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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. No, sadly I didn't check this until after I did the release. It'll be 1.23.1 (which will be shorter than the time between the last two releases ).
  2. New release with KSP 1.3.0 support! Download here. Contract Configurator 1.23.0 Support for KSP 1.3.0 Fix issue with contract item sizes not always being set correctly in mission control when switching tabs. Fixed "input is null" error in Docking parameter (thanks linuxgurugamer). Fixed to not generate contracts without parameters (thanks severedsolo). Fixed Sigma Dimensions compatibility issue with atmosphere height (thanks pap1723 and Sigma88).
  3. There was a report that I haven't had to look at, and I think the distance on that VisitWaypoint parameter is bugged. Next CC release will hopefully fix that.
  4. New release (which includes @Aelfhe1m's changes above, many thanks for that). Download here. ContractPack-FieldResearch 1.2.1 Support for GPP (thanks Aelfhe1m). Added loading tip.
  5. It's not there any more since 1.2.x. The settings are now in the stock difficulty settings menu.
  6. You would generate the waypoint using WaypointGenerator (example from Anomaly Surveyor here). You would then use the VisitWaypoint parameter with hideOnCompletion=true to hide the waypoint on completion of the parameter.
  7. It depends on Contract Configurator, which is not out for 1.3.0 yet. Once that's out, I'll be looking at Strategia.
  8. First, let's start with the usual caveats. The work that I did for Squad is covered by NDA and I can't go into any details for Making History beyond what's already public knowledge. Also, I've been away from the team for close to 5 months now - so any details that I do know may no longer be true. However, it's already been said by others, so I'm comfortable saying this: the Making History expansion/mission builder is in no way based off Contract Configurator. There are some conceptual overlaps, but that's about it. I won't know for certain what my mod plans are until I have access to the expansion myself. What I would hypothetically like to do is to do some sort of integration between Contract Configurator and the mission builder, where the logic behind some of the Contract Configurator parameters can be used to create new types of nodes in the mission builder to fill in the gaps between what's provided by the expansion and the functionality in CC. That could in theory give you a path towards porting a contract pack to the mission builder (although it wouldn't be anything easy/automated).
  9. You need to pass the display name through Lingoona to get the gender code stripped/used. The hacky way to do that would be: KSP.Localization.Localizer.Format("Crash a probe into <<1>>", body.GetDisplayName()); The better way is to put the string "Crash a probe into <<1>>" into a localisation string in the proper file/format (some details in the thread below). Check out @DMagic's thread here:
  10. @smotheredrun - I think this is your problem: FormatException: Value is not equivalent to either TrueString or FalseString. at System.Boolean.Parse (System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractsPlus.Contracts.WBIReturnHomeParam.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractParameter.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.Contract.Load (Contracts.Contract contract, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem.LoadContract (.ConfigNode cNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem+<OnLoadRoutine>c__Iterator9A.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 In 1.2, this type of exception breaks the load of the contract system, so I suspect that's why you're having some issues (I raised something to get that fixed in 1.3). I don't know what the Wild Blue Industries parameter there is from, but if you can fix that it may resolve your issue.
  11. New release, download here! Waypoint Manager 2.7.0 Recompile for KSP 1.3.0. Don't allow stock toolbar icon to be disabled if Blizzy's toolbar isn't installed.
  12. Hey everyone! I was away this week on a business trip, so I wasn't around when 1.3 dropped. Of course, I also haven't really been around for the past 6 months.... So yeah, KSP modding + stock KSP development + familty time all just added up to too much, and I'd already fallen behind on the modding side of things when I left Squad. The intent was to take a bit of a break and then come back at things with a fresh perspective. Unfortunately, each time I tried to come back, I was never able to really get back into it, and I didn't want to force myself. And here were are 6 months later with no updates and no real communication. So I'm not really sure what my long term plans for KSP are. If there's anyone who is interested in becoming caretaker for any of my mods, I'll be willing to hear you out (just drop me a PM). In the meantime though, I will be doing a 1.3 update pass, starting this weekend. Not sure how long that will take (free time is still at a premium for me), but the intent is to get Contract Configurator and Waypoint Manager going fairly quickly. As far as catching up on the thread... no promises - once the release is in a good place I may try to go backwards to catch any major issues (although there are some in GitHub that will probably be the priority).
  13. You should be able to just add them, then reference them via path in your contract (eg. icon = MyMod/icons/SomeWaypointIcon) Good stuff. I'll run some tests this weekend and update the version files.
  14. Ah, gotcha. Yes, the intention was to only allow user enabling/disabling of the top level groups. Not as simple, but the only option for disabling contracts for a child group would be module manager hackery (or just ignoring said contracts, as you suggested).
  15. You should be able to enable/disable specific contract groups in the difficulty settings (it should be available in an existing save, and not just on start of a new game).
  16. I'll probably be looking at this soon (not for at least another couple weeks). No idea when 1.3 is officially released, but if it comes out before I get to this I'll likely skip the 1.2 update. The difficulty is based on two things - the gravity of the current body at sea level (relative to the home body) and 1/10th of the splashed science multiplier. The multiplier the affects stuff like fish weight and speed. Current depth of water also affects the fish size/type which impacts the difficulty. So those are the rough factors to know how difficult fishing will be on a given planet in the Interstellar mod.
  17. I'd probably want to see a comment from @TriggerAu or @JPLRepo there - I suspect that any new strings they create moving forward won't have the autoLoc prefix. Also note, the # isn't part of the prefix - I think that's the identifier that tell the ConfigNode loading system that this is a localisation tag.
  18. Good stuff! Just one thing to add - if memory serves the autoloc_XXXXXX format was due to the fact that all those strings were pulled from KSP via a script with no real context of what it was pulling. There is no restriction on the format of the string identifier so I'd suggest something like: <mod_identifier>[_<sub_identfier>]_<string_identifier> Examples: scansat_settings_HelpAnomalies cc_param_reachState_title The only thing that matter is that the are globally unique - hence putting the mod name/identifier in there to prevent any clashes.
  19. It won't do that in 1.3 - it needed to have sensible English before we could translate it to something else.
  20. I love this style of dev article! They are a ton of work to put together, but definitely worthwhile. You should probably cross-post to the daily Kerbal (and reddit?), I suspect most forum goers don't notice the articles on the sidebar.
  21. Neat, I missed this contract pack when it was released in November! I've added a link in the big list of contract packs.
  22. @eddiew - Raised #57 to make that notification a little less confusion. As to the contract not appearing, it's been an intermittent issue in the past. Let me know if you're able to reproduce, as I thought that was all squared away now. @Merkov - There's a flag that was added on the planets in 1.2 that allow them to specify if they are a rocky planet (CelestialBody.hasSurface). I assume it's supported by Kopernicus by now so it might be that @The White Guardian need to set something in the config files for those particular planets. I've already got #55 raised to look into this for RSS - either way I assume it's going to be the same root issue. Also, raised #58 to fix the issue with the moons in the Duna/Eve programs. @Zhetaan - That should no longer apply (that issue was the reason the flag got added in stock). Either way, hopefully it'll get sorted out through #55.
  23. A recompile of the DLL portion, fixing compile issues (if any) and re-testing the Jool sequence. The last one is the one that takes time. I needed some time away from KSP. Going to be spending some time catching up on threads and raising things in GitHub this weekend. Once I've got all that sorted I'll have a better pictures of where the Anomaly Surveyor 1.2 updates fits in priority-wise. I don't want to commit to anything until I'm back into the full swing of things.
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