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Dman Revolution

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Everything posted by Dman Revolution

  1. @Ultimate Steve So after reading through it seems like you guys are still looking for another crew vehicle? I got this hanging around if you want it: This is actually a slightly older version. The newer one has about 3.1twr on the LES, carries 5 crew, has more realistically placed rcs, and uses some clipped linear rcs in the trunk for propulsion on orbit. Weighs about 14t in total, so if launched on one of the larger LVs it could lift 3t or more as unpressurized cargo in its trunk. Doesn't technically have a spare set of chutes, but it has 3 in total and can land at <7m/s with or without fuel in the LES. **Technically** the actual capsule could be reused as the trunk and Capsule are essentially 2 separate crafts, and 90% of the vehicle's complexity is in the Capsule, not the trunk. Also, Idk if its really related but I also got a shuttle w/ stock arm too if we wanted to add that to this challenge at a later date. (Shuttle Mir Vibes?) (And one more beauty shot for effect)
  2. you wont get a good transfer once per year because of eeloo's inclination. You'd have to do a pretty big mid course inclination change if you don't find the right window.
  3. I don't have any shots of if flying to the north pole, but this bad boy carries 40 kerbals at 1.4km/s Once at cruising altitude and speed it only needs the 4 rapiers to hold 1.4km/s
  4. Been working on this for a few days: https://imgur.com/a/VCsrc94 This plane has already flown twice, and the upperstage once. Should be able to launch sets of sats like this to duna with recovery of the stage no problem.
  5. Hey, I don't know if its feasible but might I recommend making launch clamps on these pads automatically be deleted from the map after launch. Like how the stock launchpad does. I only ask because theyre within phys range of each other, so if you dont clean up after yourself it can cause a performance hit. Thanks!
  6. Dart XL Supersonic Kerbal Transport Full album: https://imgur.com/a/PZkOFYa Download: https://kerbalx.com/DemoRevolution/DART-XL Stats: Fuel once at cruising speed: 12300 Kallons Cruising Speed: 1465m/s Cruising Altitude: 18km Fuel Burn rate: 2.25 kal/sec Range:m 8000km Crew Capacity: 64 Kerbals Price: 169,850,000 Pros: Fast! Relatively large crew capacity long range Cons: Slow to reach cruising speed and altitude hard to slow down Small amount of clipping just to make use of the fairings (Flight instructions on the kerbalx page)
  7. Dart XL Supersonic Kerbal Transport Full album: https://imgur.com/a/PZkOFYa Download: https://kerbalx.com/DemoRevolution/DART-XL Stats: Fuel once at cruising speed: 12300 Kallons Cruising Speed: 1465m/s Cruising Altitude: 18km Fuel Burn rate: 2.25 kal/sec Range:m 8000km Crew Capacity: 64 Kerbals Price: 169,850,000 Pros: Fast! Relatively large crew capacity long range Cons: Slow to reach cruising speed and altitude hard to slow down Small amount of clipping just to make use of the fairings (Flight instructions on the kerbalx page)
  8. Honestly haven't really tested a max payload movement with it. I think the tank in that video is the highest I've gone. The current iteration of the arm starts docked to the left side inside the bay. It uses 3 docking ports, 1 for each portion of the arm: manipulator, elbow and shoulder. It does NOT work when in time warp, but due to the docking ports you can just redock the arm to make it through that. Usually I just mount whatever I'm moving to the main port on the shuttle when I need to time warp. Nice thing about the arm though is if your do lose it a lot of times the magnetic force of the docking ports allows you to line up a lost arm and redock it and it'll actually just pop back into its hinge! Now, how it actually works: Ill start at the shoulder, it's a ball joint using a linear rcs and thermometers to hold it in. It then has small reaction wheels on the other end with a small probe core and an rig. Basically you're using the mass of the shuttle to hold the ball joint end from moving. This is then connected using a hinge to the next piece of the arm. It's made using a mess of thermometers and comm antennas. To make it stable I had to add a few more than are in the video. This is controlled in a similar way to the shoulder, but it's a hinge. At the end of this is one of the "new" tiny rcs ball tanks. Now why use that instead of another linear rcs? Docking reloads the physics. This causes clipping. So if I were to use one it would just clip through the thermometers because of its tiny collider. This problem is exacerbated by the magnetism of the docking port. You have to line it up pretty well so the arm doesn't get yanked and put in a bad spot for the physics reload. All together it can be kinda finicky and I can probably use collidascope to clean it up a bit more, but if any of you can figure out a mission for it, that'd be cool. I'm thinking maybe a hard mode for all the station missions. Instead of just floating it away, using a tug or mmu you have to somehow use the arm to do it. Edit: Oh and as a bonus here's a pic of my newest version of the shuttle, working srbs and all: https://imgur.com/gallery/45F6549
  9. @michal.don I don't know if this challenge would benefit from it but I have a compact stock robotic arm subassembly I could submit. This is a video of the initial version. The elbow is a little more robust at this point, but can still break if you're not careful. (This is also a version that was not a subassembly)
  10. Hey anyone know a cause for a crash whenever I revert to VAB? I'd post a log, but idk where to find crash logs these days since they don't appear in the main ksp folder for me like they used to. Edit: Doesnt't crash on revert to flight, or any other scene change, so i don't really have an idea for what it could be.
