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Mynar Moonshadow

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Everything posted by Mynar Moonshadow

  1. That's strange ... I have a dev install that I literally just added the latest Karibou zip file to and it shows up fine in Sandbox. I only installed the Karibou zip, KSP-AVC, QuickScroll, and Module Manager 2.6.6 (not from the Karibou zip, but from MM zip). The Freight (empty) and Kolonization tabs both show up with the Karibou parts listed under Kolonization tab. (see below as to why I did a clean install) ~M~ - - - Updated - - - *********************** *** VERY EARLY WIP *** *********************** So ... Anyone who's watched RoverDude's streams in the past 2 weeks may have seen me mention a part I have been working on. I had originally intended to make something completely different, but then RoverDude started making the Karibou and I repurposed my original idea. I have no previous experience with 3D modeling, much less using Unity, Blender, and Gimp. In the past 3 weeks I've gone through the "make a fuel tank first" process to diving into this project. It has been an incredible learning experience and I'm having fun with it. I'm still not dead set on the overall form factor. I have limited myself to only using the area behind the lightbar until the adapter plate. This is a hair over 1m of space. I wanted it to be roughly equal in height to the lightbar so it wouldn't get destroyed when Jeb decides to pull high G turns. The overall design goals: 1.) Keep the aesthetic "look" of the Karibou Rover. The part needs to flow with RoverDude's design, not hinder or distract from it. 2.) Make an animated part ... because I like shiny, moving, spinning, flashing lights kinda stuff! 3.) Useful part with a "Kerbalistic" realism to the moving bits. I thought I'd post my current progress here to see what peoples' thoughts are on it. Do you like it / hate it / think it should die a prolonged agonizing death in a smelter / totally on the wrong track? Keep going or format C: /s/u? Pay no attention to the texturing ... I was given an early holiday gift ( a little Wacom Intuos Art ) and I was playing with it for the first time tonight. The red/green are just doors that open up to reveal the solar panel dome. The doors will also have solar panels on the reverse side. The blue/purple shaded areas are going to be solar panels that generate power for the built-in battery pack. It's a little difficult to tell from the album however the dome "inflates" after the doors raise enough for it to clear them. As the doors continue rotating, the center section that the solar dome sits on is raised to its' full height. Ideally they will generate power following the stock solar panels rules (distance, generation for the given area, etc) however that's a bit further along the learning curve. ~M~
  2. Check out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50077-1-04-Fusebox-electric-charge-tracker-and-build-helper-1-50-released-2nd-Jul-15 ~M~
  3. HyperEdit doesn't change the orientation of the craft, just the location. You'll need some SAS/RCS to spin it around so that it is in a surface-up orientation. ~M~
  4. I don't find them any more flip happy than stock wheels when driving at a reasonable speed. Easiest fix is to widen the stance if you aren't worried about shoving it into a fairing or cargo bay. ~M~
  5. While you may not have meant to seem incredibly rude and demanding ... (which is the way I read it) ... in the future you may try to exercise more tact. Modders make mods for themselves first and foremost. They see something that they want to change ... and spend a lot of their free time (read unpaid by anyone) to make it how they envision it to be. THEN they might share it with the rest of us. Comments like this come across as being self-entitled. "I want to use this mod, so get rid of this part that is annoying me NOW". You aren't entitled to anything. You can choose not to use this mod. You can choose to submit a pull request via Github to get it fixed to your preference. You can choose to fork the mod and fix what you think is wrong. But what is incredibly ... shortsighted ... is to "demand" someone else spend their free (unpaid) time to modify a mod to suit you. If it bothers you that much, fix it yourself. Otherwise, ask *politely and considerately* when an update might be expected. Or even better ... why not offer to donate X amount to the mod author to "expedite" your request instead of feeling entitled? You want it? Pay them to fix it "now" instead of "when they have the leisure time to get around to fixing a minor warning message when the mod still works just fine in the current version of the game". ~M~
  6. I was watching most of the twitch streams while Roverdude was working on the wheel. Unfortunately for me, I believe he finally got everything working while offline and did the final touches on the models/texture while streaming so I didn't get to see the whole process. The animation has a noticeable "snap" from retraction / resting point ... but I know he can work that out in time. I do know he has used KF tracks on his stuff (watch any of his previous streams while playing instead of modeling ... KF tracks on his "watneymobiles" for example). I'll go out on a limb here (I have no direct knowledge, just guessing at this point) and hypothesize that he used stock modules because A.) 1.1 is supposed to update the wheel modules with "stuff" and B.) He's been burned by taking dependencies on other mods in the past. My personal opinion is that quite a few mod authors are waiting for the 1.1 hammer to drop, fixing their own stuff, then figuring out what to do from there. Roverdude loves to collaborate with other modders and actively encourages sharing / playing nice together. I'm optimistic that if folks reach out to him, he would be receptive. I'd love to see DustFX on his wheels as an example. As someone who has spent probably 50 hours going from "never modeled a bloody thing for game" to (finally tonight!) successfully Blendering / Paint / Unity-fying a simple cylinder while referencing tutorials 2 years out of date ... I have newfound respect for all the folks who make mods. I completely understand mod makers who were actively developing their mods 5 KSP versions ago being slow to update until KSP settles down. There has to be some burnout after a certain threshold. Unfortunately it also puts the people who take dependencies on someone elses' work in a bad spot if they don't update as quickly. Hence RoverDude helping out with Firespitter patches to get his own mods working again recently. I'm still using KF 1.8(insertsomeletterhere) mainly because I've frozen my career mode game mods as a snapshot. I know what to expect, where to find it, and what bugs I need to work around with the few mods I have installed. If I choose not to update them, well it's all on me. I'm at a good playable state with my current selection until 1.1 drops and screws everything ... errr ... modifies the game in dramatic ways that I have to readjust to. ~M~
