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Everything posted by mattinoz

  1. Interesting solar panels are silicon thermocouples from what understand from various green-architecture* lectures I've been to. Sure they might be simplifying it a lot for the audience but if your fixed panels on the dark side of a craft that are acting as radiators shouldn't the thermocouple be producing power at the same time.
  2. I think it really adds to the retro 90's computer game feel and is very in keeping with the dotty lo-fi font. Squad should go further and remove true decenders from the interface to complete the look.
  3. Something I can test tonight... How well do the new aero-brakes work as Radiators for the Nuc?
  4. Both and Loving it but more sandbox at the moment. I tend to treat sandbox as a KSP career simulator. So in sandbox building planes trying out the new aero making poor Kerbals die as their craft turns to confetti around them. But that's ok in Sandbox they aren't reel anyway. Then Have a play to get the hang of resources before returning to career to pick up where i left off. I still wish there was a Simulator building within Career that basically let you quick jump to a Science game and let me and Kerbals practice not dying by dying.
  5. I think it makes sense the tanks are lighter they are after all much simpler. They aren't trying to keep a liquid liquid against the inky cold blackness of space while the sun beats down on them. What does seem over powered like other have said is that 1kg of Ore turns in to 1kg of fuel. Not to over complicate it but it should be much lower conversion rate with the remaining mass dumped out the side of unit. Maybe future mods could capture this waste/dust and turn it in something useful but to me there really should be some waste output from the system even if it doesn't render.
  6. Well RoverDude has updated his Sounding Rockets mod for 1.0 already. The pointy end looks a lot like a Road cone only redder.
  7. I'd go with "okre" k'ified ochre. Possibly one of the first human traded mineral substances.
  8. I guess this means I have to go rescue Jeb from his space station tonight. I case things break in the update process.
  9. Easy to fix by allowing us to tie contracts to craft. Which would also help filtering down the contract window to the most relevant information.
  10. If they want to make us work for it then it might be a good chance to give meaning to test contracts. After all how would our Engineers know engine data if we haven't run the tests to find it out. Thinking two contracts per engine one fixed to ground and fire at full throttle for 15sec's, to confirm thrust and ISP at sea level. Then a launch to x,000m and burn for 15sec to determine ISPvac.
  11. Are the new wet wings LF only? i think at least the mk2 & 3 parts should come in jet fuel options. That said it would be better if we got to decide for all tanks within reason.
  12. To bad we don't have notchable setting for this sort of thing. If you we could tap B to increase brakes and mod(alt/option) B to decrease then we could have just one key give a range of control. Holding the B down would quickly set brakes to 100% very quickly anyway.
  13. Looks a lot like Porkjets craft from the DevNote today. http://i.imgur.com/VG5Aemf.jpg
  14. Would the scan parts pick up a massive deposit at the bottom of the mohole?
  15. I'm thinking the drill part is only going to be able to extract k'ore only within a certain radius and depth. So even after you caught the asteroid you'd have the move the drill every few days to keep feeding your fuel tank station.
  16. Games generally have very little interest in Modern computing. They just have no interest/incentive to play well with others. If you play on a laptop and need to move away to multi-tasking for more than a couple of mins then you just have to kill the game. At least Squad seem to be putting efforts into getting you back running again sooner. Although they could make this faster by bypassing menu system as well.
  17. If they lose mass while being mined will they also burn off mass if you use them as an aerobraking heat shield?
  18. How do you know the new Aero is going to stop that level of fun... Everything flies with enough brute force.
  19. If the Round8 is going to be for 1.25 inline use then doesn't it need a structural cage around it. Which makes it a whole new model anyway? Why not keep both?
  20. in that case wouldn't nose cones also have a fairly high heat tolerance. You could then keep a probe tucked in behind one during interplanetary aerobraking to act as a heat shield for the main part of the probe. Instead ad of just dumping them as soon as you get out of Kerbin atomsphere.
  21. Rover dude. I think you have nailed it. I wonder if there is room for a companion mod that handles air quality. Can kerbals eat if they can't take their helmets off?
  22. Have to agree the kerbal hiring formula seems like a poor workaround to building proper time based mechanics. it is KSP not KSF after all. That said it might be passable if new hires started higher than zero stars. Say the rounded down average of your current employees. To me the only reason it should get more expensive is you are getting more skill.
  23. No way then we'd have to pay the Kerbals so they have coin to play with.
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