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Posts posted by FreeThinker

  1. On 11/18/2023 at 2:54 AM, tierso said:

    I'm curious..what's the purpose of Oxygen-18? Is there any in-game use? This is the only place where Oxygen-18 is mentioned in KSP context..

    Oxygen 18 can be used as a advanced alternative Fusion Fuel source in Interstellar Extended, basicly it allows you to Run on an oxygen source, which is effectly almost anywhere. Its uselfull as a get home space fuel source.

  2. 4 hours ago, NOT_A_ROBOT said:

    I made this cool calculator and wavelength info list for beamed power, could you please put this in your section about beamed power? I spent quite a while developing this. I'm also open to constructive criticism.

    Very impressive work, I included it both in the list of manuals and in the Beamed Power Section.

  3. In KSP Intersteller Extended , I tried to use the natrual properties of exotic fuel, to help with making it hard to use effectively. For example every knows, Antimatter is the most powerfull substance, however the big problem is  how to store it effectivly without it blowing up. It turns out, the most effectively way is to store it as a frozen snowball suspend by diamagnetic forces. However, creating this condition in Earth orbit is quit difficult, meaing it requires a heavy storage tank to achieve it . To lower the mass requirment, the best locaton would be to try to do the same thing far away from the sun, like at pluto distance. If you put 1 + 1  together you get that the most effective way  to use antimatter intersteller vessel, would be fuel a big interstellar ship in orbit of pluto with antimatter using conventian engines, and use the starship to travel to the edge of your destination star system, and use safer engines within the alien star system.

  4. 2 hours ago, Gotmachine said:

    As for using an external / community maintained modding toolset / modloader / injector, there are several benefits at doing so, regardless of if the game if using the Mono or Il2CPP backend.
    But frankly, I don't see how they could possible have made the "KSP 2 will be more moddable than KSP 1" statement if the game is using IL2CPP.
    I know that personally, that would probably kill all motivation for me to develop mods for KSP 2.

    What is so bad about IL2CPP exactly?

  5. On 1/21/2023 at 7:11 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


    Loading IFS Core on a vanilla 1.12.5 game is resulting in an immediate CTD, it's a result of the MiniAVC.dll.

    Might be helpful if you removed that


    thanks, I updated the package:


    Version 3.30.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 which can be downloaded from here

    Released on 2023-01-22

    • Compiled against KSP 1.15.5
    • removed MiniAVC.dll which was causing CTD
  6. 2 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

    What do all you clever folks know about solar escape strategies? If you’re building a colony ship above Laythe or Duna or Kerbin whats the most efficient gravity assist to get you pointed in a very specific escape to another star? My intuition is your best bet is a series of assists starting from one of Jools moons, using Tylo to drop close to Jool, then off Eve to pass close by Kerbol at the right angle. Id love to see more about the UI for these transfers to see if that kind of complex gravity assist plan is manageable. 

    Any gains in delta V would be offset by any addtional heat shielding cost and risk you will want to avoid, besides it would be insignificant if your serious about again any significant interstellar speed that won't require thousants of years travel time making it more likely to fail

    A far better statagy would be to bring some magneticly breaking equipment that could technically almost double you deltaV budget and plan a route which maximises magnetic breaking in the target system

  7. On 11/20/2021 at 10:46 PM, theicon32 said:

    I'm having a problem with ion engines. They simply do not produce any thrust, despite being activated and having all requirements met. 




    I've search and have seen this exact same problem here, which is why I've posted it in this thread, but I'm confused by OP's resolution. I've uninstalled KSP-IE and reinstalled older versions, but I just can't get the ion engines to work.  I do not have Realism Overhaul installed which seems to be a conflict. 


    My player log is here. Modlist is here.

    Have you tried stock solar panels?

  8. On 11/13/2021 at 7:32 AM, GenerallyCompetent said:

    Alright, after quite a while of tampering with the design, I think I have a winner.

    Introducing the U.S.S. Vainglory, as it goes to Proxima Centari B and back in 27 years, and has a one way travel time of 13 years.

    The main power source is magic a quatum singularity reactor with a magnetic nozzle attached, combined with more magic Mach Effect thrusters as afterburners. For the record, although the STL systems in KSPIE are pretty balanced, these parts are crazy good, even more so than antimatter reactors, so naturally, I had to exploit them for profit  maximum speed.

    Proof (Warning: Long): 


    Congratulation on completing the first Quantum Singularity Powered return trip to Proxima Centauri. Yes combining the QSR with the Mangnetic Scoop (or magnetic sail) technically makes it capable of doing grand universe similar to a Bussard Ramjet Ship, but much more efficient due to its much high Mass to Energy conversion rate.

  9. 2 hours ago, alexander_xxx said:

    Hi, I installed interstellar on ksp 1.12.2, and I got error during the load ksp, ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale.PartDB.18x, but file Scale.PartDB.18x.dll exists.

    This error dissapear, if I delete file 999_Scale_Redist.dll or folder TweakScale, but then I of course can't change parts scale. How to fix this issue?

    please ask here


  10. 22 hours ago, adriangm44 said:

    How can I do to make the tanks have ARGON GAS inside? 


    It will only show all different types of fuels but argon gas... There is a Liquid Argon but my engines from NEAR FUTURE PROPULSION, can't use it.

    Use one of the  the IFS Gas Tanks

  11. On 8/5/2021 at 2:39 AM, ss8913 said:


    @FreeThinker - separate topic, something I've been meaning to ask for a while - the Winged Edge graphene radiators have a maximum pressure limit before they will dissipate heat - it seems to be the same limit as the folding graphene radiators (which makes sense for those, you can't extend them if there's high dynamic pressure for obvious reasons).. but considering that none of the other fixed graphene radiators have that limit, and considering that it's a "winged edge" radiator, why do the parts not work in the presence of significant dynamic pressure?  they don't *break*, they just *don't dissipate heat*.  It seems a bit counterintuitive that these particular parts would have that particular limitation?  As I recall they didn't always do this, either.

    Your totally correct and its simply an oversight, it should behaive exactly like a Edge Radiator. Is was missing a isDeployable = false setting in the config file. You may add it manually or wait for the next update this weekend

    to do it manually open Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Radiators\LargeFlatRadiator\radiator.cfg and update FlatFNRadiotor to look like this


    		name = FlatFNRadiator
    		isDeployable = false
    		partMass = 0.43  		// -30% mass for static radiators -50% reduced weight by graphite
    		radiatorArea = 215
    		surfaceAreaUpgradeTechReq = metaMaterials
    		emissiveTextureLocation = WarpPlugin/Parts/Radiators/LargeFlatRadiator/glow
    		bumpMapTextureLocation = WarpPlugin/Parts/Radiators/LargeFlatRadiator/radtex_n


  12. So has anyone created this monster yet in KSP?


    Just imagine this flying around, getting a supercarier around the world in a  day and when combined with thermal nuclear turbojet it could maintain in the air for months without refueling

  13. Version 1.29.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 - 1.12.1

    Released on 2021-07-05

    • Added high detail Daedalus Fusion Engine Model and Exhaust by Kepler
    • Added Support for scaling of engines with Waterfall exhaust (requires TweakScaleCompanion that is included in the package)
    • Will hide Tweakscale Widget on Waterfall enabled engines when TweakScaleCompanion isn't installed
    • Included Waterfall 0.6.5 in the download package
    • Included ModuleManagerWatchDog which will verify if there are no duplicates of Interstellar_Redist.dll


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