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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Not currently, but would be a reasonable addition. Raise a GitHub issue and I'll look into it when time permits.
  2. Thanks for getting this one going again! Have your first rep on me!
  3. Yeah, the Engineer's report and Contracts app are sort of linked... Thought I'd squashed all the cross-silliness issues, but guess it's not quite there yet. I'll get a fix out soon. - - - Updated - - - New version out, now with working Engineer's Report! Download now! Wider Contracts App 1.1.1 Fix Engineer's Report to display correctly (thanks SwGustav).
  4. Also, make sure you load the required passengers on your vessel.
  5. To be honest I was half expecting to see markers rendered in flight in 1.0. It just doesn't make sense not to have it if you're doing survey contracts! I suspect Arsonide had too much else on his plate - once KSP is feature complete, I imagine we will see that functionality in stock. As for the GUI and custom waypoints, I don't see them ever getting implemented in stock, so there will likely always be a place for this mod.
  6. New pre-release, with one fairly big change. Still lots of testing to be done. Download here. Contract Configurator 0.8.1 (1.0.0rc2) Fix display of dynamic text (was broken by KSP 1.0). Known Issues ​BoardAnyVessel not working.
  7. False alarm! With Unity, there is no such thing as a private object.... what a silly framework sometimes. But it allows me to continue to hack my widening shims into Squad's contracts app. I present... WIDER CONTRACTS APP FOR KSP 1.0! Download Now!
  8. Pretty sure you're not: Anomaly Surveyor, KSP Easter Eggs. But, rep for effort!
  9. Sadly, as of KSP 1.0 this mod is no longer possible as Squad has closed the holes in the Contracts App that allowed me to widen it. Complain to Squad if you'd like to actually see more than 140 characters of contract text! So I am now officially recommending DMagic's Contracts Window + as the alternative to Wider Contracts App. Long live Contracts Window +.
  10. Alright, pre-release is up. It loads up, but that's as far as my testing got. No idea what works/doesn't otherwise. Download here. Contract Configurator 0.8.0 (1.0.0rc1) Support for KSP 1.0 Deprecated parameters removed from stock (some will get replacements in a future version of Contract Configurator). AltitudeRecord LaunchVessel [*]Added new AtLeast and AtMost set parameters. [*]Added new None set parameter. [*]Improve validation rules for unknown attributes/child nodes (helps modders track down issues more easily). [*]Fix issue when reloading contracts within a hierarchy of contract groups. [*]Fix issue when loading a save game with RemoteTech when a previously installed planet pack is uninstalled (thanks Svm420 and magico13). [*]Pop up a warning dialog when a ScenarioModule fails to load (and prevent other ScenarioModules from also failing). [*]Improve error messaging when failing on loading types from assemblies (thanks Vladthemad). [*]Fix default value of index for VisitWaypoint parameter (thanks AlphaAsh). [*]Various fixes related to KSP 1.0. Known Issues BoardAnyVessel not working. Titles for count-down parameters may or may not update in stock contracts app. Stock contracts app may or may not see parameter updates properly. Oh, and RemoteTech and SCANsat integration are considered experimental until we see updates for those mods. My bet is that RemoteTech will require changes on my part when it's updated and SCANsat will just work. But we'll see soon enough.
  11. Squad completely changed the tech tree stuff (I'm told it is now moddable via config files, but haven't looked into it myself). So TechManager is most likely obsolete, and I'd assume CTT will move over to use the stock method. ... but I'm not involved in CTT at all, so take what I say with a dose of salt.
  12. Alright, first of my mods to get the 1.0 treatment (because it was the least broken). 2.3.0 is out! Get it now! Waypoint Manager 2.3.0 KSP 1.0 compatibility. Support DDS textures for waypoint icons.
  13. Quick update on the plan for 1.0 compatibility. Right now, it failed the smoke test - it's a pile of smouldering slag (but that was not really a surprise). The plan is to get a pre-release version up ASAP for people to start testing against. Pretty much as soon as it seems stable for one or two contract packs, I'll do an official 1.0 release. Timeline-wise, everything depends on baby's sleep schedule. So you'd better hope he sleeps!! If things go well, I'll have a pre-release this afternoon. If things go less well I'll have it out tonight. If things go poorly... it'll be later than that.
  14. Ah, that will be up to tjnsh to fix in his contract pack (there are multiple​ posts in his thread about it) - but that should not be causing problems in the SCANsat one.
  15. Nope, all Scott would've said was that 1.0 has Tourism contracts. These are similar to the ones in my Tourism contract pack, but the stock ones have nothing to do with Contract Configurator (the stock stuff is created by Arsonide). Contract Configurator will still exist and be supported post 1.0 release.
