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Everything posted by politas

  1. I haven't run your program or looked at your code, and I'm not familiar with Python, so I really couldn't say. Supporting "depends" and "conflicts" relationships and metamods are obviously critical, so I assume you have that, and the various "install" modifiers would also be important to prevent mod authors getting reallllly annoyed. The CKAN project was always set up to separate the Spec, Metadata and Client, so that people can implement their own versions of the Metadata and Client. The Spec is really the only thing that can't be forked/reimplemented without breaking compatibility. I do think that you'll get more people willing to try out your client if you write back to the CKAN/registry.json. Users would know they can try out your client without being locked in, or needing to delete/reinstall mods if they want to switch back.
  2. Cool. Can I suggest you add a "Full implementation of CKAN Spec v1.18" to your To-Do list? At some stage we're going to add a new "replaced_by" relationship to the spec, but I've been too busy to work on that recently.
  3. I'll be happy to add that, but it won't appear in the main repo until you publish a full release on GitHub. We don't list pre-release mod versions on CKAN.
  4. If you go to the "Contents" tab of the large mods you wish to download, you can pre-download them, which I have found helps a lot with poor Internet connections. See my signature for the link to the error ticket for the Module Not Found on an unrelated module. That one is evading efforts to resolve it so far. Following those workaround instructions should solve your other problem, too.
  5. Click "Add New" in the "Select KSP Installation" window, browse to the folder where your KSP install is located, select the buildID.txt or buildID64.txt file, and then click "Open"
  6. Oh hai! I just found out that this existed! Very cool! Are you writing your mod installation data to the CKAN registry.json file so users can use both clients?
  7. Yep, CKAN will read the .version file included with each GitHub release and use that to set KSP version ranges. If you need to change the min version on one of the dependencies, the .netkan file will need to be updated, though.
  8. USI-EXP is failing to update because: Could not find UmbraSpaceIndustries/SubPack entry in zipfile to install Looks like @RoverDude needs to fix up the install instructions for that one.
  9. Shouldn't be a problem. It's just a tarball of .ckan files, grouped in folders named as the mod identifiers. Specifically, it looks like some of his AVC files need some work Unexpected character encountered while parsing number: :. Path '', line 1, position 3. is what NetKAN robot is reporting on USI-SRV, KaribouExpeditionRover and USI-SubPack. @RoverDude, are you about?
  10. You can use "Settings - Compatible KSP Versions" in recent CKAN versions to allow it to install mods like this that have not been marked as compatible with the latest version. Very useful for minor KSP version bumps. If anyone else can report successful testing, I'll put in a version override to extend Pilot Assistant to 1.2.2
  11. You need to select the buildID64.txt file. Find that file and delete it? You can separate the mode configs by using ModuleManager scripts that use the NEEDS keyword. I'm not entirely sure about the format, but there are plenty of mods with similar issues to handle that you can probably find.
  12. An "uninstall all" option has been raised before and will probably happen eventually. KSP has no copy protection, so you can just copy the entire KSP folder from your Steam library to another location to clone your KSP install. This is not a secret. The installed-default.ckan file is something CKAN uses to know which mods you have selected to install, and is used a little weirdly compared to other .ckan files. When you export to a favourites list, it just lists the mod names, and makes them "recommends" so that if any single mod is not available, the whole selection does not automatically fail. The idea is that a favourites list should be usable across different KSP versions, which will generally mean different mod versions will be compatible, and not all will be available.
  13. Got a workaround in place. Still not sure why the bot is failing, but people should be able to install, now.
  14. The ckan.exe program is all you download. a CKAN folder gets created in your game folder when you run the CKAN client successfully.
  15. There is a page that reports errors in crawling - http://status.ksp-ckan.org/. I wish we had enough people helping out with CKAN metadata to ensure that it gets checked regularly. There was an idea of having individuals responsible for a given netkan's maintenance, but that has not been successful. Too much turnover of volunteers. You need to select the build.txt or build64.txt file in the CKAN folder. Not forever. Work has been very busy since December; I'm doing a lot of overtime. Will be back to CKAN when things settle down. If anyone would like to step up and do some metadata updates, we always welcome new contributors and offer help and advice to get up to speed with the vagaries!
  16. Sorry, which of those statements is correct? They are contradictory. When you change the zip names, you break CKAN updates.
  17. We've said it before, and I'll say it again - There is no way to add "last updated" date for mods without completely rewriting the way we find mod updates automatically. It's not going to happen. We're talking replacing most of our infrastructure code.
  18. I've tried to reproduce that bug, but I haven't had any luck. Can you uninstall TakeCommandContinued and then reinstall it?
  19. I'll just add the caveat that it is always a good idea to close and restart CKAN after the refresh when doing major changes like this.
  20. If you look a little further up the thread, I just outlined a procedure that makes that quite easy to do. Save as favourites, uninstall everything, close CKAN, delete ModuleManager, open CKAN, refresh, close and restart CKAN, install from .ckan
  21. The Uninstall ModuleManager step should have uninstalled everything that depended on it, so that's weird. I should do a Wiki page on this procedure with pictures. It really is so much easier and quicker than people expect.
  22. Were it me, I'd do the Save as CKAN favourites, uninstall ModuleManager, refresh, restart, install from .ckan trick
  23. Assuming you're happing with merging it into the main CKAN release, just raise an issue and we can work it out together!
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