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Everything posted by mattinoz

  1. The first thing I'd ask is why the Altimeter is at the top of the screen anyway? first thing I'd do is move it next to the nav ball on the bottom edge of the screen, then add smaller read out on top of it and one below Top readout is Apoapsis Main Altimeter Bottom switches between Radar to Periapses whenever Periapsis is above the ground. The screen space next to navball is kind of dead space anyway but your eye is there looking at the navball a lot anyway.
  2. Have to say it wasn't till I flow in the new Aero that I understood how bad and un-fun the original soup was.
  3. Yep hoping new UI will help Squad sort this out.
  4. This would be good, maybe the best part of allowing each stage to be it's own action group it would be easier to make the number groups about collecting all the similar objects together, Solar panels, air intakes,.... It would be good to get say a switch stage which would alternate between two stages or even flip through multiple stages.
  5. Thermocouples turn heat in to electrical energy. They do need a fairly substantial temperature differential to work as they are constrained by the law of thermodynamics still could be good. Potential add on part to the new radiators.
  6. I don't understand why autonomous pilots as a trainable skill is considered such a bad thing. Sure single super pilots with all the ability of mechJeb should either non-existent or really hard to earn. Still there is a big range of scope for pilot to have some useful skills that could be highly limited. You could break mechJeb into lots of discrete skills then assign them around different levels of Pilots even tie some to engineers or scientists so that you a combination.
  7. Yep Ideas are easy and cheap, it's the implementation that's hard and valuable. To me everything in the videos shows they know how it needs to work but the reports from the hands on demos so far have shown the Tech just isn't there to deliver.
  8. Time is still basically meaningless in gameplay terms.
  9. Hololens can't project black which to me is very important to playing KSP.
  10. It also needs Kerbal style bridge building because they just go together.
  11. Interesting Blog post from Unity when Metal was announced for iOS. http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/07/03/metal-a-new-graphics-api-for-ios-8/ If these answers in the FAQ at the end are the same for Metal on OS X it can only be a good thing for KSP right?
  12. Would it be worth considering in this change the addition of an extra science unlock option based on time? So a tech tree on rails that would mirror us humans and unlock the all the parts over the course of 40-50years.
  13. I don't see how anything that would move towards this wouldn't be good for the game in general. Sure in career game we'd have to work to turn the features on but that is no different sandbox vs career. Kerbal-Pilots who can pilot all the way to another planet and land based on a simple mission directive. Interface that doesn't hide information just because. Science information good enough to learn Kerbital Mechanics and dV budgets to get around the system in game. Pre-made craft that work. All these things to me would be great for everyone.
  14. Another vote for all of these items especially 1 and 8. 1 well why not it makes life so much easier when there is no reason to complex. 8 because Bacon
  15. Isn't the Aero section getting to big and unweldly already? If I had any say in the matter I'd divide into say, Lift, Control/Drag and Intake air.
  16. I think one of the main addicts elements of KSP is you can "play" any where any time even without a computer. I find myself at randoms times thinking "What if I tried..."
  17. A Firefly class style Loading ramp and airlock to fit on the front or back of a of a Mk3 cargo bay would be good but i figured that was the Guppy parts.
  18. Have to say I agree with this. Not that we want contracts to be controlling but guiding of how to progress would be good. Oddly as contract tend to be just about money they tend to be very controlling about how career plays out.
  19. While there isn't cross-training there should be bonus skills or effects based on combinations of skill sets. So an engineer teamed with a pilot could maybe auto stage during a burn. At higher levels engineers might convert burn dV amounts to seconds and take into account the effect of staging on that burn time. At higher level still the combo could burn node without player input. Similarly Scientists and Pilots and Scientists and Engineers could have interaction skills.
  20. The other fix seeing they are redoing the UI anyway... Get the recovery and space centre return buttons to out of the bottom of the Altitude display. Then your cursor has no need to go that high on the screen.
  21. Unless the cursor is over some clickable interface like say the staging interface then the space bar doesn't work.
  22. I'm not suggesting base time is linked to real time just that craft could warp ahead of the Kerbin time. You'd still be able to leisurely warp the Kerbin time ahead to suit yourself and even catch up quickly with your craft if you need the results of that mission for the next one.
  23. I'm not going to disagree regarding alarm clock and yes the chance of two events needing to happen at the same time are pretty much non existent. Kerbal alarm clock is an essential mod to me. Still as as you say the time scale is vast and events in that scale are rare which to me means if you focus on one mission at stay with it and warp those empty bits of time you neglect the space centre. If you keep an eye on the space centre and getting funds up to target the next interplanetary window by the time you come back to the first mission and its year long drift through space it could be days or weeks depending how much real life has gotten in the way. To to me splitting the time would allow us to wear two hats. CEO of our space program looking after making funds. mission director to focus on a goal. Without having to wear them both at the same time. Which to me would make the game more accessible to a more casual player.
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