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Everything posted by politas

  1. You can try reporting the correct URL, rather than forcing us to re-do investigations you've clearly done yourself, at the very least.
  2. SVE should be working through CKAN now. CKAN will not allow EVE and SVE to both be installed, and instead uses the bundled EVE in SVE. If knowledgeable people can test this, I would much appreciate it. If you currently have any SVE or EVE installed in CKAN, uninstall them, refresh and restart CKAN, then reinstall SVE (assuming SVE is what you want to use).
  3. If CKAN isn't seeing them and they are available in CKAN (which RoverDude's mods all should be), you're really better off deleting them (make backups!) and re-installing via CKAN. CKAN will refuse to overwrite any file it didn't install, so if you want to stick with some manual installations, you shouldn't have any troubles as long as you don't try to install anything through CKAN that hasa dependency on the manually installed mods. If you want to use CKAN, the best thing, overwhelmingly, is to only install mods via CKAN. As soon as you start mixing manually installed mods and CKAN installed mods, problems become likely. Have a read back through the last couple of pages and see a bunch of posts showing why this is so.
  4. I'm really sorry if the SVE netkan I created isn't working. It seemed pretty good to me (I use SVE myself). I'd be very happy to work with you to fix it, if you're willing.

    1. politas


      Reading on your thread, it seems you are using a customised EVE, so we can't run that as a dependency; it should be a conflict and we install the EVE folder from SVE instead.

    2. Nhawks17


      The current version is using the latest release of EVE. Not a customized/development version

  5. That popup message is generated by KSP-AVC or MiniAVC, and has nothing to do with CKAN. It's the .version files mod authors set up.
  6. It is possible to filter out specific files, but if a user only downloads the mod that has the file filtered out, they'll be missing a file. That's a known bug. For now, do updates and installs as separate tasks. You could ask the author to update the .version file in the mod, or we could hard-code the KSP version in CKAN (which is obviously not so good an idea).
  7. I'm very sorry that it came across that way. It was meant as an explanation for our shared userbase, not an expectation or dictation.
  8. There are perfectly good reasons for Kerbin-Side to be the way it is, I get that. There are also very long-discussed and debated reasons why CKAN refuses to overwrite files. I don't want to revisit those arguments. It's a headache for you to make Kerbin-Side work perfectly with CKAN, and it's a headache for us to make CKAN work perfectly with Kerbin-Side. So what we have is a compromise. As long as everyone's aware that it's a compromise, we can all get along. If people want to install a subset of Kerbin-Side that's more than one pack, they can install Complete and delete the stuff they don't want, or they can install one Kerbin-Side pack through CKAN and add others manually.
  9. Try uninstalling, refreshing, and then reinstalling rather than updating, when this happens. The ContractPack module being mentioned is I think some kind of off-by-one error in the exception report. Using CKAN, you can only install one Kerbinside pack. You can pick a single one, or install the complete pack, but you can't combine single packs. This is due to the various shared files and a lack of clean separation. If AlphaAsh had one or two folders containing all the assets that were common to all packs, and separate asset folders for each pack's individual non-shared assets, we could make it work, but with the files all jumbled up in the Core-Assets folder, CKAN can't handle it without making the installation instructions so specific and detailed that we'd need a complete re-write for every release.
  10. Ok, so I moved on to Kerbin Ocean fish, and again, I'm catching every fish. valentina's skill is now somewhere about 70%
  11. Startiing afresh in the stock pond, I have not failed to catch a single fish. So yeah, Eve is hard.
  12. Oddly, it says my failed attempts = 0 I just accidentally overwrote my quicksave, so I don't have a Kerbal on Eve to test with, now, sorry. And now I've completely lost the UI. Restart time!
  13. I was trying to catch a coastal fish, and after getting the Skill bar up to nearly half way, I have still been unable to catch a single fish. Reeling in doesn't seem to make any difference to how close the fish is, so it's one step forward two steps back, all the way to bye-bye fish. Not that I can claim any particular skill at fishing games, but I gave up eventually.
  14. Does the built up "Skill" actually have any effect? I was hoping the green bar you need to keep the fish in would get wider, or fish would reel in a little faster, but I'm not noticing anything. Fishing on Eve is really hard!
  15. Not currently, no. We've had a few requests for some kind of "favourites" functionality as a way to mark mods that you want to remain aware of. I've raised an issue for an enhancement.
  16. Hi AlphaAsh,


    I'm sorting out the various KerbinSide packs on CKAN, and I notice the new Kerbin-Side Core pack with interest. Is that going to give us the complete contents of CoreAssets and Flags for all KerbinSide packs?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AlphaAsh


      No. But they will still be loaded by KSP. Which means they'll use RAM, which is what 32 bit players are trying to avoid and the primary reason for the sub-sets. At least initially.

    3. politas


      Ok, so it's not really a "core" set of assets, in the way CKAN needs. 

    4. AlphaAsh


      Fraid  not. It's more for developers who want to make bases with the assets and don't want the pre-built bases.

  17. Well, maybe ModuleManager should do a better job of detecting the presence of a mod, like searching for a part or a .dll? Could people use better ModuleManager rules to avoid the issue? Seems to me there are several contributing factors, and all I ever hear is complaints about CKAN.
  18. Hi SpaceTiger,

    Just looking at your SmallUtilities mini-mods in terms of getting the KSP1.1 versions onto CKAN. We're currently getting the complete zip file from Spacedock, but I note that you have Github as the download location in your head post. 

    I'm guessing you're waiting on the complete set to be updated to 1.1 before pushing to Spacedock, which makes sense. 

    I'd like to move at least the individual minimod packs over to Github, but if we do that, we need to hard-code the KSP version.

    Any chance you could include a KSP-AVC .version file in the minimod packs?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SpaceTiger


      I'll do that! I thank you for coming forward with this.

    3. politas


      Is Xarun you, or do you have a helper on the SmallUtilities?

    4. SpaceTiger


      Yeah, that's me.

  19. That's the latest release. The number after the first dash is used for running branched copies, and indicates the number of commits that have been applied to the code when it was built (in your case, none, indicating it is an unmodified release version), and the string after the second dash is the ID of the last commit, which lets us confirm the version of the code. CKAN has no ability to turn mods on and off, other than uninstalling and reinstalling, which is basically what you are asking for. The files that CKAN downloads and installs are all cached, so you can re-install them without having to download again. We don't know which mod created a folder, and even if we do, there's no reason that another mod may have installed things into the same folder. All the USI mods install into the same folder. Do we prompt the users to remove the USI directory because they've uninstalled one of them? (Thus breaking all the other mods.) Or having not deleted the directory when they uninstalled their first USI mod, do we leave the USI folder when they delete the last of them without asking, because _that_ mod didn't create it? There really have been a lot of discussions about this. The solution we have now is the least bad one.
  20. Hiya Cybutek,

    I'm just trying to fix up KSP-AVC in CKAN so we get updates a little more smoothly, and I note that the KSP-AVC.version file in is missing a comma at the end of its "VERSION" stanza.

    1. cybutek


      Hi Politas,

      Thank you for the heads up. I have fixed the .version file and re-uploaded to CurseForge and GitHub releases... I know that CKAN supports GitHub releases (as I use that method with Kerbal Engineer Redux), but due to the nature of the AVC repository having two projects bundled together (KSP-AVC and MiniAVC), I'm unsure on how easily this can be integrated. Thank you again for your help with regards to fixing up KSP-AVC in CKAN.  If there's something you require please ask and I'll see what I can do.

    2. politas


      We have a solution for the multiple bundles issue, which I am implementing.  Thanks for the rapid response!

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