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Everything posted by Volcanix

  1. Okay, thank you. Gonna add it now. Good ideas, thank you! I'm gonna add them in a couple of minutes. By the way, have you found interest at career mode? I've started to play it now and it can be a lot of fun. Last 'big' contract I made was testing a Kerbodyne KR 1x2 at 13.000m ... and it was a lot of fun to launch (I used turbojet engines) and for landing parachutes. I think I'm gonna land on the Mun now. For the .. 3rd time I think. I need to go interplanetary... Let's see what the next missions are bringing! If I understood that correctly, you only launch a rocket to refuel the other rockets which fly between the stations? Can you show some screenshots?
  2. Could you please delete this thread? Also, this thread can be closed (The irony is strong in that one.) Thank you.
  3. Oh god... I'm so stupid.. I looked through every other sub forum (except international) but not in this.. Thank you so much.. I feel really stupid now^^ Have a great day!
  4. And that's the problem, if we wouldn't watch horror movies or look at pictures or read stories about scary things like slender man, we wouldn't be scared. Without these in mind, there would be nothing to be scared of.
  5. UpsilonAerospace is Bagel Rabbit? Oh, now it makes sense. I've seen this in your new video. It's a great little VTOL, even if I find this is more a Jetpack How much ∆V has it got? I'd be interested. By the way, do a landing on Gilly with this. I think that's a good idea for a video
  6. Hey there, I'm pretty sure I've found a thread where you can post a link to a thread of you which you'd like to remove or remove a poll attached to it. Sadly, I can't find it now and in the Forum FAQ is only explained how to delete posts. Can somebody help me, or have I seen this anywhere else? Volcanix
  7. Good. That seems like a good idea. So you can use the 3D printer to print stuff that is little enough and you can attach it somewhere? If so, that's great! So, if I understood that correctly, basically everyone can contribute to the mod? I need to learn modding
  8. Hey RoverDude. Just tested your mod a few days to go, and I need to say it's a pretty good mod. There's nothing unfinished and it's a lot of fun. I've got a suggestion: The SAS modules are getting kinda weak when building bigger ships, is there a mod which uses the engines to steer the ship or would you mind making them stronger in the next update? Another thing. You said you are working on something new where you can grab and attach stuff like in KAS. Have you already got a release date or is it possible to test it? Don't hurry, please. Your mods are great and you've got a lot of them, so take your time to make good updates.
  9. Wait, it is possible to join? I want! What should I do? Write little text's about the news of the week, like new interesting mods or something else? Please I really want to have something to do
  10. Sorry for that. I know this should've gone into International^^ but it's not that much. Well, never mind.
  11. Alt-L? What does that do? Full throttle? Or .. something else?
  12. this is pretty nice, looking forward to new mission reports! Keep it coming!
  13. Oh wait. Sorry. Thought I've seen elsewhere. Haven't watched good enough ^^ Ja, alles klar. Good to see I'm not the only german around here.
  14. He removed it because there is the new version, I think he has said something like this somewhere. Can't find it now, sorry.
  15. Errrm... Not sure about this one. It's kinda little. -EDIT- I've already seen the first picture. (You edited it in, that's not fair ) I think it was on 9gag.. *sees the notice on the picture* *feels stupid*
  16. Maybe he accidentally registered and doesn't want his E-Mail here or something like that. You never know.
  17. It has a 20ton and 4 engine limit, only one control surface, no wings providing lift, you're allowed to use RealChutes and losing any part will disqualify you. That are basically the differences.
  18. So, you would be basically in a geostationary orbit over Duna, but because Ike is nearly in a geostationary (or wait, is there something different between synchronous and stationary?) orbit around Duna you would be in a geostationary orbit over both? Okay, according to your signature, you really like the mod. I already thought on integrating it into the table, but does it work with .24.2? I don't want to put not-working mods on the list. Dang, haven't thought of that! Great idea! [/sarcasm]
  19. Oh yeah, sorry. Of course I meant the Saturn V. Thought of SpaceX during writing it.. xd just gonna edit it^^
  20. Nice ! But still a bit short. Would love to read more!
  21. Mhh.. I'm sorry, do you want feedback on your current rocket or do you want help on building the lander ? I'm not quite sure but well I am quite sure that the Saturn V was the launch vehicle for the apollo missions. I think this is the information and pictures you wanted. Let me know what you meant.
  22. Exactly this. I also like your commentary. It adds something special to your threads, not like "This is the Kerbodyne SuperPlane Mk3. It has 9990m/s ∆V and is 100% recoverable. Here are pictures and the download link: [...]" That's what I like. All that unnecessary "Marketing" stuff makes the whole Spaceplane posting thing a whole lot more interesting. Like you describe what's the plane good for at the beginning and then show some pics and not all that unnecessary stuff. Go on with that. But I don't think this is the right thread to post your spaceplanes, you should really do it in your Omnibus.. Division.. Kerbodyne.. Thread? *weird smile* as long as it doesn't compete in your challenge. 520m/s is a lot. The only problem is that my WLAN is so slow that the video won't load But hey, it's pretty silent to live here, so I got that going for me, which is.. never mind.
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