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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. I have tweaked the Wyvern a bit, hopefully for better results. SM-Wyvern-Mk.4 Now less floppy!
  2. I really liked the set up and it let my set up the intakes in a way that I liked. I noticed you have a lot more wing flex than I had,so I checked my mods and noticed i have Kerbal Joint reinforcement on as well
  3. Here is my go: The Wyvern Mk. 3 18 Hellfires 2 Harms 4 Hidden Vulcans It can actually avoid missiles and does fairly well air-to-air with a different weapons loadout 13.4 tons of flying badassery.
  4. Actually they are Pac-3s off of a missile turret which has integrated radar. I have yet to have a craft dodge more than 1.
  5. I set up some test SAM sites to build a run, but the intercept missiles, even one at a time, are just too deadly. I am trying to tweak the settings a bit to try to balance it out.
  6. All in 1 trip, using Firespitter, Infernal Robotics, Adjustable Landing Gear and Kerbal Foundries. Just noticed the part about getting home. Good thing I saved.
  7. Not sure yet. I will play around with it today and tomorrow. If it improves ground targeting at all, then probably.
  8. I think this would actually require an active pilot and I am trying to accomplish it only using the BD Armory AI.
  9. Actually your revisions to my original craft are acceptable, i would like to add a different 2nd craft however. The Two-Step
  10. It will be quite a bit higher, funds wise. Not positive on the specifics yet, but I am planning a chain of target areas with 1 to 3 ground targets each. There may be SAM sites in the mix with occasional defensive fighters as well. I am hoping that I can space them so that the AI is smart enough to go from one to the next.
  11. Here is my submission: the Coral Mk 2 Hopefully it is not too clippy. SHUBADUB
  12. Is there an updated version of KerbPaint, or new masks at least? I have an entry ready to go, but several of the parts no longer have paint support.
  13. Opinion time! The next phase is going to be for ground attack drones, and done leader board style. Points will be awarded for targets destroyed, destroying all targets and with times as a multiplier. ( rough idea only at this point ) New thread or an extension of this one?
  14. Actually yes. Final video will be posted shortly. I had some issues with a scenario I was try to get to work and had to scrap the plan and start over. This didgive me some ideas for the next tournament though.
  15. I would post the video of the Doppelganger, but It was my craft anyway and it was a horrible slaughter. If it scored any points it was because the Ogres ran out of fuel doing guns-only runs on ground targets after they ran out of missiles. So, we currently have a tie.
  16. Scoring is incorrect as I was tired. There is no deduction for friendly drones being destroyed, you just are not awarded points for them surviving. SHOULD BE 40 POINTS
  17. The issue I had was that the 2 drone groups, attacker and defender, were too far away from each other to load properly. even with small beacon craft in between them, I could not bracket to both of them. What I ended up doing was prepping everything at the KSC, going to the attacking craft and launching them manually in a straight line towards the KSC. At about 3.5 km I can bracket to the defenders and launch them, then go back to the attackers and activate the ai and guard. It is, in fact, a pain in the ass, but it works. I have Scrappy Doo's run recorded right now. I wonder if hte standby mode on the AI activates if something is in range? It is too bad it will not activate the engines on it's own.
  18. Especially if it works! The entire scenario works. It is a little picky as to how to set it up, but I think I have it down. Activate the Missile Defense rove - it uses Mech Jeb and waypoints - the rest of the emplacements are static. bracket over the the defender craft and activate them, bracket to a stationary fuel truck, then go to the attacking craft and launch them. I have to stay with them for a bit as I have to activate the AI and Guard mode when they get closer.
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