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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Nope, sorry. ModuleManager only operates on the game database (roughly speaking, everything in GameData), and save files are outside of that.
  2. I think it listens for the onEditorShipModified game event. Most UI events will trigger that automatically.
  3. KSP not loading points to something more serious going on. Logs, as usual, probably hold the answer. You shouldn't need to call GetModuleCost yourself. KSP will call it automatically when the ship updates in the editor to recalculate the cost. Also in your code UpdateCost has no return type. That won't compile...
  4. nameof is a language feature included in C# 6. You will need Visual Studio 2015 or higher to use it (not sure what the requirements for MonoDevelop are). My understanding is that it's evaluated to a string at compile time.
  5. I wrote configs a while back, but they might be out of date at this point. Haven't actually looked at them in quite some time. At this point I would consider the ramjet to be broken. I have plans to redo it, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  6. Glad you got it sorted. I have a couple of suggestions though: There's no need to put an index on the UPGRADES node since there will only be one I'd recommend not relying on the index if possible. The order can change and I've found this very difficult to diagnose when it does. You can identify the UPGRADE node by it's name__ value @UPGRADES { @UPGRADE:HAS[#name__[dm_antenna_upgrade]] { @antennaPower = 6000000 // (6M) } }
  7. Still working on the wheels, but as a PSA Adjustable Landing Gear have returned as part of Kerbal Foundaries. Still some bugs to sort through (just found one today myself) but it seems but they might be usable.
  8. B9PartSwitch v1.6.1 for KSP 1.2.2 has been released! Switch percentFilled priority to resource -> subtype -> tank type -> 100% since resources can be overridden on individual subtypes now
  9. Yeah I think this made sense when you couldn't override individual resources at the subtype level but now that you can the individual resource should probably be the first thing considered. Should have a fix out shortly. E: very shortly, apparently
  10. Question: is anyone actually using the included tank types? It seems that most modders who bundle this made their own tank types and I moved B9 off of the included ones recently because I will need to change the B9 dry/wet ratios at some point soon. So if no one is using the included tank types I might remove them. @Jiraiyah Also I haven't forgotten about your request, just need to think about the implementation details a bit more. In fact, it works well with some stuff I wanted to change in B9 so expect support for this soonish.
  11. I think they all have minThrust set, so the thrust limiter will still work, just not the way you expect it to. In the case of the Globe X maxThrust is 614 and minThrust is 312 (about half). So if you set the thrust limiter to zero it will have about half of its original thrust, if you set it to 50% you will get about 75% thrust.
  12. B9PartSwitch v1.6.0 for KSP 1.2.2 is now available Allow tanks to be partially filled - percentFilled can be defined on the subtype, resource, or tank type (in decreasing order of priority), defaulting to completely full Allow toggling resource tweakability in the editor - resourcesTweakable can be defined on the subtype or tank type (subtype takes priority), default is whatever the standard is for that resource Allow RESOURCE nodes directly on the subtype If the resource already exists on the tank, values defined here will override what is already on the tank (won't affect other subtypes using the same tank) If it isn't already on the tank, it will be added (won't affect other subtypes using the same tank) Add ModuleB9DisableTransform to remove unused transforms on models Major internal changes I did a fair bit of testing on the internal changes, but it's possible something slipped through the cracks so be sure to report any possible issues if you see them! But the changes should hopefully make adding new features much easier in the future (some of the features in this release couldn't have been done before). @Jso I believe what you wanted to do is now possible. Let me know if something more is needed.
  13. Okay, let's walk through this. We will build the patch bit by bit.
  14. Hold on a second, CLONE is not any recognized syntax in ModuleManager
  15. This mod has been on CKAN for a while. If you don't see it, it's because you're on KSP 1.2.2 and no version marked as compatible with KSP 1.2.2 has been released. Nertea does not maintain the metadata but it will update automatically for the most part.
  16. The new thread is live: @Red Iron Crown if possible, could you Add a link to the new thread at the top of the old thread Change the title so that people know to look for the new one. Maybe just "B9 Aerospace (old thread)" Lock the old thread (we didn't discuss this before but I think it's reasonable) Thank you for all your help!