  16. Cross quoting from the Contract Configurator thread. This response was more developer centric though. So, in summary: Make sure you're on the latest version Check logs for errors Try regenerating offered contracts (there's a debug menu option for it). Be careful in a real game though - one of those debug options clears the active/completed ones as well (I believe it's the clear contracts option, but not 100% sure).
  17. Oh wow, how has this been around for a week without me noticing, this looks fantastic!
  18. What does open source have to do with the price of butter? In a conversation about compensation (see free as in beer) for people putting in hard work of their own volition, you're bringing up free software (see free as in freedom). Also, I find your characterization of modders offensive. I stand by my mods the same way I would stand by a product I'm selling, so feel free to drop by any of my threads and judge. You'll find that I gladly accept well though out criticism and suggestions. Now, rather than continuing to derail this thread (feel free to respond if you would like the last word), I will applaud TinyPirate for his message. I was a player long before I was a modder, so I'm going to go find the donation buttons on a few of my favourite mods and make a well deserved contribution to show that hard work is appreciated. I will also send a message stating that my contribution is free of obligation, let or lien - even if they were to close up shop tomorrow, the contribution to them is well deserved, in my opinion.
  19. Despite being someone who primarily mods stuff related to career (or maybe because of that), I really have to agree with this sentiment. It doesn't look like anything career-wise in 1.0 has changed other than the tech tree revamp and moar contracts. I often feel that Squad needs to take a break and go design a board game - that's game design at its purest, where every mechanic has to be there for a very good reason. Not "we need to be able to change one currency into another... because it's what Harvester wanted when he wrote it up on a napkin 4 years ago". KSP the rocket launch simulation game is excellent. KSP the space program management sim leaves a lot to be desired.
  20. What I find amazing is when I see the attitude that most people can pay $20 for KSP, play it for hundreds or thousands of hours and then cry foul when asked to pay $5 for additional content (whether that be DLC or mods). And then many of us (myself included) won't bat an eye at paying $5 for a latte.... Every day.
  21. That would be Arsonide's work that you're seeing in the 1.0 previews. As to the future of this contract pack, it'll still be around in 1.0, but it'll probably be the last thing I update as I want to get a sense of what's in stock. Do I change some of the stuff over to stock systems? Do I disable/replace the stock contracts or do I simple add stuff around it? Bunch of things that I need to think about once I've had time to play with it. I'll put this out now for people to answer once they've had a chance to play with the stock tourism contracts: What do you dislike about the stock contracts? What do you like about the stock contracts? What do you like better about this contract pack? What do you like better about the stock contracts? Is there something that neither has that you wish was there?
  22. You're using an ancient version of Contract Configurator (0.6.7). Please update to the latest version.
  23. You can remove it using the alt-f10 debug menu. The part its looking for is SCANsat_Scanner, which I believe is the most basic SCANsat scanner (forget the name in game).
  24. I'll probably have to put this in the documentation at some point, so I'll try and write this up as cleanly as possible. Requirements The first thing to check for is that all requirements are being met. In the Contract Configurator debug menu, press the "force check requirements" button to force all requirements to be checked (otherwise there's short-circuiting for performance, and you may not be able to tell if a requirement is succeeding or not). For a contract to be offered, all requirements should show as green. For debugging purposes, requirements can be temporarily removed by unchecking them to force a contract to be offered. DATA Node Expressions DATA nodes by default indicate required values. If the data node resolves to null, the contract will not be offered. To check this, view the output of the expressions on the right hand side of the debug window. Contract Weights When choosing a contract to offer, the system will do a weighted selection between all contracts within the same group. So a contract with a weight of 2.0 will be twice as likely as a contract with a weight of 1.0 to be selected. Additionally, if you're not using a contract group yet, probably best to introduce one. In addition to what I mentioned above, there's logic for fairness between groups. It'll try to select equally between the groups, so there is no preference between Tourism, Anomaly Surveyor, KSS, etc. The exception is tjsnh's advanced progression contracts, because he doesn't use contract groups and set the weights on everything to 99.0 (I told him to change it, but it fell on deaf ears). Anyway, this is only and issue for you if you have that installed and are not using contract groups. If none of this helps, then post up your contract config details and I'll take a look... maybe there's something else going on that I can help with.
  25. For Darkstar One's issue, I'd like to see the full save file as well, as I suspect there won't be anything useful in the logs (but I could be wrong). Actually, the fact that it's in a brand new save is interesting - it definitely implies that something is breaking hard.... really not much in the way of guesses without a log though, sadly.
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