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Everything posted by Akira_R

  1. erp don't know how I missed that. Well that is quite unfortunate, alas I am merely a cfg wrangler and know how to do a little bit of 3D modeling, I did a little bit of C++ in high school but that is it, guess I will either figure something out or just do without the mod as I have been. It can't be that hard as it just needs to be compiled correct?
  2. Is there any place where one could find older versions of your mods? I still haven't migrated any of my projects over to .90
  3. Thank you, this is something that was changed in .25 I missed it because I'm still using .24.2 lol, I have allot of custom tweaked stuff in my career and havent felt like taking the time to do that all over again for a .25 install, and now with .90 here there really is no point until all my core mods get updated for .90 sebi.zzr is correct, as I understand it the in game UI will allow you to fidle with and tune your set up, but in order to save any changes you still have to manually edit the cfg outside of the game.
  4. Hey RoverDude first let me offer you the customary praise to our benevolent robot overlord, the amount of work you put into this game and community for free is astounding, thank you. Long post incoming so I hope you or someone who knows a little more than I can take the time to read it fully. First I am currently still on KSP .24.2 as my career game is highly customized with all kinds of personal tweaks and custom parts etc. My USI version file is My MKS version file is What I am looking for is documentation for the KolonyTools dll, I may be blind and just can't find it but I have looked around your GitHub. I have looked at some of the source code but to be honest I have no idea what exactly I'm looking at lol, I learned some C++ when I was in highschool but that has helped me very little in sifting through and finding the info I am looking for. Here is what I am trying to do. I want to construct a space station that has a very specific look/form factor, stockish looks with ISS inspired form and OKS/EPL functions, it must also have a very low part count as i am running KSP on a couple of potatoes. To this end I am making some custom welded parts to form the core modules of the station, and I am adding OKS functionality to them. Adding the modules of course is very easy however what I don't know is what exactly all the fields in and of themselves do in regards to their function and efficiency. //OKS stuff MODULE { name = MKSModule workSpace = 2 livingSpace = 2 } MODULE { name = ExWorkshop ProductivityFactor = 1 } //End OKS stuff Specifically this stuff, I know that adding more work space will effect the efficiency of all the modules, if there isn't enough work space for the number of kerbals on board the efficiency throughout the vessel starts to drop (at least that is how I understand it). What about living space what exactly does it do? Can a part have both? I notice that the only part that has livingSpace is the habring, I also notice that the Kerbitat has efficiencyPart = OKS_HabRing does the living space effect this efficiency but only if the part is listed as an efficiencyPart? And how does the EXWorkshop ProductivityFactor relate to all of this? An explanation of how these feilds all work would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
  5. Well KAS currently isn't updated for .90 so I would try removing that first and see if you still have the issue. Also if you can upload your output_log.txt that would be helpful as well. See this for where to find the appropriate log file.
  6. Well you should definitely be using the x86 ATM, what matters is the version of KSP you are running not your OS, if you are on KSP 32bit you want the 32bit dll. Aside from that I have no clue I would suggest posting in the TweakScale and Interstellar threads, see if they have any answers
  7. I would definitely suggest updating KSP to .24.2 your save should carry over, there were a number of bugs in .24 that .24.2 will fix Also as stated above you are listing the KSP version that the mods were intended to run on, this is not the mod version, for instance the current IR version is 0.19.2 MechJeb is 2.4.0 and KAS is 0.4.9 Generally for any mods that add plugins(the .dll files) such as mods like MechJeb, KAS, ATM, and IR, you want to use the most up to date version that was made for your KSP version, sometimes a mod that was built to run on a newer KSP version will work, other times it won't. And as was stated above you need IR v0.19.1 it is built for KSP .24.2 IR v0.19.2 is built for KSP .25
  8. Some more information would be helpful.Check out the How To Get Support sticky Specifically what version of KSP are you running, and is it 32 or 64 bit? What versions of the mods are you using? When are you getting this lag, Space Center, VAB, in flight, all of the above? When you are experiencing the lag hit Alt+F2, this pulls up the DeBug log, is it showing a bunch of red NullReferenceExceptions? You can always go back, delete all the stuff that came with the new updates, and re-install the old versions.
  9. Could you list the versions of the mods? and are you on ksp version 0.24 or 0.24.2 Also we need your output_log, it can be found in KSP_win/KSP_Data it is a .txt file, you can upload it to some place like dropbox and we can look at it. In order for it to show us any useful info before you upload it start your game, load your save, load the vessel with the arm in the VAB, launch the vessel, try to move the arms, then Alt-F4 out of KSP. After doing that load the file to dropbox and post us a link.
  10. Well it is TweakScale that is throwing the NREs but that could be just because you are running x64 which is simply hit or miss on stability, works for some, others not so much. That being said why are you using ATM if you are running 64 bit?
  11. MeCripp is correct, it defaults to looking in the GameData/Squad/Sounds directory, but you can put the sound files anywhere in your GameData folder as long as you specify the folder path in the cfg. So you have two options, you can put your sound files in the squad directory and just call the file name, this is ok if it's just personal use but not really recommended. Or the more prefered way, especially if there are any plans to share it, just make your own folder in GameData with your sound files and then specify the path in the cfg like so: clip = GameData/MyAwesomeSounds/Cool_Sound_1
  12. Glad it worked I was actually trying to accomplish something very similar today and found the proper MM punctuation to use and found your post around the same time lol.
