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Everything posted by moogoob

  1. Minmus. I have a small showroom of ion and conventional landers on one of the flat areas.
  2. I like leaving it in orbit - gives me something to see out in space, makes it feel lived-in. Quite often I can tell what it was from based on its trajectory. (Oh, it's the stack separator from that lander OR Oh, that's a spent Mun shot stage..)
  3. Nice render! Any plans to make a nuclear engine? (Glowing perhaps?)
  4. I've orbited or flown by (with manned craft and probes) everything except Eeloo and Dres, and landed on the Mun, Minmus, Duna and Eve. I've only done a return mission (so far!) from Duna, Mun & Minmus. Eve is hard!
  5. "Okay, parachutes. Open any day, now."
  6. Fark.com threads about space always degenerate into KSP screenshot fests of the "moar boosters" and "moar struts" variety. Eventually convinced myself to pick it up. That and the constant references to it in XKCD.
  7. Was looking for a thread like this. Good tips. My second time attempting Duna. Came in shallow correctly, did a bit of chute staggering too. Brought like twelve of the radial chutes for a 2-kerbal lander; it was comical looking. Good to know that I should just save the weight next time.
  8. The chemistry of a match is meant for an oxygen-rich atmosphere. If the match head and striker strip were some kind of oxidizer material - reacted to give off hydrogen peroxide and heat or something, THEN it would burn. It wouldn't stay lit, however, unless the match itself was... soaked in liquid oxygen? Yeah, it would all be backwards in an atmosphere like that. EDIT: http://chemistry.about.com/od/howthingsworkfaqs/f/howmatcheswork.htm Ahh, so the heads of safety matches contain oxidizer. Good to know. The match would definitely go out once the head burned, however.
  9. Yes you most definitely can. A one-way colony mission is actually one of the easier things to do (among interplanetary missions), especially on planets with an atmosphere like Duna or Eve where you can just use parachutes for a nice soft landing. I would check out the youtube account of a guy by the name of Scott Manley. His tutorials are astounding (and he knows his astrophysics).
  10. I like the changes - both the mainsail and skipper are now quite useful again. The LFB gets a bit of a nerf - but that's cool, it's supposed to be more brawn than brains anyways and disposed of once you no longer need all that thrust. I've always had a soft spot for that little orange Rockomax engine. Its whole point was to have high thrust in a tiny, compact engine, to contrast with the bigger but much more efficient LV-909. If you want miniscule thrust, just use the LV-1. Nobody gives that engine any love.
  11. I don't have much of one... usually the destination will be the first part of the name followed by what it is and what version it is. There may or may not be suffixes and prefixes. "Tiny Minmus Ion Lander Mk.2" is a pretty typical name. I omit the lifter stages because, well, I just use the same big dumb boosters for everything.
  12. Tried making some minimal, efficient launchers. Recreated the Ares rocket (to some degree).
  13. I've been toying around with Ion landers around Minmus for the last week. Not too minimalist though - my best designs usually require a small degree of spamming massless parts (Like batteries and OX-Stats. Especially batteries). What battery setup do you use on your probes or do you try to go solar only?
  14. It dates back to my time in Orbiter - this was my default "reached space" music for a while. Made circularization burns that much more epic.
  15. Thanks! The delta-v calculator has its issues sometimes (recently had to delete all my config files from inside /Mechjeb2 and let the mod reset them as the calculator (and vessel info, and orbit info) went missing entirely:huh:) but for me it's worked quite well. I don't understand the flak MJ sometimes gets in the community though. The lovers love it but the haters seem to hate it with a passion. Sure, it's more impressive to pull off burns manually, and your first ascent to a 100km equatorial orbit is fun. Your 20th, 40th? I'd rather put MJ on pilot duty and make myself a coffee. Then do a flashy manual landing on the Mun just to prove I can.
  16. I use it in all my station designs - mostly for appearances' sake.
  17. Never been to Calgary - have fun! (from Toronto, BTW) If you're in Alberta, perhaps think of a trip to see fossils in the badlands perhaps? One of the richest dinosaur spots in the country. Wiki link to Dinosaur Provincial Park: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur_Provincial_Park
  18. Phobos. There's just something about Stickney. Jupiter would be a close second.
  19. I got a Roford Kerman. Surprisingly close to a certain mayor of my hometown.
  20. Thought I'd get a greeting out. I've only been playing KSP since 0.23, so fairly recently. The only non-cosmetic mod I use is Mechjeb - love the TWR and delta-v calculations, plus he's better than I am at performing maneuver nodes. I hope to get some pics of my creations up soon!
  21. Been working on an Atlas - the Vernors are hard to get working as the verniers did in the original so I used an LVT-45 for the center engine just to get some control. The 2 engines jettisoned are both LVT-30s.
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