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ratchet freak

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Everything posted by ratchet freak

  1. also from looking at the code behind the scenes depending on which picture you zoom in on you get a different set
  2. I'm pretty sure you can interleave and let the engine that you want to flame out first at the border of the looparound
  3. In other words if you want actual usable data in the resource tab you'll need to place all intakes first then all jet engines in the reverse order you want them to flame out in.
  4. In the resource tab there is a intake air gauge which isn't perfect but should help
  5. does your engine has gimballing? just the pod's torque is probably not enough
  6. about the intake air order what did the intake air in the resource panel look like? was there any intake air in the third case where the distribution looped over?
  7. unless we are allowed to attach a docking port you'd need to scoop it up and hold it in a cargobay unsecured or are we allowed to claw the probe body?
  8. you mean tweakable dimensions? length of the track, width, suspension travel and so on
  9. to practice the landing itself tweak out most of the fuel in th hangar. Then launch and take off then turn around, get to the mountains and practice the line up and approach the runway
  10. the centroid can be anywhere, in a RL car it's in line with the non steering back wheels (behind CoM), and you can put it behind the craft so in high speeds going left is like changing lanes on the freeway. like active 4 wheel steering: On the car on the right the centroid is behind it. For straight ahead the centroid is off to the side at infinity, for crabbing it's to the front or back, for turning in place it's under the craft itself. no it only means that each wheel needs to know the distance of the centroid to CoM and the speed CoM wants. Using a max speed on the outer does require a iteration over the wheels to find the wheel furthest but it only needs to happen once and once you have the max speed of the CoM you can pass that to each wheel.
  11. Launch a new craft with that amount of fuel using infinite fuel enabled in the debug menu, make sure you have a way of docking them together.
  12. You can set cones, to limit where the centroid will be allowed to be, And the speed difference is the same factor of distance to the centroid; if the inside wheel is D1 from the centroid and the outside is D2 then the speed of the inside wheel is D1/D2 times the speed of the outside wheel
  13. The key with my idea is that you need to have a single point all wheels orient themselves with and you have the attachment of the wheel and that point in the same frame of reference. This will mean each wheel can be looked at separately. Then using a LookAt transform you can grab a very good rotation matrix by having the "towards" vector in the direction of the steering axis (around which the wheel rotates to steer) and the "up" vector towards (or away from) the steering point, the new up will become the axle of the wheel. No need for a single trig function
  14. For the ackerman correction would it be possible to model the center of turn directly and then just point the axles of the wheels to it? Seems to be more straightforward than trying to derive angles.
  15. If you put them under the wing then the CoM shift as the tanks drain won't be as big as the static mass of the engines will be closer to the center.
  16. and we have a place for addons of all kinds, making the devs select endorsed addon would be a mistake
  17. but they will only go so fast before they can't add any more torque to the craft, you can take turns rolling left with reaction wheels and right with monoprop and still be able to get it to stop each time also internal friction of the gyro will eventually stop the wheels (or there has to be a constant drain of electricity) and reset the rotation speed unless you neutralize the angular momentum with RCS
  18. yeah but you can run out of electric charge and then eventually the wheels will spin down due to friction and the craft should revert to its initial rotational momentum
  19. The biggest problem with the reaction wheels in KSP is that they violate conservation of angular momentum in actual spacecraft spinning up/moving the wheel moves the craft but when you stop the wheel the movement stops. to stop out of control spinning you need RCS in KSP as long as you hold the button the craft will keep spinning faster and faster
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