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ratchet freak

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Everything posted by ratchet freak

  1. Can you show the professions of the kerbals, even if just prefixing the names with PhD. for scientists, Ir. for engineers and Ct. for pilots
  2. though if you want the oriented angle it's possible to transform both vectors so that 1 is the X-axis, the normal for the positive rotation is the Z axis. and then plugging the x and y of the other values in atan2
  3. FYI Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow( _hitchObject.transform.right.magnitude, 2) * Mathf.Pow(_couplingObject.transform.right.magnitude, 2)))== _hitchObject.transform.right.magnitude * _couplingObject.transform.right.magnitude I just put it in as an optimization if for if you grab the squared magnitude directly (only 1 square root needed then instead of 2 if they were grabbed separately) and yes that is indeed just the angle between them. and projection should actually be vec - (planeNormal.normalized() * dot(vec, planeNormal.normalized())) I assumed you would have applied normal operator priority...
  4. in the plane of the vectors or a arbitrary plane? the first is acos(dot(vec1, vec2) / sqrt(vec1.lengthSq()*vec2.lengthSq())) the second is the same after projecting the vectors on the plane, that you can do by doing vec - planeNormal.normalized() * dot(vec, planeNormal.normalized())
  5. one thing to help with the tumble is to close the intakes as you shut down the jets, closed intakes have much less drag
  6. or you can disable the engines then the increasing throttle will do nothing because there are no active engines to be throttled
  7. Other wise use alt+e to trim roll to the right to overcome the tendency (alt+ command will add trim in that direction alt+x will reset it)
  8. move the wings up a bit (or mass down) or angle the tip upwards (adding a dihedral to them) that will improve roll stability
  9. The biggest barrier for including FAR isn't public outcry but license issues; both FAR and NEAR are "Licensed under GNU GPL v3" which means that if Squad includes either then it will need to open source KSP in its entirety unless they can get a separate license from ferram and he can guarantee he owns all the code in it. Otherwise if ferram suddenly gets greedy he can file a DMCA and block Squad from selling KSP
  10. I'm just waiting on someone to mirror wine so we could play KSP 64 linux on windows
  11. This is false, OpenGL is NOT a library but a free (as in free beer) API. Graphics card vendors will make their own implementations in the drivers that go with the card. They can create and release extensions to it but the process is quite restrictive. There is an open source implementation called MESA aimed to linux-like architectures however the latest version (10.4) only supports openGL 3.3 rather than the newest OpenGL 4.5. Some drivers will keep the buffer memory in application memory (allocated by the dll you have to load when accessing OpenGL) as a cache or move it to a different process like the memory allocated to the driver or on the GPU memory or in swap-space. What will actually happen is entirely up to the implementation and the restrictions the OpenGL spec provides (like that you should always be able to read your own buffers).
  12. except most mods tend to remain compatible as Squad tends not to touch most of the API available to modders for the updates in contrast to minecraft where a recompile is necessary for each new version
  13. CoM is by adding all the materials that go into the plane. All the rest is by Computer simulations and windtunnel tests and gut feeling on the ground. If you suspend a scale model in a windtunnel you can measure the various forces of the parts and decide whether to extend the wings another inch or not; do the modification and do the test again.
  14. you should be able to choose the 2 non alpha numberic chars used in base 64, - and _ are typically used in URI compatible outputs instead of + and /
  15. You can use the lab to grab the science and clean the experiment. Then store the science in the command pod. Requires 3 kerbals to work though.
  16. it's looping over the parts and doing (psuedo code): double totalMass = 0.0; vec4 center = vec4(0,0,0,0); for(part in vessel.allparts){ if(part.physicsEnabled){ totalMass+=part.mass; center.add(part.transformedCenter.scale(part.mass)); } } center.scale(1/totalMass); I'm fairly certain all parts are looped over several times during each physic tick doing much more complex calculations.
  17. look closely at the runway, there a small dot which is probably a normal crew capsule
  18. It's entirely possible to rewrite the strut code and still keep .craft compatibility so stop your worrying that all your struts will be broken
  19. There is a plugin somewhere that allows recalibration of console controllers for use with KSP, you might be able to plug into that code path
  20. The most important factor of keeping satellites in sync is orbital period. It doesn't matter that one is slightly away from ideal as long as they all have the same period than after each orbit they make they will be in the exact same spot every time.
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