  7. I wanted to compare the packrat vs Karibou ... then I decided, why not both at the same time? https://www.dropbox.com/s/kt1jx47h0zc229x/Karibou-Packrat.png?dl=0 I built a basic Karibou, put one of the SC-62 KIS containers on the cargo bay wall and loaded up. Full science rover package ready to rumble while the Karibou ... grazes or something like that. I had to put the science crate and drill into the kerbal's inventory ... otherwise I managed to get everything else into the onboard crate. EDIT: Worth noting that Bill stayed in the same location for the entire build. No need to go up and down the ramp with parts. Serendipity! ~M~
  8. Whee! Early presents for all! You didn't even flip this one ... color me impressed! ~M~
  9. This may help ... I had to do the math several times until I figured it out myself. For testing purposes, I wanted to make a K+ band outside of Kerbin in a very narrow band ... I had an idea for a video series that I may end up doing at some point .. but wanted to test it out back in the day. Come to think of it .. I should revisit that notebook ... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100162-0-90-Regolith-an-open-ISRU-and-Resource-framework-0-1-7-2015-02-26?p=1851103&viewfull=1#post1851103 Now keep in mind there is a random element to it that I never did track down programattically ... however this should get you looking in the correct direction. ~M~
  10. You have to enable which icons to display in each scene. Right click the down arrow and add the mod you want shown in that screen. ~M~
  11. I'm not sure if I'm Disturbed by the fact someone would WANT to recycle Kerbals or Joyful that Bob survives another day of testing. I mean blowing them up with an non-accidental planned disassembly is one thing ... it's all in the name of science of course! But willfully shoving them into the front of a large snow removal truck ... <shudders> ~M~ ps - I'm joking.
  12. From a page or two back http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-1-0-4-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v5-2-1?p=2091022&viewfull=1#post2091022 You need to either await the next incremental release or just edit the part.cfg. I already changed mine and they work fine on the Mun.
  13. A simple google search reveals: http://community.norton.com/en/forums/clarification-wsreputation1-detection Clarification on WS.Reputation.1 detection Posted: 17-May-2010 | 1:45PM • 0 Replies • Permalink There have been several recent posts about the WS.Reputation.1 detection. In order to clear things up, we thought it was important to explain this detection and provide more information about how you should deal with it. First off, we have published a write-up on our Security Response site. Please see the information here - http://www.symantec.com/en/uk/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2010-051308-1854-99. The text reads: WS.Reputation.1 is a detection for files that have a low reputation score based on analyzing data from Symantec’s community of users and therefore are likely to be security risks. Detections of this type are based on Symantec’s reputation-based security technology. Because this detection is based on a reputation score, it does not represent a specific class of threat like adware or spyware, but instead applies to all threat categories. The reputation-based system uses "the wisdom of crowds" (Symantec’s tens of millions of end users) connected to cloud-based intelligence to compute a reputation score for an application, and in the process identify malicious software in an entirely new way beyond traditional signatures and behavior-based detection techniques. Now, like any security technology, there is a small chance that we have made a mistake on a file. We are constantly tuning the reputation system to avoid these problems, but they do occur on occasion. If you believe a file has been mistakenly detected by WS.Reputation.1, you can submit a dispute at https://submit.symantec.com/dispute/. This page is monitored 24 hours a day so that we can immediately begin to research and correct any issue. ~M~
  14. I tested the Hyperedit_hotfix.dll and saving coordinates works! YAY! But ... (you knew that was coming, right?) It saves the coordinates to a new file in ..\KSP\Gamedata\Kerbaltek\Hyperedit. The old file is located in ..\KSP\GameData\Kerbaltek\PluginData\HyperEdit. This causes the new saves to work just fine, but the old "trusty" KSC Beach - Wet coordinates to not load from the old landcoords.txt file. If you are someone like me ... and has a ton of saved coordinates from previous games ... it'd be nice to have them available when upgrading. It isn't a *huge* problem as I just merged the two files together. But others upgrading from 0.90/1.3 to 1.0/1.4 might be a bit bewildered. There also appears to be a disconnect between the stock toolbar button and the "close all" button from the first screen. The toolbar button doesn't seem to understand the current state of the "close all button" when you use that to close the window. It results in a double click if you use the stock button to reopen the first menu. Again, first world problem and nothing game breaking. I can make exact reproduction steps if my explanation isn't clear. It probably isn't ... it's been a long night with many cocktails and science hopping on Minmus. Thanks for all that you do!!! I (as one in a hundred users that posts) greatly appreciate the time and energy you put into this mod! ~M~
  15. Thanks Khyperia and Ezriilc for getting this fixed up so fast! Fantastic work and hopefully you don't gain too many white hairs nailing down the last tidbits. Even The Man (Scott Manley) broke the no-mod rules during the twitch streaming ... and guess which mod he had installed ... ~M~
  16. Anyone else having an issue with HyperEdit 1.4 not loading the pre-existing coordinates or saving new ones? I just did a clean copy of 1.0, reinstalled HyperEdit 1.4, and launched a basic rover on the runway. Opened up HyperEdit from the stock toolbar and clicked load ... nothing shows in the load screen. The landcoords.txt file has information in it ... but it neither saves new locations to this file or apparently reads the pre-existing ones for me. I first noticed this is my career mode game. I tested it again in Sandbox mode on the clean install. ~M~
  17. Thought exercise: A mod to make all resources put up on a stock market-ish sytem and dynamically update pricing in the VAB/SPH. I hate me me too, it's O.K.
