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Everything posted by chengong

  1. I put wings on it because it was my first attempt, and because I like big numbers, maybe should've used one structural panel instead.
  2. You can get off and push. And since I can do this forever cuz my kerbal doesn't get tired, I can circularise and ruin my orbit over and over, which gives me infinite points.
  3. FAR top fuel with 112 engines, 1600m/s+. You can go even faster just by making this as long as your computer can take it. No it's not flying, there is one wheel at the center. One wheel is better for speed because it doesn't have any stability problem.
  4. Impossible unless you are bored enough do do this with ion engines.
  5. There was the exact same challenge on Reddit and I did an Eloo landing and back on one orange tank full stock no mods.
  6. They can't because asians have been mind washed to believe that you must achieve a certain velocity to go into space and another velocity to leave the Earth's sphere of influence, wherever the boundary might be. And I'm guessing the reasoning here is that Gundams aren't aerodynamic enough to go hypersonic. From what we have learned in the first season (because s2 is a bunch of incoherent unicorn dump), the GN drive is reactionless and works by manipulating gravity, that's why it has no thrust and its pilots are unaffected by the tremendous manoeuvrability. We don't know the exact power output of these things because they can also work off capacitors but we can safely assume that they can maintain flight indefinitely, so >=9.8m/s for any duration. That is more than enough to go in orbit from the surface, without even pushing up the throttle, and definitely no need for "Trans-AM". Another reason it's a bunch of incoherent unicorn poo-poo. Something else might be, how the hell do you square your power output? If you measure your power in kW the result will be 1,000,000 times larger than if you measure your power in watts. And how about the fact that the 00 Gundam doesn't seem to have ANY performance advantage over other single drive or even fake drive MS after the second episode?
  7. This ship is against the rules because it uses oxidiser. The rule says ONLY liquid fuel.
  8. That is not at all how skipping works. You can skip the atmosphere or even the entire planet by either going fast or time warp your way through it. It happens because physics in computers happen in steps and not continuous, at least not as fine as the plank scale. So anything that is supposed to happen in between two time steps do not actually happen in simulations. In which time you can go through dense atmosphere or solid planet core, it doesn't matter.
  9. Lol fine, no more troll entries. 80-crew super taxi: Crew space: Has space for more than one crew member. +82 Less boosters: +3 Much science: +4 Spaceplane: +3 Rough landig: +3 Why piggyback when you can take off: +3 Power: +5 Triangle velocity: +2 Fully reusable: x2 Total = 210 pts That last screenshot has screwed up stats because I used quicksave and load after landing. I was trying to park it right in front of the hanger but my engine blew up as I got up the ramp. It's just there to show that no parts fell off or blew up.
  10. Could've had more but I'm running on a slow computer compared to my gaming rig. I use a fairing to reduce aerodynamic drag at the tip of the rocket to make it more stable.
  11. Mind you it can't be 0.00 because then there wouldn't be any delta V. And I'm pretty sure it's 0.01, And yes it is useful in that I can change my orbit all I want given enough time.
  12. Crew space +1 Partialy Reusable +3 (some of the tanks didn't explode) Power +5 Triangle velocity +515 Total = 524 pts
  13. I did this back then for the Reddit orange tank challenge, but I ditched the wings and jets upon leaving atmosphere.
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