  11. My STS 1B submission: And I really wish that I took screen shots along the way, but this was built entirely with my space shuttle in around 20+ launches: (except for the orange tanks and huge crew module on the back. They were put up with my falcon like rocket)
  12. I tried again, and this time I went for broke, so GG Take note of the 2m difference (I should get bonus for that ) (If the album hasn't updated on here then click on it, I just replaced the old with the new)
  13. I don't know if this counts, because I don't have picks of the full launch, but here's my STS-1 mission with my Aries Orbiter I had a bunch of fuel left, so I could've gone a bit higher
  14. The only mod it uses is procedural tanks and its only for the ET and Boosters, but I have a stock version too
  15. Space Shuttle and Centaur G The last few days I've been working on redesigning my space shuttle. Here's the shuttle: Stats: - Can take >45t to LKO - can transfer to minmus and orbit and back using an orange tank and 1/4 orange tank - the ET and OMS is about 1/2 full for most missions Centaur G: I was watching an EJ_sa VOD and decided to build a reusable centaur G. Stats: - able to carry more payload than in the picture -can swap out the from tank for more range
  16. Here's my falcon heavy and dragon v2 design. http://imgur.com/gallery/YSRGP/new
  17. [SIZE=5][FONT=arial black][B]Woo another Space Shuttle Thread [/B][/FONT][/SIZE] I've been working on this craft since .90 and it has been through many changes. Such changes being the engines, mass, fuel layout, control, wing design, and finally booster design. I have a stock version and a modded version, if you want the stock I'll add that to kerbalx for download too. [imgur]opjE2[/imgur] [SIZE=4][FONT=arial black][B]Download at kerbalX:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [URL]http://kerbalx.com/DmanRevolution/_KallengerPT_[/URL] [SIZE=4][FONT=arial black]Mods:[/FONT][/SIZE] procedural parts [SIZE=4][FONT=arial black]Stats:[/FONT][/SIZE] Max payload capacity to 75km: ~70 tons Max altitude with 42 tons: 250-300 km Max landing payload: ~20 tons [SIZE=4][FONT=arial black]Instructions [/FONT][/SIZE] Landing instructions are under the name in the vab/sph hotkeys: 1: main engine toggle 2: oms engine toggle 4: toggle all sas parts (useful for docking to large modular space stations) [FONT=arial black][SIZE=4]Note:[/SIZE][/FONT] when using oms, enable the rear tanks Shots of things I've done since the original design: [imgur]5sUqc[/imgur] If you create any cool add-ons for it post them on kerbalx and I'll add them to the main post.
  18. I need to test to see if mine can lift that much now, last time I checked I could lift >70t to 75k, but I forgot to fully fuel the oms so I could probably bring it higher [COLOR=#333333] [imgur][/COLOR]opjE2[COLOR=#333333][/imgur] [/COLOR] I have a stock one too, that has ~ the same stats, but I like this better
  19. Although the lag makes it tough to land on the runway (I hit the runway every time due to the fact i've flown this about 40 times between this and my 1.0.4 version) It works great and I feel like its one of the best i've seen Even built a Space station w/ it and have a spacehab attachment for it
  20. First launch and I got a camera bug, it fixed when I got to orbit, but screwed up again once back in the atmosphere Any help?
  21. Could you make them hollow and have a ladder on the side so you can go up them?
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