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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. The last time I checked, the documentation you linked hadn't been updated to 1.0 yet, so it's somewhat out of date. Most of what's there is accurate though. If you use Visual Studio for plugin development, you can at least see all of the declarations in the object browser for the updated DLL, though of course almost none of it is documented. If you use MonoDevelop I'm not sure what the equivalent is. Finally, KSP is not open source, though all addons for it are (and they're a great place to find example code).
  2. I don't believe the stock code that makes this happen is accessible. That being said, you might be able to rig something to make this Kerbal Konstructs allows the placing new static instances. If you could write some code to detect clicks on these instances in the space center scene, you could use that to open a UI.
  3. I have no idea if any events are triggered on a database reload in the stock game, but if ModuleManager is installed, then its database reloads are very easy to detect. It will call any static method called ModuleManagerPostLoad, or any instance method with the same name on active MonoBehaviour objects.
  4. No, it works fine with FAR, because FAR re-voxelizes during animations.
  5. My art skills are pretty limited, and I've got enough part models sitting around that I need to finish. And as far as my role in B9 goes, I'm really just managing the maintenance port, not adding anything.
  6. The community fixes patch disables the auto-fairings. Not sure why. This line.
  7. Just a PSA: The landing gear are somewhat incompatible with stock aero. The new stock drag system requires drag cubes to be defined for the deployed and retracted states, and this is managed by the stock wheel module. So because the landing gear use FSwheel, and because I have no way of actually creating the drag cubes, they will always have their deployed drag. Since the landing gear are going to get legacy status anyway, I'm not going to devote resources to fixing this.
  8. No, it does not depend on anything in regular B9 Aerospace mod.
  9. KK statics are defined by cartesian x,y,z coordinates rather than latitude/longitude, so no, the information doesn't exist in the mod folder (unless you want to do some trigonometry).
  10. The SCIMITAR has the same air-breathing Isp as the stock RAPIER, and the BROADSWORD has slightly better.
  11. Should be, yeah. Do note that textures need to be flipped vertically for KSP, though many converters set this automatically.
  12. Correct, there's no DDS option in the part tools - you have to replace the outputted textures with DDS versions. As for other converters, I listed several in the OP. I tend to use some combination of Nvidia's tools and Lilleman's converter
  13. You only need DXT5nm for normal maps, and there are plenty of other converters out there. What about DDS doesn't work for you?
  14. They are not. To my knowledge that would be exceedingly complicated and time-consuming to implement.
  15. In 1.0.x the CoM of the jets has been offset so that it's actually in front of the engine nozzle, as it should be. Not sure how reasonably it is placed though.
  16. Yes, that's it. Notice that engines which do vector in real life (e.g. F119, AL-41) keep that vectoring capability.
  17. The simplest way I can think of is to install Modular Fuel Tanks, and if that's not already set up for Interstellar it should be pretty simple. Unfortunately the Firespitter fuel switch module isn't very easily adjusted across many parts.
  18. ctrlSurfaceArea is a fraction of total area, per Porkjet's post. I agree that having at least reasonable values for the legacy parts is generally a good idea. The one thing I wouldn't worry about at all is cost.
  19. The procedural wings appear to follow the Porkjet formula pretty closely. It doesn't account for thickness, but neither does FAR (which overrides all of the wing masses). - - - Updated - - - Also, don't worry about the wings too much. Per discussions I had with bac9, they will eventually be moved into a legacy parts pack, since the procedural wings make them largely unnecessary. Same goes for landing gear (BD's adjustables are much more versatile), and eventually the mk1/2 parts once the new ones are in a functional state.
  20. Sounds good. If they both have the same area then it's probably just a mistake. The best reference for stock wing values right now is this post by Porkjet. Do the stock wings not follow this relationship?
  21. The tanks use Firespitter fuel switch. The Firespitter plugin is probably installed incorrectly.
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