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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. @WarpSpider74 - That looks like a bug to me, raised #596. If you're able to provide a save file that shows that issue, it would be very helpful.
  2. @CodatheSpaceFox - there's an outstanding issue with the timer's that affects this contract pack, but otherwise good to go.
  3. @xcaliber219 - The intent is to move to a Unity 5.4 UI in the future, and will make sure to hook into stock UI scaling. Unfortunately, I don't have a timeline for that (looking at 2017, most likely).
  4. I don't understand the question. Nope, that's a 100% stock thing that I can't change in Contract Configurator. Might be worth raising a bug request on github and I can look to fix/change that in future releases.
  5. No idea - best to ask in those threads (but as far as I know it should be fine).
  6. Partially working - just don't take the Jool mission until it's officially updated. ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS - EXCEPT JOOL. ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE.
  7. Sure, this already exists, and it's the stock Waypoint system. It's entirely up to the mods in question if they want to start using it. Note that before 1.2 it was possible, but difficult to use "custom" waypoints as they were only really meant for career. Now that limitation is gone. Sounds like a nice idea, but not something I'm likely to ever have time to do.
  8. The first error comes from stock, and implies an issue of some kind with your StoryDefs.cfg. Could be steam needs to be re-validated, could be that it's a mod making changes to that, or a bad Module Manager config, or some other issue. The second is Kopernicus.
  9. It's a log message that I was using to debug something and meant to remove. It's in a method that's used all over the place. So other than the fact that it's spamming the log, it's harmless. I've already removed it, and will be doing a new build sometime on the weekend, most likely.
  10. Did a GitHub search for that text to find out who was to blame. https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/blob/3216aec5231425bd220f94e2342b88c889d88f75/source/ContractConfigurator/Parameter/VesselParameter/CollectScienceCustom.cs#L192 Was disappointed.
  11. @linuxgurugamer - I have a similar implementation: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/blob/master/source/ContractConfigurator/ContractConfigurator.cs#L437-L469 To be honest, you want the try/catch anyway - as soon as you start dipping into those assemblies, you have no idea what you're going to find (including stuff that was compiled against the wrong .net or KSP version).
  12. @linuxgurugamer - Yup, the try/catch will work. Alternatively, if you search for the assembly by name, and only call GetExportedTypes() on the assembly you're looking for will work (which is better since that's an expensive call anyway). @sneekyzeke - The yellow stuff can typically be ignored by end users.
  13. More accurately - any mod that calls GetExportedTypes() on every assembly to search for a type (as opposed to other methods, such as searching for an assembly by name).
  14. Well, those aren't Contract Configurator contracts, so that's just Research Bodies doing what it does - preventing contracts from being generated as best it can (by stomping them as they come up). The fact that installing Contract Configurator makes it seem worse could just be a side effect of one of the many things that CC does (such as changing contract limits somewhat). The other factor is that ResearchBodies only has a dev build in 1.2 right now - there's a Celestial Body weighting system now that @JPLRepo hasn't integrated yet. So I suspect this is something that could go away once that gets taken care of.
  15. The responsibility lies with the mods that use toolbar. Not sure what "out of whack" means, but this issue should cause anything between preventing mods from working to just preventing them from adding to the toolbar. I can't really say more than that, simply because the issues caused are likely to be completely different for every mod, depending on how it sets up its toolbar.
  16. Tried quickly in the dev build of ResearchBodies, and didn't really reproduce much here. There was an error (the "toolbar" error" that I guess @JPLRepo had missed fixing for this build). I don't know if that's the cause of your issue though, I'd need to see a KSP.log to say much more.
  17. You can raise the limit multiplier in the difficulty settings (or in the save file), but you cannot disable them entirely.
  18. Oh... then it's even more on me, since the onus shouldn't necessarily be on you guys to know what's a contract pack issue versus a Contract Configurator issue. Same problem though - too many trackers, and I tend to pay more attention to the Contract Configurator one. Well, and the KSP tracker, but that's a whole other ballgame....
  19. I knew I forgot something, sorry about that. Raised #595. As a general statement, this is why bug reports are better off in GitHub - with all the threads I manage some stuff can occasionally slip through the cracks (usually I put bug reports straight in there myself, but time's been short lately and I missed this one).
  20. Every time the Space Center scene is visited, periodically within the space center scene, and any time certain actions happen (like accepting/cancelling/completing/declining a contract).
  21. More accurate is to say any mod that uses the Assembly.GetExportedTypes() method (there's many ways to do the same thing, and that's the only one that fails in this instance).
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