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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. That doesn't work, since the engine has to spool up from zero every time you switch modes.
  2. The Tunguska is an upper stage. Having the same thrust as a smaller lower stage rocket isn't unreasonable. Also to my knowledge, landers don't tend to use cryogenic fuel, especially hydrolox.
  3. Parts, Agencies, Resources, etc are all loaded from the game database. The game database contains the contents of all .cfg files found in GameData (except those in a PluginData folder).
  4. Is the online config generator up-to-date? I'm trying to generate configs for the SpaceY Expanded engines but I want to be sure that the config it's giving me is actually correct Also, are there any rules for mixture ratios. For hydrolox in particular, I see a lot of mixture ratios (in the spreadsheet) varying from 5 to 6, but not discernible pattern as to when a higher/lower mixture ratio is used.
  5. You're looking for RSS Visual Enhancements (based on EVE, WIP at the moment I think).
  6. In discussions with bac9, we agreed that the HX parts should be separate, and they will be in the next release.
  7. And you're sure this happens without Kerbinside? If so, you need to post your output log just like any other support request.
  8. That bug is usually the result of invalid (nan) values when applying physics forces. Probably not anything to do with Kerbinside. As often as not, that bug only happens once and isn't reproducible. If you keep getting it then it's maybe worth investigating.
  9. Is that supposed to be a support request? If so, you're going to have to do a lot better.
  10. The only issue with the HX parts right now is that the hangars are very draggy. bac9 has made some very nice disposable shields for them, which I will work on integrating when I get the chance. Unfortunately this will only work in FAR - in stock aero, I think I'll just mark them as cargo bays with solid drag cubes and the shields will be purely aesthetic.
  11. Firespitter has a PartModule that gives you info when you press a particular button - the module name is FSinfoPopup. It's used in B9.
  12. It might help with crowdsourced bugfixing if you put everything in a Github repository. That way people could fork, edit, and submit pull requests, and all you have to do is review and merge
  13. It's really hard to say exactly what's going to break before it's released. Wheels will break for sure, but the B9 landing gear are getting legacy status, and it's possible the new wheel module will be backward compatible with some config changes. Plugins will need to be recompiled, and might need some changes. Beyond that it's hard to say ... there's a small chance that some parts will need to be re-exported but I highly doubt that.
  14. CrisK: ferram4 confirmed and addressed the bug one post above yours. Go download the dev version from Github and see if it's fixed.
  15. I can't seem to find any references for the turbine inlet temperature. Some sources seem to imply that it is largely just an enlarged J57, which we already have, but truthfully I can't find a reference for that either. EDIT: Just found a reference to 1150 K. I'll see about adding that. EDIT2: I also need the dry SFC and thrust though, which I can't seem to find.
  16. It's very easy to delete things on your own, since it's all organized into folders. Just delete the ones you don't want.
  17. I haven't looked at the Space Center scene specifically, but it looks like OnGuiAppLauncherReady doesn't fire when it used to. Your best bet now seems to be to create the button in Start() and as far as I can tell, the app launcher is ready by then.
  18. I've used that feature plenty of times. It compiles fine in Visual Studio against .NET 3.5. Not sure about Monodevelop.
  19. Forum user, have you actually checked CKAN to see if this mod is already there?
  20. But if you can do that at altitude than you can do that at sea level. It seems that what you want more is variation with throttle rather than atmosphere. Density is one possible factor - full flow is achieved at 1.225 kg/m^3, but it will vary with temperature, so in particular during the day the actual density is likely to be lower.
  21. Be careful, you may be confusing atmosphereCurve, which defines Isp as a function of altitude, and atmCurve, which defines flow as a function of altitude. It is possible to do what you say, but it's not exactly accurate - if the pressure gets low enough the engine will flame out but until then, the only thing that matters for engine performance are the pressure ratios involved, and those stay the same. If anything, most jet engines will gain a bit of efficiency at higher altitudes because the temperature of the air is lower. Flow should change with altitude regardless though - the air is thinner meaning that the total mass flux entering the engine should scale with pressure.
  22. I don't think there's a specific pass that runs before :FINAL, but you could make your patch :FOR[zMyMod], which would make it run after almost everything else
  23. FSEngineSounds uses thrust/maxThrust to produce its output, rather than normalizedOutput, which is the new (correct) way to do it. Since maxThrust isn't really meaningful in AJE, it's no surprise that this isn't working as expected. Not much that can be done on AJE's end, again ideally the firespitter modules would be forked and made to interface with AJE, but that's not a short-term project.
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