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ratchet freak

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Everything posted by ratchet freak

  1. yes there is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67270-Throttle-Controlled-Avionics-1-4-0-25-0-%28October-14%29 it varies the throttle to add/remove torque in response to control inputs
  2. except the cargo bay only has a movable collision mesh now; no drag is reduced from the contained items
  3. check the resource tab to see if you have power (electricity) without it the reaction wheels won't function
  4. keep a post-it a list of actions and times that stuff needs to happen and quicksave and restore often
  5. it's a simple addition in the fragment shader (aka pixel shader) just add a blueish tint based on the depth of the pixel
  6. add more pitch control then, they are best places in front or at the back away from the COM
  7. also handy is if you want to create decals on large blank panels you can just cut out the area with the decal and give the blank area a much smaller slice of the texture while still allowing you to have detailed decals
  8. if you play hours on end and the nav ball remains there for a few weeks I can believe it will burn in there is a ui scale option in the graphics settings
  9. I recall a pic of a massive asteroid in the middle of the runway with a KAS tether and engine trying to move it
  10. You can download elsewhere and just copy the "<steam folder>/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program" folder over
  11. that's why reaction wheels and gimballed engines exist, if they don't work then you are out of power
  12. except a lot of them were already compatible This is not minecraft where the obfuscation mapping needs to be updated for each new version
  13. however the only way "damage" occurs in KSP is BOOM, (except the odd kerbal out: the rover wheels)
  14. problem with space plane is that you may want to roll down the runway for take off (if you don't have a >1 T/W ratio)
  15. you can also unlock steering of the front gear so yaw control can work on the ground
  16. it's the stock science lab, it has an option to clean the non-reusable experiments (goo and matter)
  17. or let you click parts and right click menus while pauzed (though with no effect until the next physics tick)
  18. or it is overheating and a failsafe just shuts it down you can diagnose it with a hardware monitor application that reads the temperature sensors, (or the sensor is busted which prevents the fans from speeding up and the OS from throttling the CPU) and can be fixed by refitting the cooling with new thermal paste
  19. they could just bypass unity's input setup and roll their own...
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