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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. It's real for supersonic engines (with adjustable nozzles). The simplest way to explain it is that ram compression increases the density of air entering the engine, and thus thrust increases.
  2. It would require a new fairing module that actually calculated part occlusion in the correct way.
  3. As with real jets, you're often limited by engine heating rather than thrust/drag, and the ram effect drives more thrust at higher speeds if you can manage it. The SR-71 could have exceeded Mach 3.3 easily but would have melted the engine compressor. If remembering to throttle the engines at speed is too much, I can add some artificial falloff back into the engine curves.
  4. This sounds like no small task, and I commend you for taking it on. It might be too much to ask, but is it possible that somewhere in this process the base definitions could be made more modular? As in global base coordinates with local offsets rather than a collection of separate instances that happen to be next to each other?
  5. Check inside the cockpit to make sure it's filled with voxels. I know there were issues with the QuizTechAero parts previously.
  6. Stock is definitely easier in most respects, I'll say that. But yeah, with a properly area-ruled craft in FAR you might barely even notice the sound barrier, whereas in stock you basically just have to try and ram everything through it.
  7. It is working, and it's awesome. This behemoth only has 4 m^2 wave drag:
  8. Couple of questions: 1) Should the challenge be based on a particular version of FAR? The latest development version have ducted area ruling for engine nacelles, which is ... hard to say no to. 2) Are fuel pumping mods like TAC FB acceptable?
  9. Really, the only stock aero thing that isn't working right now is that the cargo bays don't have their drag cubes set up.
  10. I added a :NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] to the node definition. This should resolve the incompatibility.
  11. Uhh ... download and install the air race package from the OP?
  12. Other than airbrakes not working I'm not aware of any serious issues.
  13. Ducted area ruling for engines is pretty awesome. I thought my massive RAPIER/nuke engine clusters would never work in FAR, but now they have no trouble
  14. I haven't looked specifically but I believe they should work in stock aero.
  15. The changes in 1.0.3/4 were mostly in areas that won't affect this. There's a good chance it's still working.
  16. You need a larger vertical tail Putting AoA deflection on your pitching surfaces helps a lot: maybe -100 on canards and +100 on elevators.
  17. The problem I was encountering was that the wings think they are shielded, i.e. part of the hull rather than actual wings. (EDIT: Unimportant) I imported the type A wing into Blender and the collider is neither solid nor convex. I suspect your solution will work (haven't tested yet), but if you need it on every part, then there's something seriously wrong with the colliders. EDIT2: My issue with FAR is something unrelated. I would still recommend updating the colliders though.
  18. The wings don't appear to be working under FAR, and I suspect that it's because the colliders are not solid. Please, always make colliders solid, convex (and marked as such in Unity), and with 255 faces or less. If you need anything that doesn't fit those specifications, you can always divide it up into multiple colliders.
  19. And note that many real airliners carry their engines even lower. I believe there are a few reasons it works: 1) Pitch stability creates a natural nose-down torque, while the engines create a nose-up torque, and these two partially cancel each other out 2) The plane can take off without nosing up much if at all (combination of angled wings, camber, flaps, and slats), meaning that the landing gear can be placed relatively far behind the CoM.
  20. Good catch. Firespitter has been updated in the repository.
  21. Then something is updating an animation continuously. I saw this problem with FSAnimateThrottle.
  22. There's nothing that distinguishes the two as far as the engine nozzle is concerned.
  23. Perhaps I'll just say that it'll be released next week in Valve time
  24. As a general rule, ETAs don't exist. It's being worked on though, and most things are functional. You can find a link to the development version in my sig.
  25. I will add that rocket Isp was also needed somewhat (this time perhaps not so realistic). But it shouldn't be expected that craft from an earlier version will still work as they did.
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