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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. You only mentioned one issue that I see (the collapsing thing), which is known (and fixed, I just haven't pushed that change yet). That's the expectation - but that'll be up to the authors to decide. From a purely Contract Configurator standpoint I try to make everything the same as far as the API goes (so contract packs should be insulated from stock KSP changes). There's tends to be one or two small things that change for various reasons though. Also, a contract pack may have other code (eg. Anomaly Surveyor) or depend on other mods that aren't 1.2 ready (eg. Remote Tech), so it's not always that simple.
  2. No worries - it is *mostly* working. Should have a formal release out by the end of the week.
  3. Nothing to do with Contract Configurator (or even contracts). I think it prevents the EVA button from being active on the portrait and part action window, but not 100% sure.
  4. @viveleroi - As @Torih said, there's still lots of bugs in the dev branch (which is why it's not yet released )
  5. Well 1 out of 4 if you don't count contract packs... Not sure if I'd say that's most. @RoverDude on the other hand....
  6. In Contract Configurator the selected contract will keep focus if you dismiss it (if one replaces it, it will have focus). So it's actually possible to just keep spamming the dismiss key already (in some cases). This wouldn't apply for stock contracts. Otherwise, I'd say that this is out of scope of the mod, but someone might be willing to do it as a modlet/quick-mod. In fact, I thought there was something that give dismiss a keyboard binding in the past? Maybe @5thHorseman remembers - he's got a much better memory for this kind of stuff than me.
  7. I'll be looking at moving it to a proper Unity 5 UI when I do my next pass on this. At that point it'll be feasible to look at the scale settings (for the old UI, not so much).
  8. Yeah, there was some stuff that seemed to display either oddly or incorrectly (for the fuel delivery overaly) that was raised near the end of the 1.2 pre-release cycle. I couldn't change it without diving into the fuel flow code (which is working 100% correctly). It was way too risky to change anything. @5thHorseman - Having multiple paths to the engine is an edge case that was never really tested. Are you sure the decoupler on the left has crossfeed enabled? For the one on the right, I think I'd prefer to see it show both paths (although I'm not sure if the underlying graph structure allows for loops, which is why it looks a bit odd. Also, the fuel lines are another edge case (I think it's always drawing the line to the fuel line start, regardless of whether the graph shows it going anywhere).
  9. @dalekcaan (& everyone): I'm currently working on the 1.2 update. I'd done some work in parallel with the 1.2 pre-release. However, Contract Configurator is a very large and complex mod and there's lots of stuff that needs to be fixed/verified in 1.2. Usually I'd have something up by now, but most days I was faced with a choice of either doing work on 1.2 or Contract Configurator - and fixing bugs in 1.2 makes it better for everyone. Thanks for everyone's patience, and I expect to have a release out soon™.
  10. No, the ValidValues method is only called when the UI is built. The closest you can come (short of hacking the unity objects) is to enable/disable fields dynamically.
  11. The fact that it's not already there indicates a problem on the CKAN side. I'll have a look tonight. EDIT: Seems to be there now - guess the bot was just slow.
  12. KSP 1.2 compatible version is available here! Waypoint Manager 2.6.0 KSP 1.2 compatibility.
  13. Yeah, there's definitely something not quite adding up, but might be a display issue. Too many questions, not enough answer, and not enough time, sadly... I'd suggest raising this on the tracker so it doesn't get lost.
  14. @Nori - Hard to tell if there's anything wrong there, the reasons its giving for not generating contracts is fairly standard stuff: [LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.SCANsatCoverageRequirement: Contract SCAN_LoRes: requirement SCANsatCoverage was not met. [LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Didn't generate contract of type SCAN_LoRes: Failed on contract requirement check. Basically - the requirement that is failing is the one that says you can't have already scanned the body - so I suppose it could be a bug in there, but hard to tell without more investigation (which I'm not able to do at the moment). Or it could just be the bodies that it's checking are the ones that have already been scanned. The other thing for @DMagic is I'd suggest changing it over to use a DATA_EXPAND node (example from RemoteTech pack). This will make it so a contract is automatically shown for each celestial body (which can make it a lot clearer what's going on for the players with this type of issue.
  15. @Bishop149 - here's the issue: [EXC 23:34:41.686] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Parameters.PartTest.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractParameter.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) KSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () KSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneDespawner.BtnExit () UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() Basically, removing a part (typically from a mod) that is in a stock part test contract will cause that failure. I've actually fixed this two ways in 1.2 (a failure like this won't cause R&D to lock up, and the contract failure won't happen anymore). So all stock, nothing to be done other than cleaning up the *specific* part test contract (that should prevent the other Contract Configurator errors.
  16. Those two statements are somewhat contradictory. Anyway, I'd expect that deleting big chunks of your save will cause some referential integrity issues (and void the warranty). Yup, although KSP.log is actually preferred in this instance.
  17. @SilverlightPony - errr... yup, misread the "update to new version" line. @Bishop149 - Still nothing I can do here without logs.
  18. @Bishop149 - Contract Configurator is not supported on KSP 1.2 yet, the release was by mistake. I have no idea if it's the cause of your issue - there's not enough information to make a determination, and it's not something I'm able to spend time digging into at the moment. Sorry!
  19. 1.20.1 was meant to be internal, there is no support for it.
  20. Yup, I haven't had time to test any of this stuff myself yet. Priority has been getting 1.2 out the door - mods will come later.
  21. They are generated while in the Space Center scene. There's a pass every 30 seconds or so, but other things can trigger a contract generation attempt. Note though that the expression are executed on contract generation (so once a Random() value is set for a contract, it won't change for that instance of the contract).
  22. Not that new. Use either of the following: using Experience.Effects; ... crewMember.HasEffect<ScienceResetSkill>(); crewMember.HasEffect<Experience.Effects.ScienceResetSkill>();
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