The challenge is simple; the reality not so much. With the rising cost of metal on Kerbin, the Space program can\'t afford to endlessly buy more boosters to fill the space need, so they\'ve called upon you to build a craft capable of carrying a heavy payload into an orbit as possible while maintaining every part that was launched relatively in one piece. This lays out the rules: [li]ONLY stock parts[/li] [li]All parts that aren\'t part of the payload MUST return to Kerbin in ONE piece, or prove themselves capable of doing so[/li] [li]SRBs are okay, as long as they DON\'T get jettisoned[/li] [li]No Parachutes. What would be the fun in that?[/li] For a couple of examples; Craft a - A small shuttle is carried on top of a big one. The small shuttle holds a payload, whilst the larger one\'s payload IS the smaller one. Both shuttles end out with the end payload in space and CAN both be piloted into a landing. Allowed. Craft b - One large shuttle is launched into an orbit with it\'s payload via a Rocket. This rocket can only land with parachutes. Disallowed. Craft c - A rocket, with 25 stages. Disallowed. The winner is the one that abides by all of the rules, and gets the HEAVIEST payload into orbit. They must provide screenshots and a .craft file to confirm. Leaderboard; [list type=decimal] [li]Foursh (18.05)[/li] [li][/li] [li][/li] [li][/li] [li][/li]