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    professional tiny tincans kerbals cramper
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    expecting Kerbin's atmosphere re-entry in 3... 2... 1 second

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  1. Outstanding mod. One quick question: am I supposed to pull service module as well during mission abortion?
  2. Corvus nose cone, the one that is 0.625 in the base and slightly tapered, is exactly the part that holds its docking port and chute.
  3. This mod doesn't have internals for the HL-20, therefore no portraits. But the crew should be inside try to right-click on the part and check if the kerbals are listed there. The adapter posted in this topic earlier was kitbashed mostly from the stock parts I believe.
  4. No, it doesn't. It introduces new pods and that's it. I suppose you have Restock installed. It has the same overall aesthetic and changes lots of stock parts, including command pods.
  5. Buran is sandwiched between external tank and the shuttle, with cursed combination of Energia and STS boosters around them, probably?
  6. Wait how the hell did I post that in the wrong thread?? It was, obviously, about ACK's adapter.
  7. My PC wont let me test the SpikeX Chaser abomination Ive made earlier today but it sure makes a cute pressurized section.
  8. It's positively beautiful. With some tweakscaling tested it in a more inline fashion for smaller biconic-style spacecraft, will test its spaceplane potention in next day. A very capable crew shuttle. Also I like that KDSS perfectly works with inline docking covers.
  9. The deprecation of KSP1 is not really that certain. Depending on the system requirements, gameplay changes, moddability, the developmemt course and the state of community, it can very well never happen at all. Bannerlord may tried to fix lots of issues of Mount&Blade, and yet the modding community of Bannerlord is utterly demotivated by the updates, and available mods are not as ambitious as they were for original M&B. And don't get me started on Doom. Video games age non-linearily.
  10. Imagine coping and seething so hard that the only thing you can do is just go and try to convince everyone that the extremely wide in scope, detailed, faithful while being stockalike, flexible and, honestly, unique in the taken niche mod is "mid". And your only piece of evidence is, let me check, oh, that the mod is finished. Finishing what you are doing is cringe now, folks.
  11. No, I actually removed them deliberately while making the Kerbin-to-LKO version. But turns out, it wasn't necessary considering the extra trust and Delta-V I've got, so I may as well get them back.
  12. I just wanted to say that replacing engines with one SSME from benjee10's ACK paired with two smallest PhotonCorp boosters and slapping a couple of chutes makes it a very powerful orbital crew shuttle for the stock system. I mean, it has enough Delta V to flyby Mun, decelerate and then land in KSC (tho I misjudged and splashed down nearby instead, and also forgor to close radiators )
  13. Using Orion Lite most of the time, I wanted to ask what's the best placement of solar panels without clipping them into adapter.
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