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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Whoops, I somehow misread the contract (on mobile). @BureauJaeger's explanation is most likely the issue.
  2. @Mynhardt Kitshoff - It may be just me, but that looks like the astronaut complex...
  3. It's currently -31°C (-24°F for those of you in the states). I'd like to think that this is the coldest it's going to get, but January and February tend to be the coldest months. The boiling water thing is untestable - it's too cold to go outside.
  4. We had some fun times with layer/mask issues similar to this in 1.2. My guess is you've got a ScrollView in Contracts Window+, which is implemented with a mask (which is just setting the stencil bit). Because the tumblers also use the stencil bit, the two can interfere with each other. You can get it to stop doing that by either: Moving Contract Window + to another layer (by parenting it to a different canvas), picking one that is drawn later than the tumblers (which are on the Main layer/canvas). Playing around with z-coordinates. What you'd want to do is move the stuff under the viewport object away from the camera (+'ve z) so that they are drawn first (at least, I think that was what fixed it - going by memory).
  5. New release to fix the above bug. Download here. Contract Configurator 1.22.2 Fix argumentOfPeriapsis issue (thanks Intrepidrd).
  6. @Intrepidrd - I haven't been able to reproduce this, but I put in an attempt at a fix. Can you download the dev dll here and give it a try?
  7. A reminder, as per the thread title, this one is not yet working on 1.2.x. Or rather, everything except Jool should work. So don't go to Jool.
  8. Hot fix for the issue reported above by @Li0n and @Tybot. Download here. Contract Configurator 1.22.1 Fixed issue with vessel identifier parsing introduced in 1.22.0 (thanks Li0n).
  9. New release, download here! ContractPack-Tourism 1.5.2 Fixed compatibility with Galileo planet pack. Fixed broken backwards compatibility with hotel/casino contracts.
  10. @Jaxx - it's been reported, but I haven't had much luck reproducing before. So a couple things for you: Can you provide your save file? How long was there between accepting and completing the contract? Or better yet, how many other contracts did you interact with (accept, look at, complete, etc.)?
  11. New release, with lots of minor fixes (including better support for Galileo), and new minor features for contract authors. Download here. Contract Configurator 1.22.0 Added HasAntenna parameter (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra). Added Vessel.AntennaTransmitPower() and Vesse.AntennaRelayPower() (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra). Contract weights for celestial bodies are now set by Contract Configurator (affecting the likelihood of stock contracts generating for the given body). Added minArgumentOfPeriapsis and maxArgumentOfPeriapsis to Orbit parameter. Added horizontalDistance to VisitWaypoint. Make references to 'Sun' generic in SolarScience.cfg to fix Galileo compatibility (thanks SirBriguy). Added Sun() function to get the Sun in a non-name specific way. Assumes a single star. Change enum parsing to be case insensitive. Change Vessel Identifier parsing to allow a wider range of characters. Fixed format text for funding message in mission control (thanks JPLRepo). Fixed issue with NextUnreachedBody() call caching results (thanks severedsolo).
  12. Thanks @Aelfhe1m, I'll get that fixed up as soon as the next Contract Configurator version goes up.
  13. @DMagic - looks like I inadvertently broke this will adding rounding in to fix another issue. I tried to be clever and round using the display format, which doesn't work with the P0 display format (because Float.Parse() doesn't have smarts to recognize a percentage). As a workaround, try using N1 + asPercentage.
  14. @severedsolo - That one's on me - I set up the hook wrong, so it's caching the result after the first time it's called and never checking it again. Fixed for the next release.
  15. You can't, but there's no real reason to - they'll just come back when they expire.
  16. Funny enough, the only place there was duplicate checking in 1.2.1 was the cheat menu. It'll now prevent duplicates for all places that Kerbals can be generated (in stock that's just the Astronaut Complex and rescue contracts).
  17. "Doctor, my arm hurts when I bend it like this." "I'll get the amputation saw."
  18. @TheReadPanda - Thanks for the heads up, that was already raised under #607, and will be fixed for the next release.
  19. @SirBriguy - Use @GUBMcontracts:sunBody.Name() to get the name of the celestial body without "the" in front. Or alternatively, use "Low flyby of @GUBMcontracts:sunBody!" for that particular example.
  20. Saw it while I was on vacation, and promptly forgot about it when I got home. Sorry, I don't get many PRs - will look at it now.
  21. @DavidHunter - I've heard of the issue before, but haven't easily reproduced it. It's due to how the coverage is calculated (it's a really expensive operation, so it does a check of a single point every couple of ticks. It seems to be possible between luck and just having a big satellite pointed at the planet to get sufficient coverage. It's not an issue that's high on my priority list though - so it's not likely to get looked at anytime soon.
  22. New release! Download here. Strategia 1.5.0 Massive Scale Launches strategy now incrementally gives the bonuses (you can still get the level 1 bonus if you don't meet the threshold for level 3). Show the correct max number of strategies on the description text of the Administration building. Minor Operations department balance (thanks Stratickus). Reduce Kerbal recovery reputation by a factor of 10 (thanks BureauJaeger). Fix issue with Stagnated Research not being selectable (thanks Stratickus). Adjust order of Gene/Wernher in the admin building. Use correct currency symbols.
  23. Bunch of people involved while I was away, so I won't tag. I don't think I'll be doing kts or any other non-stock supported units of measure for the following reasons: Time - I simply don't have enough of it. Glide Slope - Calculating the glide slope seems to be the argument for adding in nautical miles - but the glide slope is directly available in Waypoint Manager (it's an optional thing in the HUD, you just need to turn it on via the settings).
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