  17. Attention all! B9 Aerospace has a new thread! See it here Please direct all future inquiries to that thread
  18. About This is the new thread for B9 Aerospace. The old thread is available here This pack adds a vast selection of new parts, introducing new spaceplane components such as new engines, cockpits, wings and fuselage systems, new structural components for orbital installations and colonies, and so on B9 was originally developed by @bac9, @Taverius, and @K3-Chris, now maintained by @blowfish and @Flashblade with help from many others Requirements The latest version is compatible with KSP 1.8.x. The bundled dependencies are for KSP 1.8.1 and may not work on other versions. All other KSP versions should be considered incompatible. If you are on an earlier version of KSP, however, you may be able to find a compatible version of B9 here B9 depends on several other mods to make it work. They are included in the download, and listed below in the "Dependencies" section. Installation Instructions You can install with CKAN and have the dependencies installed automatically. If you are doing a manual install, open the zip you downloaded, find the GameData folder and copy all of its contents into your existing GameData folder in KSP. If you already have any of the bundled mods, check which one is the latest version. Note that the core and HX packs come with the same version of some dependencies. B9 will not work unless installed correctly. If you're having issues, please verify that you have installed it correctly. Download Three packs are available for download: B9 Aerospace Core Pack - All of the main spaceplane parts B9 Aerospace Legacy Pack - Older Mk1 and Mk2 parts, modular wings. Requires the core pack and all of its dependencies B9 Aerospace HX Pack - Large blocky futuristic parts. Does not require the core pack, comes with its own dependencies Download mirror: S3 Also available on CKAN Changelog FAQ Q: The mod crashes the game for some reason, what can I do? Make sure that everything is installed correctly, your dependencies are up-to-date, and you are on the correct version of KSP. If you can't find the issue read this helpful topic and post the issue in this thread. Be sure to include your logs! If you are quite certain that you have found a bug, you can create the issue on our Github page. Try to provide as much detail as possible - logs, example craft, reproduction steps. Also be sure that the issue is reproducable with only B9 installed. Posts along the lines of "Its not working" or "Everything is broken" won't really help us much. Q: I don't understand a thing in those IVA displays, there are too many buttons and screens Here is a very helpful manual. Q: Why aren't you respecting stock balance? Mods should reference stock for the configs of the new parts, otherwise balance of modded game would be all over the place! While we try to respect stock balance as much as possible, there are a number of inconsistencies in the balance of stock parts that make it impossible to keep balance against every stock part. If something seem very far off of what it should be, feel free to ask in this thread. Q: I can't find those huge blocky parts from the opening image in my part catalog. Why are those missing? They were recently separated into another download as they mostly don't share dependencies with the main part of the mod and as many people prefer not to use them. Q: I can't find the modular wing pieces that are depicted on many screenshots of this mod. Why are those missing? They were removed and will no longer be developed. They are available as an optional download in the Bitbucket repository linked on top of this post, but we do not recommend using them. A far better option is using procedural wings, since you'll have just one part with just one material and just one texture covering any possible wing shape then. Good for performance, good for design freedom, good for looks. Grab the procedural wings here. Q: Why aren't procedural wings integrated into the main B9 package? Because they have entirely separate dependencies and are maintained by different folks. Merging them will only needlessly complicate updates. Pictures New Mk1/Mk2 Parts HX Parts Old Screenshots Dependencies Core Pack B9AnimationModules plugin by blowfish B9PartSwitch plugin by blowfish Firespitter plugin by Snjo and RoverDude ModuleManager plugin by ialdabaoth and sarbian RasterPropMonitor by Mihara and MOARdV SmokeScreen plugin by Sarbian Legacy Pack Depends on the core pack and all of its dependencies (not included in the legacy pack download) HX Pack B9AnimationModules plugin by blowfish B9PartSwitch plugin by blowfish ModuleManager plugin by ialdabaoth and sarbian SmokeScreen plugin by Sarbian Credits Old core team: bac9 - 3D modeling, texturing, editor tools Taverius - balance, 3D modeling, craft design, maintenance K3|Chris - 3D modeling, texturing, IVA New updates: blowfish - plugin code, maintenance, balance, coordination of new updates flashblade - various contributions V8jester and M4ck - stack node adjustments danfarnsy and JaredTheDragon - RPM fixes joshwoo70 - RT compatibility sparkybear - Part tags taniwha - Fix for planet-illuminating lights Contributors: Nazari - HotRockets Engine FX: forums jadebenn, Hyomoto, Helldiver - RPM MFD configuration. alexustas - RPM MFD configuration FPSlacker - HR exhaust pressure compensation Special thanks: DYJ C7 r4m0n Sarbian NathanKell egg snjo ferram4 Mu mrBlaQ License This work is shared under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Dependencies may come under their own licenses. Please check dependency documentation for details.
  19. @Volatar For what it's worth I think at this point the dust has pretty much settled on the Unity 5 upgrade and the stability improvements it brought to Win64 versions of KSP. I think many people, including mod developers, are only running x64 versions at this point.
  20. Yeah, it should be fine. AJE removes IntakeAir because it's no longer required but adding it back in should be fine. And yes, you'd want to target ModuleEnginesAJEJet
  21. You could write a patch that adds a nominal amount of intake airback to all AJE engines. I think that would have the desired effect
  22. Correct, they don't care about intake air. An intake rotated 90 degrees should work fine at a standstill, but the cosine should rapidly decrease as you gain speed (so eventually you will flame out). Is this not the case? In real jet engines, the intake and engine aren't separate components. At subsonic speed, the engine can suck however much air it needs through the intake, although if the opening is small enough you will run into issues of course. At supersonic speed, the shape of the intake does determine how much air it lets in, but then also many supersonic intakes adjust their shape to match flow to the air requirement of the engine. As far as adding a "turbine" part (isn't that really a compressor), I think that would be something along the lines of procedural engines, and I've thought about that in the past but it proves to be quite complicated. So unfortunately it looks like the way AJE works is incompatible with what you want to do at the moment. Sorry!!
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