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Everything posted by politas

  1. It really doesn't take all that long to do. All your mods should already be in the CKAN downloads cache, and if you export your modlist as a favourites set and then install from .ckan, it's quite quick. Of course, if you have a bunch of mods installed under an earlier version of KSP that haven't been updated, you may lose them, but that could well be causing problems, anyway.
  2. Yes, though doing that is probably more complicated than you think. The CKAN has to store information about which files it installed, remove them, then store information about the new files as it installs them. Sometimes the storing of information can be screwed up, especialy if people accidentally have two copies of ckan.exe running. There's a change that should make it into the next release of the CKAN that should ameliorate that particular source of bad data. The CKAN is not slickly produced software, and its users should be aware of its limitations. It isn't a complete panacea for mod issues. Every now and then, it pays to clean out your GameData and reinstall from scratch.
  3. The place to go for CKAN installation issues is the CKAN Thread. We've got plenty of experienced users and a few team members eager to help!
  4. Cool. With .version files, GitHub is easier. WIthout, Spacedock gives us a KSP version.
  5. Latest release is back, but the earlier ones are still gone. Are you going to re-up them as well, or shall I just remove the CKAN metadata for them?
  6. Hi @Galileo! All the downloads for the original "High Res" version of this mod on Spacedock are returning a 404. @VITAS says there shouldn't be any issue with the servers at the moment. Are you in the process of moving to a different Spacedock ID for the High Res version or something? I'll have a look at adding the Low Resolution version to CKAN soon, if that's cool with you.
  7. I don't understand how CKAN could have the version file but the DLL. It should be installing them both from the same zip file on Spacedock, Edit: Just tried a clean install of Ship Manifest via CKAN, and the KSP log after I launched with it installed says ShipManifest v5.1.2.1. It seems to be installing correctly. @PapaJoe, if you'd like some control over the CKAN metadata for ShipManifest, we'd be happy to give you as much as you wish.
  8. Hi there,

    Very sorry to hear that you took your Deadskins mod down completely due to the CKAN team's policies and actions. I only just realised you had done so. 

    I've taken references to DeadSkins off of CKAN as per our new policy, and it will not be added back without your approval.

    Sorry for the delay, and for any problems the CKAN has caused you.


    1. Stone Blue

      Stone Blue

      Politas, Thanx for letting me know... I DO admit, my decision was a bit of a knee jerk, at the time... I wasnt too concerned whether it stayed up or not, as in its existing form, its not even my original work, and is open licensed as-is... I figured if anybody wanted it bad enough, someone would just re-host it somewhere, and resubmit meta for CKAN... Which is fine by me... :)

      However, I have plans to possibly add more parts/features to the mod, which I still have to see how the licensing would go, on MY contribution, when the base work is open... I also am not sure yet on whether I would want it on CKAN or not.. Most likely, yes... I have a few other, different mod projects in the fire, and hopefully will have something to release soon...

      Now that a mod dev can opt out, or have sole control over the meta, I am more inclined to have any thing I develop in the future, listed on CKAN.
      So THANK YOU for the HUGE compromise, that I know had to be made to make that happen... :)

      -PS... Its just a little creepy, that out of curiosity, I looked at the NetKAN listing on Github to see if it was indeed still listed, and then just a few hours later, you contacted me about it... lol


    2. politas


      That's a coincidence! I've been working my way through mods that were failing inflation.

  9. New "YongeTech Tech Trees Plugin Revived" will track ETT version numbers and KSP version. CKAN users will need to uninstall any existing YongeTech Tech Tree Plugin to cross-grade. Available now!
  10. Hi Roverdude - Seems we messed up a little with USI-Core - there's another PR that should fix it. https://github.com/BobPalmer/CKAN/pull/10

  11. If it comes in as a PR, Jenkins will test it for compatibility with existing metadata immediately, and a CKAN reviewer would need to do much less, potentially just check the install results and merge.
  12. Hi Bob!

    Would you like a hand with your CKAN metadata? USITools is failing because there are two .version files being installed. You can specify a specific file in the $vref entry, like this:

        "$vref": "#/ckan/ksp-avc/GameData/000_USITools/USITools.version",


    1. RoverDude


      Ah!  Yes please, can you toss a PR and can we then un-freeze them? :)

    2. politas
  13. Hi BlauerDaemon! Good idea creating a thread for this. I just tried it out for a mod and found it pretty good. Only issue I have is the empty "install" stanza. If no specific install instructions are given, It would be better to not include an "install" stanza at all. Apart from that, it might be worth talking to @godarklight about the code that Space-duck uses to create PRs to NetKAN.
  14. Now added to CKAN, with many thanks. I'll add the recommendation for (x)Science later.
  15. The one mod that caused the most issue in this regard is FAR. If we delete the folder, we delete the configuration settings it creates. If we don't delete the folder, Module Manager thinks the whole mod is there. Everyone blames this on CKAN. Why does Module Manager think FAR is there if there is no DLL?
  16. That would indeed be simple. Doesn't work with TextureReplacer texture set mods, though. Really, it takes a perspective gained from working with CKAN metadata for a while, so trust me when I say that there is no simple solution that will work for all cases. I don't think we can really clean up without some additional metadata about what files a mod might create, and even then, we'd need to prompt the user to make sure they want to delete the config.
  17. There is also the case of mods installing files into the same folder used by other mods (eg contracts for Contract Configurator, textures for TextureReplacer), so deleting the folder would break something else. There is no simple solution.
  18. Hi Berlin,

    I gather you've taken over the maintenance of StockVisualEnhancements. Congratulations! I would very much like to get SVE listed in CKAN properly. We had a good set of metadata at a couple of points in time, but quite significant structural changes kept breaking our metadata. For now, SVE is completely delisted. 

    Would you be happy for SVE to be back on CKAN? If so, I'd like to discuss what we can do to make CKAN install SVE correctly in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. politas


      I'm on Linux, and I'm using the CKAN installation. It has a dependency on Kopernicus, and puts the "SVE-Kopernicus" folder and all its contents in GameData.

    3. Galileo


      hmm well I just started the dl for SVE and I'm seeing this?kDtiFF0.png

      I don't know if you are just referencing the low res. version for the sunflare or not but it looks like its downloading 2 different versions of sve at once

      ok so I just tried the medium and low DLs and they don't seem to be DLing like that. so I would have to assume that the High resolution version would be messed up due to this :(

    4. politas


      We get the sunflare from the Low res, yes, since it's the smallest overhead. Once you've got that downloaded, it wouldn't have to do it again for Medium Resolution.

  19. CKAN has been able to (and has been) auto-updating Spacedock-hosted mods almost from the start of Spacedock.
  20. Sorry about that. We've had a change in policy. I'll take SVE out now. I think you may have added some Scatterer config files that aren't being handled by CKAN, so it's doing it wrong.
  21. If like to add a second vote for SVE - Stock Visual Enhancements
  22. I've started a new CKAN thread as a replacement for this one, now that I'm taking on the project leadership. Please continue discussions there.
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