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Everything posted by politas

  1. There's no such thing as "requires", and your "conflicts" in KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr.netkan and KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr.netkan should be to "KWPowerResponse", same as the "provides". You can put a "depends" pointing back to KWRocketryRedux, but testing is going to be tricky. Using "file-> install from .ckan" should do the trick, but you may need to do individual .ckan files multiple times, bracketing the dependency. So install KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr and KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr ckans first (they will fail due to lack of dependency, but the details will be added to your registry. Then install KWRocketryRedux, and it should prompt you to pick one of the PowerResponse mods. ( I believe)
  2. Then you've got your dependencies around the wrong way. If you PM me a link to a copy, I can sort them out for you. Looks like you need a virtual dependency: KWRocketryRedux-PowerResponse, and then have the 2nd and 3rd mods "provides" that virtual mod.
  3. Hi Hraban,


    Does the Contares CA1 require the main Contares to be installed (or Tantares/TantaresLV), or will it stand alone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hraban


      No, in future all Contares Parts will stand allone but i prefer the use with Tantares mods.


    3. politas


      So recommending Tantares would be good, but no dependency?

      Are Contares-Antennas and Contares-REXFreeFlyer also portions of the old full Contares?

    4. hraban


      Antennas, yes. The REX Free Flyer ... no

  4. You could post the actual error messages so we can see what the problem might be. But probably the first thing to try would be upgrading your .Net framework to 4.5 Just install them one at a time, starting with the dependencies if any of them are. Once you install them, their details will be in your local registry.json.
  5. You can download a copy of netkan.exe and run it locally to generate .ckan files and then test install them. CKAN will only let you install the latest version marked as compatible with KSP 1.0.5 if you are working on a KSP1.0.5 install.
  6. What you've said here, and answer the specific questions in the Issues template. As soon as you start having such problems, there are a couple of options - Either install mods one at a time, or go to the contents tab and download the mods you want, so they are cached, and there's no problems caused in installation by downloads timing out. Mods turning red are indicating a conflict between mods you have selected. You'll need to choose between the highlighted mods and unselect the one you can live without.
  7. The .net upgrade was Secretly_asian's issue. Try downloading the contents for the mod you want to install. Can you give me some more information about your operating system and KSP version? Actually, could you put all the relevant details into an issue on our GitHub Issues register?
  8. Thanks for the report from CommanderKoenig on #ckan about this mod. CKAN has been updated to set ALCOR's compatibility to include KSP 1.0.5.
  9. That's the initial submission. Once a mod from Spacedock is correctly configured (whicjh is what the review and adjustment does), new releases will be added automatically, as long as they remain the most recent release for at least the couple of hours it takes for Netkan to re-run its scanning. (When everything is working normally). The only thing I'm not sure on is what Spacedock's "default" release setting do to change Netkan's scraping. It may be possible for a mod author to get an old release scraped by Netkan by setting it as the default for a couple of hours, but I'm really not sure. Any mod authors willing to test that out would be much appreciated.
  10. I'm guessing you have Ceteras Suit Pack selected. Highlight it, click on the "Contents": Tab on the right and click "Download". That should let you apply your changes. But if "Apply Changes" is still greyed out, then what CKAN is saying is that you have an incompatible set of mods selected, so it can't do what you're asking. That error usually indicated that you do not have a compatible version of .Net framework (for Windows) or Mono (Linux and Mac). CKAN is designed for .Net 4.5, which is supported by Mono v4.0+
  11. My understanding is that it includes a modified experimental EVE, and EVE has not been released for 1.1. This combination basically means that we can't add Avionix, since it fails in its dependency of EVE. If we get a 1.1 release of EVE, there are a bunch of beautification mods that will suddenly start working. Perhaps you could all throw in some help to get EVE updated?
  12. Sorry about not publicly responding to these messages. I did see them, and starting frantically prodding some relevant CKAN folk to get it fixed, in between sleep and night shifts. There was a (supposedly minor) change that had an unintended effect on the build environment, which stopped the netkan bot from being able to add any new mod releases. All is fixed now, as should be obvious. Any mod releases that got skipped during the delay and really ought to be available, let us know here or in https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues
  13. Sorry about the delay with 1.4.1, there was an issue with a build environment change that stopped Netkan from adding any new mod versions for a few days there. I think there must have been too short a time between you publishing 1.3.5 and 1.4 for netkan to see both of them. Netkan (at least currently) only looks at the latest version of any mod. I've gotten 1.3.5 added now, after a bit of jiggery-pokery.
  14. Hi pizzaoverhead. Just a quick heads-up, the .version file in RCSSounds 5.0 on Spacedock is missing a comma after the KSP_VERSION_MIN stanza.

    1. pizzaoverhead


      Thanks for the heads up, fixed now.

  15. Is it correct to assume that this mod requires BD Armory to be installed?
  16. Can I just say, you're asking for a significant increase in code complexity for a small number of use cases. I agree that it would be better to have things work this way. Unfortunately, we only have a limited supply of people working on the CKAN code (more are always welcome!) and they're doing it in their spare time. There are also some significant issues about mods sharing directories that throw doubt on the feasibility of doing it at all. It really isn't as simple as you are making it out.
  17. CKAN does have many mods on Curse or with Dropbox or other hosted download links. We're looking at adding the ability to automatically update Curse-only mods soon. If you would like to give some specific suggestions for how CKAN could handle some of those edge cases better, we'd welcome them. Start an issue at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN//CKAN/Issues
  18. Mainly because it's not as simple as "every mod has its own directory all to itself". We can't know how many things not installed by CKAN would be affected by deleting a folder.
  19. Can you fix the license on Spacedock? It currently says "MIT", but here you have "CC-BY-SA-4.0". A link back to this thread in the "homepage" field would help people, too.
  20. Yeah, no prob. I'll throw a watch on this thread so I get a notification when you update.
  21. For that, you'd be better off including a KSP-AVC .version file. A lot of users are going to grab a new version and just extract it into GameData without bothering to see that the folder name has changed, and then they'll have two competing versions. Also, I think if anyone wants to reference your parts using ModuleManager, every upgrade you make will break their scripts. (Say if they want to add some BDArmory hooks in to use these fantastic models for that.)
  22. Hi @spacetackle, this mod looks absolutely fantastic. One thing that would make things much easier for users, though, is if you took the version number out of the folder in the zipfile.
  23. Hello, lovely KF people! Really not meaning to hassle you at all, but I'm wondering if you're planning on uploading the last working KF to Spacedock at any stage, so that entry by "RichardKerman" can be removed? I'd really love to get things set up so that as soon as you push out a 1.1 release, your users can install it using CKAN.
  24. As a heads-up to anyone wishing to ask questions on the #ckan IRC channel, you are unlikely to get a response within 5 minutes. The channel subject says "Be patient in waiting for responses" for a reason. I think the web client might be a bit slow to update, too, so even if you do get an instantaneous response, you may not see it for a little while.
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