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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. @KaiserSoze & @Lambuck - I strong suspect that HomeWorld() bit is wrong, I may have messed this up when I was doing rework in the contract pack for the 1.15.x Contract Configurator release. I'll take a closer look tonight.
  2. Try going to the Contract Configurator debug menu (alt-f10) and hitting the "Force Generate Contracts" button. Does that make the contract come back? if not, can you show me a screenshot of the unmet requirement?
  3. I think I fixed it!! WARNING - programmer mumbo jumbo ahead The stock contract system loads in a weird way. Instead of loading up immediately in the OnLoad routine, it starts up a co-routine and does its loading then. This gives a potential window of time where the contract system looks loaded, but none of the currently active contracts are there yet. The size of this window will vary based on processor speed and how many contracts there are to load (ie. how far you are in your career game). Now, in my code, there was the possibility of starting to generate contracts in that window. But whether that would happen, also depended on lots of factors, such as processor speed, what contract packs are installed and what other mods are installed. Funny thing is, this bug's been there for a long time, it's just that the new changes (not relying on the stock system to generate the contracts) is what exposed it. end programmer mumbo jumbo So in short, I just never had the magical "right" combination of factors to reproduce it (and still haven't). But the fix was relatively straightforward, so I've got a high degree of confidence. But I'd still like to get some help on testing it out if possible. So please, anyone who's been plagued by the issues of active contracts being cancelled or contracts falsely offered, please grab the dev dll and give it a go. No worries at all, having a bug this bad that I can reproduce at all is frustrating on my end too. Given the volume of complaints on the thread I know that means there's probably 100 times that many players suffering in silence, so I have to apologize for dragging you guys through this one with me.
  4. It's a tough problem, showing all the necessary information for four vessels in an easily understandable way. Although it's pretty clear what the problem is in my screenshot, you'll only be able to see that if you're focused on CommSat 2, which makes it easy enough to miss if you're cycling quickly through the different vessels.
  5. True - it was a pain for a while there, and it did take a couple tries to iron out the issues.
  6. Forgot to mention - once you put them up there, you'll get a contract to bring them back too (and I think that one pays even more). That being said, the hotel/casino deliveries are meant to be easy funds - so either your lifters are really expensive, or I need to rebalance that contract.
  7. I'm still unable to reproduce the issue with the contracts being withdrawn. I've got some theories, and have tested out a code change and it looks promising. So, @Lambuck, @CaptKordite, @Conventia or anyone else having issues with accepted contracts being removed. Please try the dev dll here. If you still have the issue, please provide a save file from before the issue occurred and a KSP.log.
  8. Yup, that would be ContractConfigurator#537. I haven't had a chance to get it in yet with the latest rounds of updates causing more support headaches than expected. However, I may need to move that from the "nice enhancements to do soon" to the "really needs to be fixed ASAP" pile, as Contract Configurator can now cause the contract generation to occur on the next frame if a contract is cancelled/withdrawn/declined. Which can cause a contract to get offered within a couple frames. So what used to be the possibility of fighting every 30 seconds could be fighting a couple times a second... not good.
  9. @Conventia - The issue is actually that CommSat 2 has an inclination of 1.1 degrees - so it's not able to meet the inclination portion of the contract: @blu3wolf - Nope, this is the first time I've seen it reported in a long time, and it's working fine.
  10. Okay, got the RP-0 issue with auto-accept contracts resolved for next release. I've got a bunch of saves, so should be good to track down the "Too many active contracts" bug, as hopefully that is the source of all the various contracts disappearing reports. @iammr_schuck - That's the error you'd get if using KSP 1.1.2 - please update to the latest KSP. EDIT: Although you may have other issues, so once you get that sorted, if you still have problems, please post a full KSP.log.
  11. @Deimos Rast - I changed it for the next release to also have a minAltitude check so it's more clear for future generations.
  12. @Nightside & @ETM - I saw this reported on the RP-0 thread, and should have a fix for this tonight.
  13. Thanks, that sounds like what is likely happening - I forgot to exclude the auto-accept contracts when deciding whether to enable/disable the accept button. I'll get that fixed up and released ASAP (sometime tonight).
  14. Please do, I'll take a look. Known bug in that someone else reported it on the Contract Configurator thread a couple hours ago, but I need a log and save to make any headway on that one (log will need to cover the time that the contracts disappeared, and saves from before + after would be ideal).
  15. @Deimos Rast - Sorry it took so long for me to check this one out. Looks like it worked okay for me. In KSP to be sub-orbital you need to: Be above the atmosphere (ie. vessel is above 70km) Have a Pe below the atmosphere If your vessel is below 70km, you will be considered as flying - regardless of what your Ap is. Is it possible that was the issue?
  16. Hmmm.... unintended consequence of having so many offered contracts: That being said, this is with many, many contract mods for testing, and all progression unlocked. So question for people - in your games, how does the amount of waypoints/orbits look in the tracking station? Which contract pack(s) are the ones generating lots? I may have to think about a UI to easily filter out stuff, depending on what the responses look like.
  17. Order shouldn't really matter, but pictures would help here. I've seen it be a bit finnicky on the 4-sat contract, but usually it can always be completed if you cycle through the various probes once or twice (by which I mean, going to the tracking station, and making each one the active vessel in turn, preferably in the order you want them to connect).
  18. Can you confirm you're having this issue with the latest release (1.15.5)? If so, please provide a KSP.log that covers the period where you lost contracts. Does it only happen when you exit KSP and come back, or does going to the main menu and back cause it too?
  19. Well that one was a terrible one to track down. Basically, if you cancel or decline a contract from anything other than the All tab, an exception is thrown. That messes up mission control, and stuff doesn't get refreshed properly, which can allows contracts that should be removed from the list to stick around, which show up as duplicates. New version here - let me know if there's any more issues of duplication (if there is, please provide screenshots and a save file). Contract Configurator 1.15.5 Updated agent icons from Enceos. Fixed issue introduced in 1.15.x with Prestige() function that incorrectly treated all contracts as Trivial. Fixed issue with text for Funds/Science/Reputation requirements. Fixed issue with sorting in Available tab of Mission Control. Fixed exception when declining/cancelling contracts in Mission Control.
  20. Actually I already had a chat with @AlphaAsh and I'm planning on doing integrating KerKonConCon.dll into Contract Configurator. That is to say, I'm going to do a KerKonConCOn conversion to Contract Configurator (KerKonConConConCon). The code changes will be pretty small, I just haven't had a chance to do them yet. Look for that in Contract Configurator 1.16.x.
  21. @Pol - Can you send me a save file? I'm as of yet unable to reproduce the duplicate contract issue.
  22. I'm looking into the repeat contract issue - I have a couple guesses, so I think it should be a relatively easy fix. @Pol - In terms of that Strategia one, it was actually a bug in the last release (looks like I missed it in the changelog). It's a contract that is automatically excepted, those don't count against the limit for two reasons: Because you don't get a choice in whether to take it If it did count and you were already at the limit, it could put you over.
  23. Thanks @severedsolo that was a silly copy+paste error from something I changed right before release. New version here. ContractPack-RemoteTech 2.1.2 Fixed everything sat contract broken in last release (thanks severedsolo).
  24. @KasperVld - I'm getting the same problem as passinglurker (in an edited post, although I wouldn't expect that to matter).
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