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Everything posted by moogoob

  1. Nice wedge! (I predict wedge-shaped mohole landers become the new hotness)
  2. If you like the mods, then mod it. Make sure to download and reinstall updated versions of your mods first, though. I only run three mods - EVE, Mechjeb and Planetshine. But that's cause I like the balance and restriction of stock parts.
  3. I had a satellite launcher upper stage run out of battery during the circularization burn. Engine had no alternator, couldn't shut it down. The sun being right behind me meant that none of my OX_Stats could generate any power at all. :/ Turns out I had way way way too much delta-v, cause the satellite is now on an eccentric orbit between the orbits of Eve and Dres.
  4. Bingo! Lack of vuncanism is, of course a big difference. I like to think of Laythe as sort of a cross between Titan and Io - Io's position, orbit and tidal heating and Titan's oceans and thick atmosphere. The best of both worlds, as it is said.
  5. Thanks for the info - I recall hearing about the Aurora-B2 connection some time a while ago. Still, there might be a plane or three that IS classified but still in use. How long did the SR-71 fly for before being officially announced? Of course, that was the era where spy planes were actually useful; spy satellites had to shoot film canisters in reentry capsules just to recover high-res images and planes could simply, well, land and have their film developed without risking it being intercepted. Maybe there's just no need for top-secret super-fast planes any more?
  6. By "Jeb" you mean "Mechjeb", right? If so, yeah, I remember when it was pants at docking. Made me inspired to learn manual docking myself, cause I could do it better. And this was maybe in 0.23.5 or so, not so far back.
  7. I love that we're still using Centaurs. Workhorses, they are.
  8. What about the rumored Aurora spy plane? Has that been declassified yet?
  9. I agree - the future is gameplay on devices/monitors of all sorts of sizes and pixel densities, and the UI should be scalable for usability on those.
  10. Same thing happens when choosing a flag. Nowadays I never change flags, lest I accidentally rip a part of my rocket off hitting "OK".
  11. Hey! I like hearing Air on a G String every time I reach space. And no other music, ever. J/k I'd love if custom music were supported. Just an "MP3" folder in the game directory with an in-game widget to choose new tracks to listen to. Or itunes compatibility, but not everyone uses/likes itunes. (and you wouldn't catch me dead installing it on Win7 )
  12. I've been playing for a while now and I still use Mechjeb (autopilot mod) for planning interplanetary transfers and course corrections. Why? It's tough and fidgety even with Mechjeb's porkchop plot calculator helping you. You can choose between a transfer that uses more fuel but gets there AND/OR leaves sooner, or wait for an ideal window, it's up to you. Watching what MJ does is very useful to help figure it out yourself, too.
  13. Yes it does. I've done it myself before. EDIT: I think launch 1 that I did was a hab module and launch 2 had the lab and solar panel array, but I don't think order matters.
  14. Isn't Eeloo closer to Pluto, as a Trans-Joolian (ie Trans-Neptunian) Object? Ceres = Dres. First three moons of Jool = First three Galilean Moons: Io = Laythe Europa = Vall Ganymede = Tylo --They even have the same orbital resonance.
  15. Fark.com. Any spaceflight thread for a while would degenerate into somebody posting their Kerbal asparagus-strut monstrosities. Now, I'd HEARD of it before, but at that time it was merely an early-access demo of sorts, before (I'd assume) the solar system had been added. Those monstrosities made me aware of just how far the game had come (v0.23.5 i think), so I checked out YouTube for gameplay videos. It just so happened that the game was on a Steam sale at the time and within a day I was achieving orbit! Of course, it helps that I'd been a big Orbiter fan so at least the basics of space flight (ascent, orbit, Hohmann transfers, docking, aerobraking, deorbit etc) were familiar to me. The rocket construction thing though was what drew me in. I love building stuff, and building functional stuff is even more fun!
  16. I sometimes forget it's there, but once in a while it really comes in handy. For example, trying to use a tiny decoupler with an Ant engined probe. There's no shroud, just a huge gap. A little offset and it's sitting closer. Still a gap, but at least it's nicer looking! Same goes for parts placed on certain fuel tanks; there are some (FL-T800) where parts like OX-Stats and thermometers hover over its surface, and others where parts disappear beneath. This tool lets you quickly and easily correct it for sharper-looking rockets.
  17. I've been wondering this. Thanks!
  18. IIRC in an older thread NovaSilisko was saying that there were (or is?) plans for at least one more gas giant as well- Jool was to be the smaller one with the more interesting moons. Also, Eeloo was to be a moon of this bigger giant. (though honestly I prefer it as a trans-Joolian object/"Eelootino")
  19. That happened to me too! Only it was from a craft in... munar orbit?!? Now a lone AR202 case is just floating around in some bizarre orbit by itself.
  20. [Comms-DTS-M1]:Uploading Data...10% EDIT: As in, don't take a screeny while uploading data.
  21. Well done! It helps a bit that Ike encounters are a dime a dozen given how big and close to Duna the bloody moon is, but it's always a thrill when you knock off multiple contracts on one mission.
  22. I've been still trying to land on every body with a probe. After the recent success of my Eeloo mission, all I've got left are Moho, Ike, Dres, Tylo and Vall. (Saving boring Ike and Dres for last, perhaps.)
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