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Everything posted by Nooblet68

  1. I don't think there's any info on when S3 is coming. Yet. Meh. I've got other shows to keep me busy.
  2. I played Tribes Ascend... But the lag was just too much for my computer.
  3. This seems mostly a case of how many bombs you can get onto one craft. Bigger is better, I guess.
  4. I think we're getting a bit deprived of videos. Do you actually have any idea when the next video is coming out?
  5. Looking at the site further, I feel it's just some markings on the runway. Nothing more. Either that, or it's a large helicopter.
  6. Plaatinum has approved my application into Gold Stingray Inc. I am an employee now... [/roboticvoice]
  7. I think it was posted quite a few pages back. RD seems a bit scared for some reason. EDIT: Don't think Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are the best ones to fit in as the original pilots.
  8. And there, after an hour and a half of solid work, Billy-Bobney Kerman (serious) stepped foot on the Mun... R.I.P Neil So, How many landings is that now? EDIT: I've counted this one to be the 44th.
  9. Looking at what he said, possibly Fluttershy.
  10. A truly great man he was. He'd achieved many things for one person to achieve. May he rest in Peace.
  11. Although with Kerbals, if something is going right, then you're doing something very wrong. Anyway, that's a very interesting design you've got there. Congrats!
  12. Nor does it have the required controls.
  13. Work, Images. Work! Edit: Also, spoilers only work if they've got an =* (replace the * with the context of the spoiler) at the end of where it says 'spoiler'.
  14. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/293/590/6f6.gif
  15. "And then it became day." While battling a Potato in the fight for your life, whilst orbiting an asteroid heading for the SUN?
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