  18. Question: Has anyone seen / previously inquired if Squad gets a portion of the proceeds from these purchases? I'm not asking for percentages or anything like that ... but if I'm going to purchase KSP merchandise, I'd certainly be more comfortable knowing that doing so not only supports the merchant, but Squad as well. I Ass(u)me so ... but I'd just like confirmation. ~M~
  19. Thanks Crzyrndm for pointing me in the right direction. I totally missed that part ... which most likely ties into the fact I know nothing about C#. When did they start putting telephone symbols after letters?!!?! 10 Print "Hello World" 20 goto 10 is more my speed I guess. IF THEN ELSE Loops in Turbo Pascal 2.0 kinda killed my programming desire back in the day ... and hunting through 13K lines of code to find the one : that should have been a ; ... I should probably abandon this until I get a better understanding of modern programming languages so I don't feel like a complete idiot all of the time. =) ~M~
  20. I know things are massively changing in a few days but I was wondering if someone who really IS a programmer would take a moment to help me understand something with the Regolith configs. What I wanted to do was put a resource in a very narrow band around Kerbin to test with. So I used Karborundum as a test resource to puzzle through it. Two things puzzled me while slogging through the RegolithResourceMap.cs file on Github. 1.) line 205 only seems to work at my desired altitude of 2.4M if I use MinAltitude =0 and MaxAltitude=8. Mathematically, a combination of 2/6 or 4/4 should give the same result. Yet after moving a ship out to the orbit and locating the band in question, the band is no longer there when I start playing with min/max numbers. I'm assuming that these values are used elsewhere (or part of the randomization) but I can't see it. I feel like I'm missing something easy ... but it isn't clicking in my head.[TABLE=class: highlight tab-size-8 js-file-line-container] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num js-line-number][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code js-file-line, bgcolor: #F8EEC7]var ideal = ((rad*distro.MinAltitude) + (rad*distro.MaxAltitude))/2;[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Assume rad=100 ideal=((100*0)+(100*8))/2 ideal=((0)+(800))/2 ideal=(800)/2 ideal=400 ideal=((100*2)+(100*6))/2 ideal=((200)+(600))/2 ideal=(800)/2 ideal=400 ideal=((100*4)+(100*4))/2 ideal=((400)+(400))/2 ideal=(800)/2 ideal=400 2.) I'm not sure where request.altitude comes from in the line below. Is it just a Unity/KSP call? I looked up Math.Abs so I get the reason for that bit ... but I'm just trying to figure stuff out. var diff = Math.Abs(ideal - request.Altitude); None of this is important. I'm just trying to understand what is going on or what I'm missing (most likely) from the overall logic flow. ~M~
  21. Probably. If you can come up with a good reason / use case for it. I'm not a programmer nor an expert on models, but IVA-RPM integration from what I have read is not a trivial thing to do. Most all of the command pods in this parts pack are tiny 1 Kerbal deals .. so personally I'd be hard pressed to find a use case for the RPM integration for them. ~M~
  22. Oh NO you didn't ... you didn't just drop announcement without more of a teaser/trailer? No pics even ... yer slacking Taniwha .. yer slacking! and I do apologize profusely for butchering your handle previously ... my only excuse is that I was on a cell phone and www.damnyouautocorrect.com showed up.
  23. From the release notes: "The removal of free and instant construction modes is the reason for the jump to 5.0.0." Taniwah explains his reasons in this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-0-90-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v5-0-2?p=1674373&viewfull=1#post1674373 If I read it correctly, he removed the code from the mod totally, so it isn't something that can be turned on or off with a cfg. ~M~
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