  13. This looks great!! I love stockalike parts packs, I hope you get the opportunity to finish this, good luck!
  14. Wow I'm blind or something, I looked and looked and somehow kept missing it but just now saw it Yeah I downloaded and looked at the cfgs in your sig right after I posted my first question, and seeing the #vesselType[Probe] part I decided to try the # operator and rewrote my cfg with :HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]] and it accomplished exactly what I was looking for. Out of curiosity can it be used like :HAS[#X] which will check for field X regardless of the value of X, or would it need to be written :HAS[#X [*]] or :HAS[#X[]] Also if you wanted to check if field X is greater than say 2 can you do :HAS[#X[>2]] Sorry if this is all covered somewhere and I'm just being blind and daft.
  15. You are indeed correct, I ninja edited my post just before you replied, I found that in the probe science cfgs Starwaster has linked in his signature lol, but thank you for the reply I looked around the OP and the documentation wiki but couldn't find anything referring to the # operator, how exactly does it work?
  16. This is what Module Manager is for!!! all you need to do is make a new cfg that looks like this: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]]] { MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = takephoto experimentActionName = Take Photo resetActionName = Reset Camera useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Take Photo interactionRange = 1.2 rerunnable = True } } Save that as whatever_you_want.cfg and put it somewhere in your GameData folder and it will add the science experiment module to all parts in GameData that have ModuleCommand and a minimum crew of 0. That's one way of doing it, if that adds stuff to parts you don't want you may need change the criteria as I know there are some mods that add command pods that don't require crew in them for them to operate. I am assuming you have Module Manager already as a lot of mods come with it, If not get it here and put the MM dll in your GameData folder and nowhere else! Don't put it in a folder in GameData put it directly into GameData.
  17. I'm trying to make a MM patch that adds some stuff to every probe core in my game, instead of having to go through and look up the part names of all the various probes that my plethora of mods adds, I was hoping to be able to use the wildcard functions to get this done. I'm starting to think what I'm asking isn't possible given that mods like RT go through and name every probe, but who knows maybe I'll get lucky. So the obvious problem is that the only thing that really differentiates a probe core from a command pod is the minnimumCrew = 0 variable in the ModuleCommand node. I was hoping I could do something like @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[minimumCrew = 0]] { ...stuff } or @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[@minimumCrew[0]]] { ....stuff } so far those and various other set ups like that have not worked, I believe this is because the HAS function looks for nodes, like MODULE or RESOURCE nodes, and minnimumCrew is a variable defined in a node. Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do that I am simply unaware of, or do I just need to stop being lazy and go dig through my GameData folder and find the part names for all my probes? Of course at that point I might as well just add my stuff to the configs instead of using MM to do it since this is just for personal use and not intended to be distributed. Cheers EDIT:And the answer was found in the signature of the poster right above me! Thank you Starwaster! @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]]] { ...stuff } not the way you did it in your Probe Science configs but I noticed you were using the # operator, so I decided to give that a try:D Which leads me to the question: What is the # operator, what does it do? I haven't done any programming since my high school C++ class so if I knew its a standardized kind of thing I no longer remember and I looked through the OP and the GitHub documentation wiki and couldn't find any info on it.
  18. I didn't even know about that mod, I was wondering why I didn't recognize those call outs. Yeah those NRE's are related to that Background Processing mod, I would recommend posting in it's thread. Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with another mod? If it came bundled you should post in that thread as well. Edit: Ninja'd!!
  19. RE clouds not showing up, what EVE version and pack are you using?
  20. Ok so going through your log you do have A LOT of NREs, 4701 to be exact, the ones that are spamming which is what causes the lag are: BackgroundProcessing: Getting data for vessel Kerbin, Novrim MCC, Launch pad (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BackgroundProcessing.Addon.GetVesselData (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at BackgroundProcessing.Addon.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 and BackgroundProcessing: Getting data for vessel First orbit! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BackgroundProcessing.Addon.GetVesselData (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at BackgroundProcessing.Addon.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Could you upload your saves persistent.sfs also does the lag happen when you start a new game?
  21. Actually this is an issue that I have heard called dockingport rot, from what I remember one of the lines for the docking module in the persistence file gets written with a bad value, as far as I know it is a stock bug and it can occur when a vessel is made up of allot of docked vessels, and is a problem that I am experiencing at the moment and that I can't seam to find the answer for. From what I recall it can be fixed by editing the persistence file, unfortunately I can't remember what specifically to look for, I had a thread on here bookmarked that dealt with it but it appears that it has been deleted I have looked through all the docking modules on my station and nothing is really jumping out at me at the moment, I'm going to try deleting the docking modules from the permanently docked docking ports on my station and see what happens.
  22. That is a lot of mods lol, have you checked your debug and output logs? If you don't know how you can easily access the debug log by pressing Alt+F2, you can do this while the game is starting up, load your save and see what shows up there, basically anything red is bad, especially NullReferenceExceptions or NREs. The output log is a text file generated by KSP when it starts up and the game posts everything it is doing into the file, including errors and such, it can be found in the KSP_Data folder inside your KSP_Win folder. It is rewritten every time KSP starts and it's length depends largely on how long the game is running. I would recommend starting the game, loading your save, verify you are having the lag issues looking at your DeBug log in game to see if it is throwing NREs and then closing the game out. Then check your output_log.txt file and see what is causing the issues, if you don't know how to read what is there you can also upload it to DropBox or something and link it here and someone more knowledgeable could pick through it. Another thing you can do to narrow down what is causing the problem is by doing a binary search with all your mods. Basically take a clean install of KSP and install half of your mods, if you don't have any lag then you know the issue is in the other half of the mods. Now remove all those mods and install the other half, if you still don't have any lag then you have some kind of conflict issue and it is going to be more difficult to track down. If the lag is there then cut your mods in half again and repeat the same process until you have it narrowed down. Good luck! Edit: Just saw you mention Astronomers new pack, did you have issues before using that? I know the new one is a computer melter. I would suggest removing that first just to see if it's that.
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