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Everything posted by mattinoz

  1. Is the water the start of weather on Kerbin? Are different oceans different temperatures? Does Kerbin have El nino? Are warmer oceans softer? Are the lakes fresh water? Are they harder on landing than the oceans? Will water ever not be just a repeating texture of blue and white? I think i think to much about the water system.
  2. So by Lego like are we talking 1980's Space Lego or modern day every set has at least one custom molded part like an Octopus?
  3. In the real world declining contracts may increase your reputation. Happy for it to stay neutral in KSP. Would prefer they make time frames for contracts shorter or two staged with say a rep bonus if completed before a certain date.
  4. I don't know why this doesn't mean Squad can't keep the engine as they are shown in the DevNote. In default mode all thrust produced goes out the nozzle. for the new player it's one part and visually it make sense. It's not just the nozzle it's the whole power plant. Add a single "placeAnywhere Nozzle" that can redirect an amount of thrust from the main turbine have them tied to RCS controls and system logic. Any thrust not redirected still goes out the back. The main engine still has throttle lag to contend with but the nozzles can switch how much thrust they are redirecting instantaneously. From that one stock part we get VTOL and thrust reverses possibilities. From there modding and squad could expand the range of nozzle options that could be used.
  5. Yes it seems to make more sense to me that I get to keep using the part and maybe get a small discount on the node science cost. Would make the test contracts more feel less grindy if they had direct effect, instead of a generic "reward".
  6. I Support this thread. Especially if these inter-stage faring stay as solid rings that can have parts attached to the outside.
  7. So basically a companion app to the future some what promised Multi-player server. Server handle problematic things like syncing between your device and your main computer. Handles hopefully game set up issues like mods active in that game. To me this would all be good things. But mostly I just want to be able to sketch up a craft design while I'm at lunch or such. I do think using the multi-touch inside the VAB will also be a massive bonus.
  8. Yes they should ignore engine parts although and create a structural faring based on the next tank part up the chain.
  9. The contract says they only want it in a stable orbit for a few seconds. If they want it longer they only have to ask.
  10. I would have thought it fitted nicely in to Squads Description of Expansion Packs from 2 years ago. I'd also think 2016 after a couple U5 updates would be a good time for Squad to seriously look at the first expansion pack. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/47730955705/expansions-dlc-and-the-future-of-ksp I would think Life support would be an important game play mechanic for Colonization and pretty handy in Mutliplayer as well.
  11. Also means you have an in game reason to keep Kerbals alive. Could be expanded to make the base more lively. Probe skill and active probe numbers could be tied to having trained pilots assigned to the tracking station. Skilled kerbal assigned to the training centre could mean new hires start say 2 levels less than the trainer. (Yes all probably just wishful thinking that Kerbals might one day matter, after all they don't even get a mention in the Wiki)
  12. Yes to me this is the sort of things that make the difference. The game play would be better if the system targets why probe vs pilot are different. Pilots are flexible and reactive to the situation. Probes are planned and precise but have limited input to what situation they are in till they get very advanced. So not allowing RCS translation controls to be used on probes till the most advanced units is one way to go. I'd also suggest play it up further and give us tools for automating flights and timings then restrict probes to be only controllable by those tools.
  13. I'd like to see 1.5) Integrity Failure - Part still attached but skin is broken and drag increases and lift decreases. So more aggressive than function failure and is going to make flying (and failing with style) harder but still not craft destroying like 2 & 3 would be.
  14. ...and they should have high courage and high stupidity.
  15. Do physics in KSP/Unity reach equilibrium? I mean situations like this with constant acceleration in a vacuum the forces on the craft must reach a point that it obvious craft won't fall apart. There must be a point like that when physics calculations are just going to produces exactly the same results and could be scaled back to allow higher rails like warps.
  16. I'm curious how you trigger commits on the git repository?
  17. Yes but the tedious part of that is calculating the Dry Mass and Wet mass by stage. Sure once you've done that it's easy. How effective you use the resource you have is always going to depend on skill and knowledge. Frankly that is what makes the game fun using what you've learned to do better next time.
  18. In all the CAD and design programmes I use there is one very similar concept. Symbols, Blocks, Assemblies various names same idea. Basically a group of objects that stay together as one object. Edit the internal objects of the symbol and all of the instances of the symbol change. Every time I build something even simple things I wish sub-assemblies had the option to work like symbols. That is all the objects in the subassembly would stay together like a single object while building a craft in the VAB/SPH. I could go an edit the assembly without the distraction of the rest of the craft. Any improvements to the assembly while building one craft will carry across to other saved craft a might relaunch in the future. To me this would be a big improvement for building wings for spaceplanes, rovers, boosters,..
  19. Yes this is the dangling carrot of "already confirmed" but not actually scheduled for a particular update.
  20. If it means we get that classic shot as seen with the Saturn V staging rings falling back and burning up as we stage I'm all for it. Yes,yes it's seemed odd to me structural forces in the current system seem to transfer via the delicate engine and gimble machinery. Those Gimbled engines must be over engineered to a massive extent to deal with those loads. Then again I'm not a Kerbal and those guys seem to be strange like that.
  21. I find the mouse wheel control of the nodes to be bad UI at the best of times. I mean in all other software I use and including in KSP (when not over the node) mouse wheel is the zoom control. So much so that it is the ingrained and you don't think about zooming you just it just do it, then realise your node is now so far out of wack that you sometimes have to delete it and start again. Especially if you moved the mouse slightly and ended up changing normal instead of prograde. Still it would be better to have the node control off the path to start with. Add say a modifier key to change mouse from zoom to adjust and I'm fully sold.
  22. I don't believe it's been point out yet but the Revert system fails if you want to run multiple long running missions parallel to make best use of transfer windows. Reverting your Duna lander to test a system could mean replaying not just that mission but could mean firing transfers and intercepts on any number of bodies. Revert is only really valid if you play KSP in a purely linear fashion.
  23. Yes it should be stock I know I avoid updating till I know the mod for this is works.
  24. Well that doesn't make a lot of sense now. I think we should take that as a Steve Jobs style rebuttal and hope it's a cover for something in the works. After all KSP has shown itself to be a game with great replay value. So players are having fun repeating things. Second we have revert which means we can do stuff that doesn't work revert then do all the things we know how to do again and again and again just to get back to the point where you want to try something new. So the way it is now we repeat less fun things to get to the new fun things. (or use a mod to take out the repeating stuff) Maybe a Simulator could be one of the fabled expansion packs. After all it would need to change some core game systems like restricting revert, add some new core systems like a fog-of-explore and would change game play to planned flight instead of seat of the pants. I know I'd drop money on it.
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