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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. That was fixed recently. Make sure you have the latest version.
  2. You have a very high TWR, so evidently it's not pure lack of thrust that's the problem. That being said, I tested the engines under FAR, and as I recall, the stock atmosphere is still a bit soupy. The thrust curves fall off pretty aggressively with mach number, but perhaps they fall off too quickly for stock aero. I'll take a look at this eventually, but more information on this and how much of a boost is needed at what mach numbers would be helpful.
  3. Minor bug report: In CryoEnginesFuelTankSwitcher.cfg you have :NEEDS[!modularFuelTanks]:NEEDS[!RealFuels], however, MM will only accept one NEEDS node, meaning that this will be applied even in the presence of RF. It should be :NEEDS[!RealFuels&!ModularFuelTanks] EDIT: CryoEnginesModularFuelTanks.cfg also needs :NEEDS[!RealFuels] on all of its patches
  4. The actual download is only about 80 MB - the listed size of the repository includes previous versions of stuff which aren't included when you download it. And it's still in development, which changes can and will occur. If you want an elegant solution, learn how to use git so that you can have a local copy of the repository and have it pull only the necessary changes.
  5. You're right, I messed up the stack nodes. Should be fixed now.
  6. Download this file: https://bitbucket.org/blowfishpro/b9-aerospace/raw/c09f1a6315681a135b54883f87c047198ad575db/GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_S2_W_Body/Body-Front-Intake.cfg and use it to replace the one at in GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_S2_W_Body/
  7. Depends. The game converts most things to DDS when you load the game anyway, so in some sense all you're wasting is loading time, though I recall that the converter uses a fair bit of RAM when it runs.
  8. There are no plans to give them functionality, no. But it's not immediately clear how they should work to begin with. The real (planned) SABRE could not function without the precooler - the compressor does work by extracting a temperature difference between the air and the fuel. So we could require precoolers for the engines to function, but that doesn't seem very interesting. Alternatively, the precoolers could extract heat from the engines, but (1) that's not really realistic and (2) You're basically in the same situation where you need precoolers in order to do anything useful with the engines.
  9. There is, actually. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it's pretty simple and I'm betting it will compile with minor changes if any on 1.0.4. I could try that if you're interested.
  10. Perhaps the air race markers depend on Kerbinside textures?
  11. If you just redownload the cfg for the S2W intake it will be fixed, but the download really isn't that huge. - - - Updated - - - The SABREs? That's odd, they have no mach dependent heating. Maybe it's related to the issue below? So here's the thing. The precoolers don't actually do anything. It looks like you have some mod that *makes* them do something, but it's not B9. And whatever that mod is, it's not working properly.
  12. I recall reading that launch clamps following your vessel is a stock bug that may or may not be made worse by world/launch site modification. Probably not much that can be done about it.
  13. You can fix it yourself. Open up GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml and add the following line: <string name="exemptModuleType5">ModuleJointMotorTest</string> after the other exemptModuleType lines.
  14. Thanks for the info. If more reports about this surface I'll look into it more, but for now I don't think there's much that can be done. Good catch. Fixed.
  15. It's definitely possible to get to orbit, you just have to manage your ascent path. If you're using FAR, you can use the dynamic pressure (Q) indicator - thrust is roughly proportional to Q, so if it drops too much it will kill your thrust. I try to keep it between 30 and 50 kPa for the whole flight, but going a bit higher isn't necessarily bad. I don't usually pay attention to the altitude indicator on my flights (mach and Q are better descriptions of plane performance), but I can tell you that I have no trouble reaching mach 5 before switching modes.
  16. There are a few scripts in the DDSLoader thread that should work.
  17. Hmm ... I can't seem to replicate this, and I can't imagine what might be the cause. My guess is that it has something to do with some small perturbation and sudden physics forces (Kraken attack), in which case there's nothing we can do about it. If you actually intend to use a design like this, try again with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, which dials up the physics forces gradually rather than applying them all at once.
  18. No problem. I will add though that the Kerbal Konstructs plugin is built against 1.0.x so there's no guarantee that it will work on 0.90, and as more things change you're likely to see errors.
  19. Ehh, I think it's fine to answer here. The reason is that thrust now falls off with atmospheric density, which it did not in 0.90. Thrust also increases with speed though, so you really just need to go faster to go higher. I will add that the way I have it set up right now, thrust falls off faster than in stock - in B9 it's linear with density whereas in stock it doesn't fall off that fast.
  20. The maintenance port linked in my sig is ~90% done. Most of the remaining stuff is not game breaking.
  21. If you're using the latest version of Kerbinside then it will not work on 0.90 because the textures have been converted to DDS. There is a workaround though - go find sarbian's DDSLoader plugin and install it. BTW, we have a maintenance port of B9 going which is ~90% done. Link in my sig.
  22. A screenshot of the craft at least would be helpful. Also, have you narrowed it down to this exact combination of parts? As in, it only happens with this exact combination of wing pieces (but any fuselage)? - - - Updated - - - bac9's updated mk2 fuselage conforms to the new, symmetric mk2 shape and is thus reversible. He posted a test pack some pages back.
  23. Noted and fixed. - - - Updated - - - To anyone who reported that the gimbals weren't working - I figured out the cause - the DLL wasn't included in the repository. It is fixed now.
  24. You use Blender, right? I've never had edge split behave incorrectly, but maybe there are some particular cases I haven't seen.
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