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Everything posted by TUKE

  1. I installed it how you would with any other mod, just nothing produced lift, and the ailerons on large movement could correct ground roll.
  2. According to FAR my biplane has no lift or working controls. Edit: Just to see if it was a TWR issue i increased the thrust to full, just made it crash faster. And i had the FAR flight data panel open and the stock aerodynamics overlay on, none of the parts were generating any lift whatsoever. Edit2: In stock aerodynamics with full throttle my biplane flies about 30km/h faster than the RL Sopwith Camel, and i think i could safely reduce it a bit. Apparently FAR hates me
  3. I'm re-installing FAR (again) and i will see if i don't end up bashing my head against a wall. Also tetryds i updated all the weapon weights in my pack if you want to take a look.
  4. Ah, yes, you can blame me for that one. When i made it i just threw in some figues as i made it, and for me it seemed ok (I have planes with four of those suckers in the nose). Like the firing sound though? (Assuming nothing much has changed)
  5. Now what boats will $5 buy me??????????
  6. I have a pack, it uses BDA models but the sounds and stats are based off of real life World War 2 air weapons. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/233392-ww2-air-weapons-for-bda
  7. Ok new biplane, and FAR thinks it doesn't have a wing..........With the pod removed (So it launches with a Kerbal) the CoG and CoL are both on about the center of the bottom wing. - - - Updated - - - I'll upload it on KerbalX as soon as it decides to work. (Game wise i'm not having a good week)
  8. Ok, but at the moment with FAR i only get one or two reloads before my game crashes, and i have deleted most of the mods (I copied my directory somewhere else then added FAR to the copy). But i have only ever had this happen with FAR. But if i can get the game to run for long enough i might have a biplane.
  9. Do the proc wings give better left than wings made of stock parts? Because a fair few of the pics provided have had proc wings in them.
  10. Hodo, the planes in question are from my pack in my sig, just with some modifications made so they should work for this comp and and with FAR. The chaanges made have been to the engines to make them regulation, and severly reducing weight with the wings, and assigning proper controls again because FAR defaults to the, every control surface does everything thing, that i quite personally hate and takes time to reset(By the time i have forgotten a few). Also FAR should register wings made out of lots of small parts right?
  11. Things like the Whirlwind going down the runway at 100+ms and not even lifting the tail, even with the mass of the parts reduced and about 5 minutes max fuel. Or my La-7 being able to fly, but somehow only after doing a death cartwheel and losing half of one wing and 80% of the other plus the engine, again doing at least 80+ ground speed.
  12. I did it with my joystick, click SET and then press your trigger, wham, done.
  13. With my MG 131 and MK 108 combo i noticed it will decide to fire the MG 131's first, but that could have something to do with the fact that it might be a little confused, or that the MK 108 has a lower muzzle velocity. - - - Updated - - - Also i noticed a lot of the weapons in the challenge pack are yours.
  14. tetryds the weapon that you have named the Breda SAFAT is actually the M1919, i hadn't gotten around to the Breda yet because i couldn't find a good fire sound for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1919_Browning_machine_gun Also the stats for that gun (M1919) are from the wiki site, and as such won't match with the Breda. - - - Updated - - - Are you also aware that you have the Hispanio fire sound in the 7mm/sounds folder when the gun in that folder uses the M230 sound?
  15. Unfortunately i may not end up entering, as i cannot get anything to fly with FAR and KAX. Doesn't help that i only get 1-2 tries before my game crashes.
  16. Also i did a update late last night and did some fixes on my project.
  17. As far as i know there isn't much that can be done, as the AI was meant for high performance jets. Our old piston planes don't have enough power to make the AI happy.
  18. Ah, ok. Also i only posted them on curse because where i was (School) had a proxy network, and curse was the only one that worked. Also i have been meaning to actually release some stuff instead of sneaking them in with my plane pack.
  19. Depends, if you take a few stray rounds it won't annihilate you, but you don't want to get caught, meaning that entries can have an evasive quality. Also kinder against the tail parts and engines. Also how many did you test? As most planes would probably use upwards of at least 2 guns. Did you like my solution for getting two guns to fire at the same time by the weapons manager? - - - Updated - - - Also Azimech did you gain a heap of rep while i was gone?
  20. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/233392-ww2-air-weapons-for-bda Although hold up for a day or two, i want to get a .303+Hispanio combo set up. Also the Curse page is pretty empty (needs some love) but my weapons should be pretty well balanced as i tried to get some historical weight values for rounds. Anyway i have to go to work, be back in probably 5-6 hours. Cheers.
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