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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. As Nertea said, this isn't really consistent with what's in the game. Kerosene is a reasonable approximation, but arguably LF/O is actually much closer to a hypergolic combination like Aerozene+NTO because of (1) the density (2) NathanKell actually balanced the Isp values to be close to modern hypergolics and (3) There is no boiloff for either propellant
  2. Tdes is the static air temperature, so 1023 is too high. I'm skeptical that this is even needed though. Mdes and Tdes are used as the mach and temperature at which the specificed CPR is the actual compression ratio. But the impression I've gotten is that the compression ratio specified for engines is usually for static conditions, not at the "design" point of the engine. But this predates my time working on AJE so I've mostly left it alone.
  3. @Verran unfortunately, you currently can't set minThrottle. It's being calculated to ensure the pressure in the tailpipe is above ambient. But you can set idleNPR which will determine how much above ambient it will set to. The default is 1.1, you can try setting it to 1.05 or lower (just make sure it's above 1).
  4. @Meltdown I'd recommend using the config generator linked in the OP. Trying to do this by hand is bound to lead to mistakes.
  5. Yeah that does sound weird. Might just have to do with how the stock effects are configured, but there sound be at least some sound at idle. Is the phantom EC generation you speak of at idle (engine active, 0 throttle) or when the engine is shut down? Also I'm going away for about a week and a half starting Wednesday, so feel free to bug me about this stuff again in a couple of weeks.
  6. @Flashblade ... not sure if you kept the craft file but if so...
  7. Well you can't have both. A module can only have one name (I think if there are multiple then it will use the first). But yeah, now that I think about it, RealPlume would need to be configured specifically to work with AJE (at least for anything with an afterburner).
  8. Yes, at least the last time I checked (which wasn't that long ago). I know that RO/RF uses a different module for mode switching, but I don't really understand how it works.
  9. @hypervelocity RO patches are in RO, not B9, sorry, so there's nothing I can do from B9's side
  10. AJE mostly just modifies the stock effects to work better with AJE. It doesn't change how they look.
  11. If RP is converting back to ModuleEnginesFX, then the fix needs to be on RealPlume's side. I'll build for compatibility where possible, but trying to fight other mods' patches is going to lead to issues.
  12. Well appending and prepending is different. In this case there are only two special characters to remember, * (which matches any number of characters) and ? which matches any one character. I believe the other thing you're thinking of is this: @value ^= :expression:replacement: This is used to replace, append, or remove some part of the value. The expression is a regular expression, which is far too complicated to explain here, but there are plenty of guides online.
  13. I think you could just use string matching to search within tags. It would be somewhat messy to do multiple though @PART[*]:HAS[#category[Utility],#tags[*cck-eva-items*],#tags[*props*],~tags[*KIS*]]
  14. Drag and Lift Drag and lift in KSP are proprtional to dynamic pressure, which is equal to 0.5 * density * velocity2 . Note that it will also change based on your orientation, and that wings have their own lift and drag curves which are functions of mach number (which are defined in physics.cfg) Rocket engine Thrust Rocket engine thrust changes with static atmospheric pressure (interpolating linearly between the min and max thrust) Jet Engine Thrust Jet engine thrust changes with static pressure and mach number. Both are defined by curves in the part's config file. For pressure, you will get 100% thrust at sea level and 0% thrust in a vacuum, but at 50% atmosphere you will get somewhat more than 50% thrust (exactly how much varies from engine to engine). For mach number, thrust generally grows up to a point then starts falling off. Where that point is depends on the engine.
  15. Sounds like you're trying to load a very old craft file. The pylons were removed a while back. They are integraded as options into the engines now, so are not needed. The landing gear will only show up if you have installed KSPWheel separately. But a few weeks ago they wouldn't have existed at all. If really, really need this craft, I can help you with the pylon issue. But if it's that old, then you might be better off starting from scratch. Balance has changed, so the craft probably won't work the way it used to anyway.
  16. @TaxiService you can do it using reflection, but can I ask why? Generally replacing stuff that isn't meant to be replaced leads to trouble.
  17. taniwha has a script for fixing lights illuminating the world, see this issue in B9: https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/issues/18
  18. Oh, yeah probably should have warned you about that (and probably also thought of it myself when these problems started arising). Sorry for all the trouble!
  19. Where do the drag cubes on the cargo bay come from? Maybe there was an error in copying them?
  20. Yeah, the latest is bundled. I'll update the release download when I have time. E: For everyone who's already downloaded, just downgrade Smokescreen to 2.7.0
  21. If you have RF, boiloff is managed by RF, and there's not active cooling.
  22. B9 Aerospace v6.3.1 for KSP 1.2.2 is now available! Fix CryoTanks patch not working Fix wheels breaking over 10 m/s Remove wheel sounds effects that weren't working Increase load rating and brake torque of larger wheels Increase heat tolerance of Mk2b cockpits If you're using the wheels, please make sure you update to KSPWheel or later. There is an important change to how wheels take stress damage in this release.
  23. B9PartSwitch v1.7.1 for KSP 1.2.2 has been released! Fix an occasional NRE when building part info. I believe this only happened in the case that something was wrong to begin with, but it's better to clean up regardless.
  24. I think you're right. I think we originally intended those cockpits to be mostly for atmospheric flight, but given the lack of other options (BahamutoD's Mk22 cockpits are only semi-available nowadays) it probably makes sense to rate them for orbital flight. And this is Kerbal Space program, after all
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