easily one of the most beautiful mods I've ever seen.
  12. Beautiful gallery, that. Is that a different skybox in those shots? Looks amazing.
  13. Great idea Movado! I'm stealing that. (Well copying, I guess) Update The rover fits very neatly into USI's transport cargo part. Managed to deliver one to Minmus. Worked really well.
  14. Thank you! That wasn't exactly it, but it lead to the solution. I needed to toggle the suspension on half the wheels, so as to realign the nodes. Basically, if I'd paid closer attention to this I'd have been ok. http://youtu.be/INkW5G9aLbo This is is THE rover, as far as I'm concerned. Just love the ladder and all that storage space underneath. *Gurgles to self*
  15. Yup. Same here. Have latest Firesplitter Core too. Wonder what's causing it? (I get same problem on runway, or pad)
  16. You'll need the Infernal Robotics mod installed too. That has a GUI you can launch to control the rolling.
  17. Would be great to have it back, yeah. Don't know how busy mod maker is though.
  18. I'm having a problem where the rover wheels are stuck to the surface. Seem this bug on earlier versions, but can't remember what causes it. (I've got the JSI Partutilities dll, above. Does that go in Gamedata/JSI/Partutilities/Pluigins?) Have latest ModuleManager, Firesplitter Core etc.
  19. Oh wow oh wow. You do amazing work. The detailing enriches the game so much. And this Rover is so much fun to assemble and career around in. Salute you, dude. Awesome.
  20. Thanks for the help, it's really appreciated. I think it's is just an open source driver. I'll investigate. Though the game ran fine in version .90 - so I'll be bummed out if I can't get it to work. Update - Turning off Anti-Aliasing worked! Can now play the game. Very grateful for the help. (Not sure what anti-aliasing actually is, mind, assume I can live without it.)
  21. It is an AMD card, yes. I know how to disable anti-aliasing in settings. Catalyst is new to me, but I'll Google it. (Sorry, a bit of a Linux beginner). Thanks for the suggestion. Will try it later.
  22. Clean install. V1.0.2. Ubuntu 64 bit. Cannot get game to run. Out of ideas. Any suggestions? (Does KSP leave any files outside the main game folder on Linux? Maybe I missed something when uninstalling)
  23. Looking forward to the update. This is always such a pleasing mod to play with. One request - possibly already addressed - would be a little more guidance into what each ship can be used for. Sometimes the nuances between them aren't apparent to newbies. Admittedly, it's fun figuring it out yourself, though.
  24. The screenshots posted above are the same as my experience. Again, no ATM installed. (Also, can't we request integration with Blizzy's Toolbar? Apologies if already mentioned.) Though can see tremendous potential in the mod. Some spellbinding effects possible.
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